THE RE-ENTRY LISTINGS All images and info Copyright by Ralph E. Trimble © (Click the underlined links in the left column to go to the photos/scans.) New Additions My Want List Return to Index Main Sections Below: Canada Imprints Provinces USA British Commonwealth Foreign Revenues Miscellaneous Scanning Tips Terminology Re-entry Classification System Literature Philatelic Links ProScope BNA Topics Shortcuts to Specific Issues Pence | Cents | Large Queens | Small Queens | 5 on 6 SQ | Registered Letter Stamps | Jubilees | Maple Leaf | Numeral | Map Stamp | King Edward VII | Quebec Tercentenary | Admirals | Historical | Scroll | Arch | Medallion | Post Medallion | Modern | Back of the Book |
PENCE ISSUE Scott #1-13 RE-ENTRIES Ten Pence Re-entries on Plate Proof - Photocopies
Canadas first stamps offer some beautiful re-entries for the specialist. Here I show you all of the Major Re-entries on the Three Pence, the ten or so Majors on the One Half Penny, the gorgeous Ten Pence (and scans of all of the re-entries taken from colour photocopies of a full proof sheet), and even the very scarce Major Re-entry on the 7 1/2 Pence. As I gain access to them, I’ll even throw in a 12d or a dozen.
DECIMAL ISSUE (First Cents) Scott #14-20 RE-ENTRIES Five Cents
The First Cents Issue along with the PENCE Issues are the true 'Classics' of Canadian philately. Hopefully, the items illustrated here will aid you in the identification of the major varieties of each value. (This page is dedicated to Geoffrey Whitworth.)
July 2018 - I decided to break up my single page of mixed plate positions for the 5¢ Beaver into four separate pages of 25 each. Each plate position now has its own space, and my many plate positions can now be found listed in their proper order, making it so much easier to find a particular position than before. Of course there are many positions left empty for now, but as time passes I hope to fill in more and more as I receive submissions from viewers. Please submit your scans at 1200dpi minimum on a black background, along with its plate position. I will check these against my Ken Kershaw books on the Five Cents Beaver and add them to my pages. Of course, many of the plate positions are quite normal and have no re-entries or flaws to speak of, so those spaces will remain empty. I hope these new pages will assist you in plating your stamps, and that you will contribute some of your stamps if you can help me fill any of the empty spaces, or if you have clearer copies of any of those I show here.
Scott #21-33 RE-ENTRIES |
There arent a great many re-entries on the Large Queens, but here are a few. There are 6 photos of Horace Harrison's best copy of the Major, plus two of a recent find by Jim Hennok. Added: A copy auctioned recently by John Talman. Added: Another copy reported by Bill Burden. Another copy found and reported by Glenn Archer.
SMALL QUEENS Scott #34-47 RE-ENTRIES Six Cents Plate A All 100 Positions |
The Small Queen Issue is without doubt the most studied and varied of all Canadian stamps. With its incredible multitude of papers, perfs, colours, shades, printings and constant plate varieties, this issue has something for everyone. But, of course, it is the fantastic selection of re-entries that interests me the most. I leave all of the other areas to those so-inclined specialists. For searching for re-entries on the light-coloured 1¢ and 3¢ values, you might like to try my method of using back-lighting. (This section is dedicated to Hans Reiche, Mike Sendbuehler and Bill Simpson.) On January 18th, 2003, Bill Simpson passed away in London, Ontario. Along with his Gold medal-winning collection of Small Queens, Bill was a great promoter of the hobby. In the summers of 1991 & 1992, Bill and his lovely wife, June, opened their home and their arms to a small group of dedicated philatelists for what came to be known affectionately as "Stamp Camp." With 'campers' from the Toronto area, Hamilton, and even as far off as Nova Scotia, Stamp Camp was several days of philatelic bliss. Bill made his vast collection of Small Queen materials available to us for study, photographing, and general panting and ogling. And of course, not only was the material the most extensive available for human eyes, but it was matched by Bill's incredible knowledge of his subject. Those summers will remain a part of my fondest memories forever. Goodbye, Bill, my friend. You shall be greatly missed. A major discovery has just been made...After years of controversy, it can finally be told that the plate used for the 6¢ yellow brown printing was possibly refurbished to become the ‘A’ plate! See the 6¢ yellow brown page for details, January 16, 2015 - I recently acquired a 1200dpi scan of a full sheet of 100 of the Six Cents Red Brown Small Queen, Scott #43, Courtesy of The Brigham Collection. Since there are many collectors who delight in plating these stamps based on their position dots, I decided that rather than just showing the re-entries I found on the plate, I would show all 100 plate positions to allow platers to really enjoy themselves. The images you see below are actually thumbnails that have been re-sized to my usual 12” wide images, so if you click on each image, you will be taken to a full size image which may fill your screen. This will allow you to do really close-up examinations of each and every position on the plate. I have included portions of the stamps to the left and to the right of each plate position to show the relative alignments of each design, as well as the position dots to the right of each stamp. I have made note for the positions that show evidence of re-entry and also associated Reiche & Sendbuehler numbers. (Coming soon.)
Scott #43 |
"The Most Remarkable Variety of Canadian Stamps" is how Winthrop S. Boggs described this stamp in his epic volume, 'The Postage Stamps and Postal History of Canada.' I heartily agree, but little did Mr. Boggs know that the story of this classic was far from over. This article was originally published in BNA TOPICS in 1993. Also, see the worst possible copy... (This page is dedicated to Bill Simpson & Bill Burden.)
There are a great many constant plate varieties on this issue. For those interested, I direct you to Horace Harrisons book, Canadas Registry System by Hennok, 1987. Meanwhile, here are some of the great re-entries found on this issue. This section has recently (Dec. 30, 2004) been separated into two pages, one for each value. A marvelous new unrecorded Major Re-entry has been found on the 2¢ RLS by Harry Voss.
JUBILEE ISSUE Scott #50-65 RE-ENTRIES Page 1 Sc. 50 - ½¢ Black 100 (10 X 10) Plate # 9 Page 2 Sc. 51 - 1¢ Orange 100 (10 X 10) Plates #5, 6, 15, 16 Page 3 Sc. 52 - 2¢ Green 100 (10 X 10) Plates #7, 8 Page 4 Sc. 53 - 3¢ Bright Rose 100 (10 X 10) Plates #1, 2, 3, 4, 11,12, 13, 14. 28, 29 Page 5 Sc. 54 - 5¢ Deep Blue 100 (10 X 10) Plate #10 Page 6 Sc. 55 - 6¢ Yellow Brown 50 (5 X 10) Plate #17 Page 7 Sc. 56 - 8¢ Dark Violet 100 (10 X 10) Plate #20 Page 8 Sc. 57 - 10¢ Brown Violet 50 (5 X 10) Plate #19 Page 9 Sc. 58 - 15¢ Steel Blue 50 (5 X 10) Plate #18 Page 10 Sc. 59 - 20¢ Vermilion 50 (5 X 10) Plate #21 Page 11 Sc. 60 - 50¢ Ultramarine 50 (5 X 10) Plate #23 Page 12 Sc. 61 - $1 Lake 50 (5 X 10) Plate #27 Page 13 Sc. 62 - $2 Dark Purple 50 (5 X 10) Plate #26 Page 14 Sc. 63 - $3 Yellow Bistre 50 (5 X 10) Plate #24 Page 15 Sc. 64 - $4 Purple 50 (5 X 10) Plate #22 Page 16 Sc. 65 - $5 Olive Green 50 (5 X 10) Plate #25 |
Here are some of the re-entries discovered so far on the Jubilee Issue of 1897. This page has now been revamped into 16 separate pages - one for each value. The Jubilees were printed in either sheets of 100 (10 X 10) or 50 (5 X 10) with plate numbers from 1 - 29. See the listings for each value.
A new page (Oct. 05) with two questionable stamps - re-entries or slip prints??
There are many lovely re-entries on this issue, including the Half Cent Black and Two Cents Purple. Here some selected items.
The first re-entry on the 8¢ value has now been located. And now, a second re-entry!
The Five Cents to Ten Cents page has been broken up into individual pages for each value.
NUMERAL ISSUE Scott #74-84 RE-ENTRIES - Majors through Minors
One Cent Major Misplaced Entries One Cent Majors (two pages) One Cent Majors page 2 Two Cents Majors (two pages) Two Cents Majors page 2
Some of the most incredible examples of the problems some siderographers ran into while laying down or repairing the steel printing plates are what we call MISPLACED ENTRIES. These occurred when the transfer roll was not set down on the plate in the proper position and portions of design were entered at least 0.5mm away from the proper position and sometimes as much as a whole half-design away. (More than a half-design away and it is not really possible to tell whether the stamp below or the stamp above was the intended position to be repaired. Here are some amazing examples. (This page is dedicated to Dr. Warren Bosch.) ONE CENT NUMERAL
Also, see below for some very special Numerals...
Major Misplaced Entries on the 1¢ Foreign Transfer on the 5¢ Numeral Major Misplaced Entries on the 7¢
Scott #75 |
This is THE most *INCREDIBLE* of ALL the Numeral varieties! Not since the 5¢ on 6¢ Small Queen have we seen such a tremendous variety, and its misplaced to boot. A marvelous new discovery has just been made in regards to this stamp. Not only ANOTHER plate position of this scarce variety, but it's location will knock your socks off! Click HERE to go directly to the page, or use the link at the bottom of the 10¢ on 1¢ page.
**An incredible foreign transfer, of a similar nature to the 10¢ on 1¢ Numeral, has come to light on the 5¢ Numeral. Click HERE, or follow the link on the Five Cents page.
**Several incredible new discoveries (2010) of major misplaced entries, of a similar nature to the 10¢ on 1¢ Numeral, have come to light on the 7¢ Numeral. Follow the link at the left to the Seven Cents page.
Scott #85-86
This issue is a real favourite of mine. Not only is it a very beautiful stamp, but it just teems with re-entries, retouches and red plate varieties. (This page is dedicated to the late Whitney Bradley.) ** I was saddened to read in the Sept./Oct. 2002 issue of The Canadian Philatelist (the Journal of the RPSC) that Ron Winmill* of London, Ontario has passed away. Many years ago, before Whit Bradleys book on the Map Stamp was published and I was studying Maps closely myself, Ron would send me packet after packet after packet of Map singles, blocks and pieces from his collection to study and record for my notes. He never requested any money for postage; all he required was that I enclose the cancelled stamps from his packages when I returned his Maps. He also sent me the mint postage to use when I returned his stamps. What a great deal! Tons of Maps to study, delivered to my door, for free. Not only did Ron help me with my early Map studies, but he also demonstrated the incredible generosity of so many collectors in this fine hobby. Thanks, Ron. And farewell. You shall be missed. * Ron was the author of The Evolution of Imperial Penny Postage and The Postal History of the Canadian 1898 Map Stamp published by Jim Hennok in 1982.
EDWARD VII ISSUE Scott #89-95 RE-ENTRIES Two Cents - Misplaced Entries Two Cents - Major Re-entries Two Cents - Re-entries
I consider the 5¢ Edward to be one of Canada's most beautiful engraved stamps. George C. Marler presented this and all the other values in his detailed study, "The Edward VII Issue of Canada" in 1975 and it remains THE master work on the subject. Here are just a few of the many wonderful re-entries to be found on this issue. (This page is dedicated to George C. Marler.) New: The Major Misplaced Entry on the 2¢ Edward, 86UL93. * June 2017 - I have divided the Two Cents Edward VII Issue into three separate pages: Misplaced Entries, Major Re-entries, Re-entries * September 2018 - Update of the 5¢ page is pending.
This issue is known for the Major Re-entry on the HALF CENT and 20 CENTS values, but the surprise comes from all the neat re-entries found on the ONE CENT value. * June 2017 - I have divided up the previous single page for the Tercentenaries into separate pages for each value that have re-entries.
ADMIRAL ISSUE Scott #104-140 RE-ENTRIES ONE CENT Green -Scott #104 1¢ Misplaced Entries & Major Re-entries 1¢ Major Re-entries (Continued) TWO CENTS Carmine - Scott #106 Green - Scott #107 THREE CENTS Brown - Scott #108 Carmine - Scott #109 FIVE CENTS Blue - Scott #111 Violet - Scott #112 SEVEN CENTS Yellow Ochre - Scott #113 Red Brown - Scott #114 TEN CENTS Plum - Scott #116 Blue - Scott #117 TWENTY CENTS Olive Green - Scott #119 FIFTY CENTS Black Brown - Scott #120
Misplaced & Re-entered Admiral Imprints
Even most non-re-entry collectors are familiar with the famed Major Re-entry on the 1¢ Admiral, but there are *SO* many more out there. Here are some to whet your appetites.
(These pages are dedicated to Hans Reiche.)
The 2¢ Admiral pages have been divided into separate Carmine and Green pages.
The Carmine section is now composed of three pages to accommodate all of the findings. Carmine Page 1 Carmine Page 2 Carmine Page 3
A new page has been added to begin the study of a possible over-rocked transfer roll on the 3¢ brown Admiral. The single 3¢ page has been separated into one for brown and one for carmine. Another new page has been added to show 15 copies of 3¢ brown Admirals with strange vertical columns of dashes in the upper left. Cause is unknown. A new page added for Admiral Booklet Pane re-entries. A new page added for Admiral Coil stamp re-entries. (Sept. 29, 2009) * June 2017 - I have done a revamp of the 1¢ and 2¢ pages, adding many full stamp scans as many of viewers have requested. The single 1¢ Admiral page has been divided up into FOUR separate pages: Misplaced Entries & Major Re-entries, Major Re-entries (Continued), and Re-entries, as well as a separate page for Misplaced & Re-entered Imprints on The Admiral Issue.
Scott # 162-183
Yes, you will find the well-known Major Re-entries on the 1¢ Orange & Green here, but also the Retouch on the 1¢ Green AND a marvelous new re-entry on the 2¢ Green and Red found by Dr. Jim Watt.
Scott #195-200
There aren't many re-entries on this issue, but a couple of nice ones do exist. Indeed, an attempt was made to correct them by retouching the plates by hand, but the positions are still detectable.
Scott #202-585 |
This area covers the large span between 1933 through to 1953 and takes in a number of prominent issues. However, because re-entries are scarce after 1932, those known are presented together in this one place.
Scott #586-Present
Here are some of our more recent re-entries, including a Caricature Booklet stamp re-entry, Canada's newest re-entry.
**Finally listed in the 2006 Unitrade Specialized**
BACK-OF-THE-BOOK RE-ENTRIES Including: Postage Dues |
This area covers all of the back-of-the-book material, except for the Registered Letter Stamps, which are found above, following the Small Queens listings, keeping them in the proper time period. |
Unbeknownst to many collectors, the siderographers, when laying down the images on the plates, sometimes also had difficulties getting the plate imprints in their proper positions. This page contains a surprising array of such Misplaced Imprints from Pence to Provinces to Postage Due, including a misplaced and burnished imprint coupled with an incorrect plate number, both misplaced in different directions. There is also a Bluenose with a misplaced serial number!
Of course, we can by no means limit ourselves to strictly Canadian stamps when there are so many beautiful examples from our Provinces. Here are some selections from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. (I am trying to get as many of these catalogued as possible.)
USA REVENUE STAMPS - Before I enter my own section on U.S.A. Revenue Stamp Double Transfers, I am pleased to present a Specialized Collection of these stamps by Mr. Karl Lackemacher, a student of these issues who specializes in the plating of the various issues. He very generously offered to send me the scans of several hundred varieties (double transfers, foreign entries, various scratches and blobs) asking if I would interested in adding them to my website. I of course jumped at the opportunity! While Mr. Lackemacher does not every single stamp shown here, most of them are his, and there are some spectacular items!
With all of the above, far be it for me to even suggest that Canada is alone in our creation of re-entries. Yes, folks, siderographers all over the world have given us a tremendous variety of incredible re-entries to search for and enjoy. Here are just a few, starting with our neighbour to the south, the United States of America. A new page has been added for re-entries on the 2¢ brown issue of Hawaii, Scott #75, of 1894. *August 2018 - A complete revamp of the USA section is in progress - I am dividing up the loooong USA page into much smaller sections to make it easier to locate the stamps you wish to find, without having to scroll through the entire list. (For links below that are not underlined, these pages have not been completed as yet, so please refer to the MAIN link to the left, U..S.A RE-ENTRIES.) United States Double Transfers have now been divided up into 20+ separate pages. The sections are as follows: USA 1 Scott #1-229 USA 2 Scott #230-245 The Columbian Issue. The 1¢ to 50¢ values each have their own page. The $1 to $5 values are all on one page. Scott #230 1¢ Columbian - Deep Blue Scott #231 2¢ Columbian - Brown Violet Scott #232 3¢ Columbian - Green Scott #234 4¢ Columbian - Ultramarine Scott #234 5¢ Columbian - Chocolate Scott #235 6¢ Columbian - Purple Scott #236 8¢ Columbian - Magenta Scott #237 10¢ Columbian - Black Brown Scott #238 15¢ Columbian - Dark Green Scott #239 30¢ Columbian - Orange Scott #240 50¢ Columbian - Slate BlueScott #241 $1-$5 Columbians USA 3 Scott #246-330 USA 4 Scott #331-536 USA 4B Scott #467 Perf 10 + 505 Perf 11 Foreign Entries - The 5¢ on 2¢ Errors USA 5 Scott #537-703 USA 6 Scott #704-802 New Info added on the 1994 BEP Souvenir Sheet Double Transfers by Michael D. Smith * Issue 1 - The Major Double Transfer * Issue 2 - The Other Double Transfers on These Sheets USA 8 Official Stamps Scott# O1 - O163
A SPECIALIZED COLLECTION OF USA REVENUE Double Transfers (Thanks to Mr. Karl Lackemacher)
Page 1 USA Revenues First Issue Scott # R1-R13, Stamp Numbers 1-38 Page 2 USA Revenues First Issue Scott # R14-R30, Stamp Numbers 39-80 Page 3 USA Revenues First Issue Scott # R32-R42, Stamp Numbers 81-98 Page 4 USA Revenues First Issue Scott # R44-R65, Stamp Numbers 99-127 Page 5 USA Revenues First Issue Scott # R66-R96, Stamp Numbers 128-162 Page 6 USA Revenues Second Issue Scott # R103-R133, Stamp Numbers 163-183 Page 7 USA Revenues Third Issue Scott # R134-R172, Stamp Numbers 184-186 Page 8 USA Revenues Proprietary Issue Scott # RB1-RB31, Stamp Numbers 187-189 Page 9 USA Revenues Foreign Transfers All Issues, Stamp Numbers 190-205 |
(My Collection) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
First Issue 1862-1871 R1 - R96 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Second Issue 1871 R103 - R133 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Third Issue 1871-1872 R134 - R172 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Battleships 1898 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Moving on to the many British Commonwealth countries, we have a great many to choose from. Reports and scans of all other re-entries would be welcome. Please scan at at least 1200dpi.
Back to Top | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This area encompasses all of the other countries not mentioned so far. I have a couple of really nice ones, including one that will knock your socks off.
CANADA Bill Stamps: Second Issue: Low Values; $3 Proofs Third Issue (coming) Gas Inspection Electric Light Inspection Electricity & Gas Inspection Weights & Measures Customs Duty PROVINCE OF NEWFOUNDLAND Customs Duty PROVINCE OF QUEBEC Registration (Beavers)
Who Am I? | A short autobiography of yours truly. |
Re-entry Terms | Definitions of re-entry, fresh entry, misplaced entry, foreign entry, double transfer, shifted transfer, slip print, kiss print, dry print, etc. |
Classification of Re-entries & Misplaced Entries | Classification System I developed to distinguish between Major Re-entries, Strong Re-entries, Re-entries, Minor Re-entries, Extremely Minor Re-entries & Misplaced Entries. |
What am I still searching for? Can YOU help??? |
Philatelic Literature | This is a list of some of the books and reference materials in my personal philatelic library that I have used in my studies of re-entries. Some of these resources are invaluable sources of information that every serious student of re-entries should make an effort to access. BNA TOPICS Online - Search every copy of BNAPS’ Journal, BNA TOPICS, for re-entry articles, or any other BNA topic that catches your fancy. This was made possible by a grant from the late Horace Harrison. |
Using A Scanner | This is a page devoted to using an ordinary flatbed scanner to get extreme close-ups of your re-entries. |
The Scalar ProScope | This is a link to information on my computer microscope, which is being used for the 30X and 50X close-up scans you will find on many of my pages. It is an incredible tool. |
Using a Light Box | When trying to see re-entry lines on light-coloured stamps like the 1¢ & 3¢ Small Queens, it can be a big help to use back-lighting. Check this out to see what I use. |
Philatelic Links | Recommended links to other sites you may find helpful. |
What Is It? | A page for items of uncertain identity. Your input is requested. |
BNA TOPICS Online - Search every copy of BNAPS’ Journal, BNA TOPICS, for re-entry articles, or any other BNA topic that catches your fancy. This was made possible by a grant from the late Horace Harrison. I have searched through all of the Tables of Contents for all of the issues of BNA TOPICS and I have put together a list of ALL of the re-entry articles there are to be found since the first issue was published in 1944. It can be found HERE. You can use this list to look up the articles at BNA TOPICS Online, above.
Ralph E. Trimble Specialist in BNA Re-entries |