Nova Scotia

Pence Re-entries


The best source I have found for information on these issues is the Quarterman Publications 1976 reprint of THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF NEW BRUNSWICK AND NOVA SCOTIA, 1962, by Nicholas Argenti. This invaluable resource gives detailed descriptions of all plate varieties found on all of the issues of these two provinces.


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Nova Scotia

Scott #1

1d Red Brown

Major Fresh Entry

Plate II

Plate Position #49

This is a delightful major fresh entry to look at. You can easily see that the original errant entry was rocked in down and to the left of where it belonged. This was erased, albeit poorly, and a new, fresh entry was rocked in in the correct position. Many portions of the original entry are still visible, however, particularly obvious in the four corner 1's. Doubling is also found in virtually all of the lettering, the most noticeable being the strong line in the 'V' of NOVA.

This gorgeous unused copy was auctioned by Eastern Auctions Ltd in their February 26, 2005 sale.

There were two plates made for this stamp, but only Plate II was used for printing the issued stamps. One proof sheet exists for Plate I that contains different re-entries, as well as one sheet on wove paper. (Argenti pp10-12)

Courtesy of Eastern Auctions Ltd.
































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Courtesy of Eastern Auctions Ltd.


Nova Scotia

Scott #1

1d Red Brown

Major Fresh Entry

Plate II ???

Plate Position Unknown

This is a surprisingly difficult stamp to plate! Argenti describes and illustrates both of the major fresh entries on Plate II (pp10-12, Photo Plate 2, and Appendix 2 pp209-211), Positions 49, 19 (& 80). Position 49 is shown above, while position 19 is somewhat similar, with numerous markings in all four value corners and a few letters, but nothing in NOVA or SCOTIA, and position 80 is much weaker, with only small marks in four letters. I would think it impossible to have missed  the stamp you see to your right, as all of the information on these plate positions came from an examination of a full sheet of the reprints of 1890, which were made from the same plate (II) as was used for the original stamps.

Argenti makes it clear that it has long been established that Plate I was discarded (possibly destroyed, although no records indicate such) after only two sheets were printed from it - one a proof sheet and the other on wove paper. It was apparently a very poorly-made plate.

The question thus arises, where did this stamp originate if it was not on Plate II when only one sheet on wove paper existed of Plate I ??? Was the ONLY Plate I  sheet on wove paper actually cut up and used for postage???

Plate I contained several different re-entries than Plate II (obviously!) and Argenti stated that a major re-entry found on Plate I was similar to the major from Plate II (pos'n 49 - seen above), but that it did not have a line through "NOVA" as this example here does. He also stated that NO examples of the recorded Plate I re-entries have ever been found on issued stamps!!!

Most interesting!


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^ Courtesy of Rick Sheryer ^


Nova Scotia

Scott #2

3d Blue

Fresh Entry

Plate Position #9

Note marks in 'THREE PENCE' and the Right Numeral Box.
















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #


Scott #


Scott #


Scott #


Scott #


Scott #



Scott #



Scott #



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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]