

and Double Strikes

Early Victorian stamps were printed by typography, not line engraved, so there are numerous examples of typographed stamps that show signs of doubling, BUT are NOT re-entries. See the first item below taken from L.N. Williams’ master work, FUNDAMENTALS OF PHILATELY, Revised Edition, 1990, pp 471, published by the American Philatelic Society, State College, Pennsylvania. This basically explains the process. (Do not forget that re-entries ONLY occurred on line-engraved stamps!) 

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L.N. Williams’, FUNDAMENTALS OF PHILATELY, Revised Edition, 1990, pp 471, published by the American Philatelic Society, State College, Pennsylvania.



Scott # 61  1860-1864

Six Pence


Double Strike

Note the doubling in and around both 6’s, especially on the right. There is also doubling in the ‘PE’ of PENCE.

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott # 61  1860-1864

Six Pence


Double Strike

Note the doubling in and around ‘ONE P’.

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott # 61  1860-1864

Six Pence


Double Strike

Note the doubling in and around ‘ONE’.

^ Courtesy of Peter Hausknecht >


Scott #



Scott #



Scott # 61  1860-1864

Six Pence


Double Strike

Note the doubling in and around all of the letters of ‘TWO PENCE’.

^ Courtesy of Peter Hausknecht >


Scott #



Scott #




Scott #




Scott # 61  1860-1864

Six Pence


Double Strike

Note the doubling in and around ‘ORIA’ of VICTORIA, and slightly in and below ‘FOUR PENCE’ .

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott # 61  1860-1864

Six Pence


Double Strike

Note the doubling in and around ‘VICTO’ of VICTORIA.

^ Courtesy of  ? ^


Scott #



*13 Scott #


*14 Scott #


*15 Scott #


*16 Scott #


*17 Scott #


*18 Scott #


*19 Scott #


*20 Scott #


*21 Scott #


*22 Scott #


*23 Scott #


*24 Scott #


*25 Scott #




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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]