
TEN CENTS Blue Scott #117

I have just a few re-entries on the 10¢ blue.


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Scott #117

10¢ Admiral Blue

Re-entry 1

This is a nice re-entry showing in the bottom portion of the design, with doubling of both numeral boxes, both 10's, and much of TEN CENTS.

The is the LL stamp of a used block of 4.


^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #117

10¢ Admiral Blue

Re-entry 2

This one is very similar to the one above, though not quite as strong, and not surprisingly is directly above the latter in the same used block of 4.


^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #117

10¢ Admiral Blue

Re-entry 3

Yet another similar one to the two above, but this one is a mint single.


^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]