
One Cent Green

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Scott #67

One Cent Green

A Major Re-entry


Scott #67

One Cent Green

A Major Re-entry



Scott #67

One Cent Green

A Major Re-entry

Position 3L9


Scott #67

One Cent Green

A Twisted Re-entry

Plate 1, Right Pane

Position #21   1R21



Scott #67

One Cent Green - Plate Proof

A Major Re-entry

Plate 3, Left Pane

Position #9  


Scott #67

One Cent Green - Plate Proof

A Major Re-entry

Plate 3, Left Pane

Position #10  



Scott #67

One Cent Green - Plate Proof

A Major Re-entry

Plate 3, Left Pane

Position #89  


Scott #67

One Cent Green - Plate Proof

A Strong Re-entry

Plate 3, Left Pane

Position #8    



Scott #67

One Cent Green - Plate Proof


Plate 3, Left Pane

Position #7



Scott #67

One Cent Green

A Major Re-entry

Plate 1, Right Pane

Position # 96  1R96

Here is a nice pair with a major re-entry showing on the right stamp that is extremely similar to several of the proofs seen above, in particular #5, 3L9. As such, I would venture to say that this stamp is most likely from the same plate, and even the same pane.

Note the distinctive doubling in 'CANADA,' as well as the doubling of the upper frameline in the margin above the stamp.

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^









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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]