
I haven’t found many re-entries on Irish stamps, but the first one is a beauty.

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Scott #     1974

3 1/2d Green

A Major Re-entry

Plate Position

This stamp shows a complete re-entry over the entire design.

This stamp is found in a lower left corner block of four with selvedge. It is the upper left stamp in the block.


Scott #



Scott #



Scott #



Scott #




Scott #




Scott #



Scott #




Scott #




Scott #



Scott #



Scott #



*13 Scott #


*14 Scott #


*15 Scott #


*16 Scott #


*17 Scott #


*18 Scott #


*19 Scott #


*20 Scott #


*21 Scott #


*22 Scott #


*23 Scott #


*24 Scott #


*25 Scott #



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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]