
Eight Cents Scott #83

There are only three re-entries reported on the 8¢ at this time. All three of them are listed in Peter Spencer’s new volume, ORANGE ZEST: The Canada Eight Cent 1898 Numeral Issue, published by BNAPS, 2020.


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Scott #82

8¢ Orange


Plate Position # 1L02 

This is the first re-entry reported on the 8¢ Numeral in Peter Spencer’s new book, noted above. It shows doubling in the ‘N’ and ‘D’ of CANADA; parts of the upper frameline; of the stem of the leaf in the upper inner frameline; of the ‘E’ of POSTAGE; and of the bottom of the lower right 8.

Courtesy of Peter Spencer, now in the Collection of RETrimble


















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There is doubling in the ‘N’ and ‘D’ of CANADA

There is doubling in the ‘D‘ and of the upper frameline

There is doubling of the stem of the leaf in the inner frameline to the right and through the large vein of the leaf

There is doubling in the ‘E’ of  POSTAGE

There is doubling of the bottom of the lower right 8 - two bulges at the bottom

Courtesy of Peter Spencer, now in the Collection of RETrimble


Scott #82

8¢ Orange


Plate Position # 1L67

This is the second re-entry recorded by Peter Spencer.

The details of this re-entry are very subtle. The main feature is the doubling of the portrait oval below the ‘E’ of the lower left 8. There is also doubling in the top stroke of that 8. A small ‘hook’ is found in the centre triangle of the last ‘A’ of CANADA. There is doubling of the upper right corner of the outer frameline, and a short vertical line of doubling inside the inner white frame to the right of the upper right maple leaf. Finally, there is doubling of the left side of the lower left numeral 8.

Courtesy of Peter Spencer
















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^ Courtesy of Peter Spencer ^


Scott #82

8¢ Orange


Plate Position # 1R100 

This shows doubling of the lower right outer vertical frameline and possibly some doubling in the first 'A' of CANADA. There is a bump on the bottom right of the right numeral box. There is also a diagonal line from near the top of the lower right spandrel down to the inner side of the right frameline opposite the ‘S’ of CENTS.

Courtesy of Norman DeLisle
















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^ Courtesy of Norman DeLisle ^


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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]