Newfoundland Re-entries First Cents Issues 1865-1897 Page C - Scott #40
There are quite a number of delightful re-entries on this stamp that originated on the original plate, appearing on the two perforated issues, Scott #25 brown and Scott #26 black, and surviving through the rouletted blue issue, Scott #40. The re-entries are typified by various degrees of doubling (lines, marks, dashes, dots, for example) found mainly throughout the lettering of NEWFOUNDLAND. Sometimes the letters in the two FIVES and the two numeral 5s at the top show doubling, and more rarely marks can be found in the lettering and numerals along the bottom. There is also at least one case of sharp doubling of the right vertical frameline. To plate all of these re-entries, I am fortunate to have in my possession a complete set of enlarged colour photocopies that were made of an entire intact proof sheet of 100 of the 1865 brown issue, Scott #25, courtesy of John Jamieson of Saskatoon Stamp Centre. The photocopies were made on a quality colour copier on heavyweight 11" X 17" stock, and enlarged so that each page shows ten plate positions with each stamp measuring approximately 4" X 3" in size. A direct comparison of each stamp identified here has been carefully made to ascertain that all re-entry details match, so I am confident that the information provided here is correct. (This page is due for a complete overhaul. I plan to replace it with several pages showing all 100 positions with scans from a brown plate proof sheet of 100.) |
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The three strongest re-entries are shown here at the top of the page, with the rest of the stamps being arranged in order of their Plate Positions. In most cases, close-ups are shown of the main features of each re-entry.
pp95 |
Scott #40 5¢ Blue Seal Misplaced Entry Plate Position #95 This stamp shows a nice misplaced entry, with evidence in 'DLAND' and particularly in and below 'CENTS.' The shifted diagonal of the 'N' of CENTS suggests a shift of a full 1.0mm.
pp14 |
Scott #40 5¢ Blue Seal Major Re-entry Plate Position #14 According to Robson Lowe in his 'Encyclopaedia of British Empire Postage Stamps Part IV, Newfoundland & British Columbia, this stamp, along with #1 above, are the two strongest re-entries of the many on the single plate of 100 of this delightful little stamp. Re-entries on this plate are typified by somewhat sloppy looking marks in 'NEWFOUNDLAND' across the top of the stamp. See the two close-ups for details of this re-entry.
pp1 |
Scott #40 5¢ Blue Seal Strong Re-entry Plate Position #1 Note the marks in 'FIVE' and 'DLAND.'
pp34 |
Scott #40 5¢ Blue Seal Strong Re-entry Plate Position #34 Note the marks in 'DLAND.'
pp39 |
Scott #40 5¢ Blue Seal Strong Re-entry Plate Position #39 Note the marks in '5' and 'UNDLAND.'
pp2 |
Scott #40 5¢ Blue Seal Strong Re-entry Plate Position #2 Note the marks in 'NDLAND.'
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Scott #40 5¢ Blue Seal Strong Re-entry Plate Position # |
pp54 |
Scott #40 5¢ Blue Seal Strong Re-entry Plate Position #54 Note the marks in and below '5' and in 'DLAND.'
pp80 |
Scott #40 5¢ Blue Seal Minor Re-entry Plate Position #80 Note the marks below the 'E' of 'FIVE' and slight marks in 'ND.'
pp15 |
Scott #40 5¢ Blue Seal Strong Re-entry Plate Position #15 Note the marks in both upper 'FIVE's and 'NEWFOUNDLAND.'
pp33 |
Scott #40 5¢ Blue Seal Strong Re-entry Plate Position #33 Note the marks in 'NDLAND' and 'NTS 5.'
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Ralph E. Trimble Specialist in BNA
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