POST MEDALLIONS Re-entries Scott #201-336 1933-1953
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#202 1933 UPU Meeting 5¢ Parliament Buildings Re-entry There is doubling of many of the vertical lines in the upper left corner of the design. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ *2 Scott
#208 1934 3¢ Jacques Cartier Minor Re-entry There is slight doubling found in the lower right corner, including many of the tiny squares to the right of CENTS. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ *3 Scott # *4-1 Scott #211 1935 1¢ Princess Elizabeth Misplaced Entry Plate Position 2UR88 There is a subtle misplaced entry on this stamp showing mainly in the white oval surrounding the portrait, especially to the upper left of the Princess’s head. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott #211 1935 1¢ Princess Elizabeth Re-entry Plate Position 2UR87 There is a nice clear re-entry of the shading lines of the shoulder of the Princess. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott #211 1935 1¢Princess Elizabeth Re-entry Plate Position 2UR97 There is slight doubling of the bottoms of the letters of PRINCESS ELIZABETH below the portrait, and below the N of CENT. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ *5 Scott # *6 Scott #213 1935 King Geo V Silver Jubilee Issue 3¢ King Geo V & Queen Mary Re-entry This re-entry shows doubling of the upper left side, including the frameline, part of the scroll, and the curved lines to the left of POSTES. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # Scott # Scott #216 1935 13¢ Royal Yacht Sharp Re-entry Plate 1, Position #71 There are numerous positions showing re-entries such as this one, but this is one I have been able to plate, having it in an imprint block. Note the doubling in BRITANNIA. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # Scott #218 1935 Geo V Pictorial Issue Re-entry While certainly not significant, this delightful little re-entry shows sharp doubling of the curved line within the scroll at right-centre, along with several veins of the leaf below it, the border of the portrait oval to the left of it, and the bottom of the portrait oval itself, including some of the diagonal lines below the King's medals. This stamp was in the collection of Hans Reiche when photographed. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott #219 1935 Geo V Pictorial Issue Re-entry While torn between the certainty as to whether this is a re-entry or a slip print, I am including it here in the hope that another identical copy will turn up to confirm it as a re-entry. I have searched through many, many hundreds of these stamps, and while I have yet to find a second copy, I never came across another slip print either. Yes, it is somewhat blurry, but there is just something about it that says 're-entry' to me. Anyone else have one of these??? (From the Hans Reiche collection) From the Hans Reiche collection Scott #223 1935 10¢ R.C.M.P. Plate Position ? Re-entry Similar to the above Yacht, here we have doubling of R.C.M.P., the vertical frameline to the left, and the blades of grass above. There are numerous examples of this re-entry, as well. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott #224 1935 13¢ Charlottetown Strong Re-entry This re-entry shows strong extensions of the horizontal lines in the curved design to the left of the leaf. Other spots of doubling can be found in surrounding areas. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott #224 1935 13¢ Charlottetown Re-entry This stamp shows slight extensions in the same area as the above stamp, but also doubling of the upper half of the left frameline. In the lower picture, extensions of the horizontal lines in the design above the 'T' of POSTES can be seen. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott #224 1935 13¢ Charlottetown Minor Re-entry This stamp shows slight doubling of the upper frameline. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott #225 1935 20¢ Niagara Falls Plate Position 1UR35 Major Re-entry Here we have doubling on the left side of the design, including POSTES and its frame, the inner vertical frameline of the central image, and the inner vertical line behind the leaves. This stamp can be found with selvedge attached on the right, as it is from position 35 on the pane of 50. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott #226 1935 50¢ Parliament, Victoria B.C. The Major Re-entry Plate 1, LR Pane, Position #25 This is the well-known Major Re-entry on the 1935 50¢ Parliament. Sharp doubling can be seen in the oval above CANADA and in the bottoms of 'ANAD.' Often overlooked is the doubling found near the bottom of the design above CENTS. This re-entry is usually regarded as the 'last' of the majors. The re-entries that followed for years to come are quite minor in comparison, although I would say the doubling of POSTAGE on the 6¢ Pearson booklet stamp is now a true rival. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott #226 1935 50¢ Parliament, Victoria B.C. Minor Re-entry While most collectors know about the Major Re-entry on this issue, many are not aware of the minor ones that exist as well. On this one, almost the entire left edge of the design is slightly doubled, including the 'P' of POSTES and the inner edge of the curved white bar at left-centre. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott #231 1937 1¢ King George VI Extremely Minor Re-entry Almost not worth showing, here we see a very tiny re-entry with doubling of the horizontal line below CENT. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott #233 1937 3¢ King George VI Re-entry There is doubling of the line below 'NTS.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ 2¢ War Memorial Minor Re-entry While quite minor, some of the horizontal lines of the steps are slightly doubled. There are numerous positions of this re-entry. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ 4¢ Citizenship 1947 Minor Re-entry Hans Reiche in his variety handbooks as far back as 1951 (Canada's Major & Minor Varieties From 1897 Up) listed a stamp showing 'partial doubling of stamp'; 1982 (Canada Steel Engraved Constant Plate Varieties) "Re-entry, doubling below all letters of CITIZEN, CITOYEN, CANADA & 4 Cents." Each book gave the plate as Plate 1 UL Pane. In Hans' Volume 7 of BILLIG'S SPECIALIZED CATALOGUES, CANADA: Constant Plate Varieties (likely 1953 - no date given, but last stamp he includes is from 1953), he stated that "only 18 complete sheets known." I have since acquired a couple of sheets of the UL Pane of Plate 1, but could never locate this item. (From Hans' drawing, I can't help but wonder if it is a kiss print from the start of the set-up of the printing run.) Anyway, after a long story and many years of searching for this 'major re-entry' a minor re-entry has finally shown its face! Richard Hautala has located a neat little re-entry on this stamp showing doubling of the lower right corner, including the tiny '1947.' The full stamp is shown to the right, with a close-up scan showing the re-entry details. Courtesy of Richard Hautala Courtesy of Richard Hautala Scott #294 50¢ Oil Wells Minor Re-entry The lower left frameline shows slight doubling, along with some of the blades of grass. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott #334 50¢ Textile Sharp Re-entry Plate Position 1UL40 Doubling is found over most of the design, but is strongest in the lower right corner. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott #341 5¢ 'Wilding' Blue Re-entry This is a tiny re-entry that Hans Reiche discovered many years ago. Note the upper left vertical frameline and the thickened lines around E''R. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ * Return
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E. Trimble Specialist
in BNA Re-entries
Re-entries following the Medallion Issue are on the whole much more subtle than previous eras. This can be largely attributed to advances in technology. The strongest re-entry of this period has to be the Major Re-entry on Scott #226, the 50¢ Parliament Buildings of 1935. Everything else seen so far is generally much more minor.
Scott #247
Scott #275
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