

Scott #104   Page 3

Page 1 Misplaced & Major Re-entries

Page 2 Major Re-entries - Continued


A 'normal' or minor re-entry is usually the case when the transfer roll is a little 'out of alignment' or shewed, while a Misplaced Entry shows elements of design well away from their normal positions, and a Major Re-entry shows strong doubling of some elements of the design and often some of the lettering.


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Scott # 104


This is a 'typical'type of re-entry showing doubling of the outer line of the right numeral box (RNB) .























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott # 104


This is very similar to the one above, showing doubling of the outer frameline of the RNB, but this one also shows doubling of the spandrel leaves and extensions of the horizontal spandrel lines out into the white inner margin.






















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott # 104


This one is interesting because it shows extensions of background spandrel lines into white inner margins in the upper right, lower right and lower left margins. Portions of the upper right crown also show some doubling.

























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott # 104


This one is another 'typical' type of re-entry, showing doubling of the upper and lower horizontal lines of the RNB, as well as parts of the bottom inner and outer framelines.



























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott # 104


This one shows lovely doubling of the entire upper left corner spandrel, including the crown.



























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott # 104


This one shows a nicely thickened upper frameline, seen clearly above the 'P' of POSTAGE, and the top lines of both upper spandrels are smudged.

























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott # 104


Here we see doubling of the right side and bottom of the RNB, as well as thickened lines in the LNB.


























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott # 104






Scott #


SCROLL DOWN TO *25 for a very interesting RETOUCH!


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*24 Scott #



Scott #104

Major Retouch

Plate Position

Yes, I KNOW I have often said I don't have the time or space to consider covering RETOUCHES on this website, but while examining my 1¢ Admirals while revamping these pages, I came across one that I thought you would REALLY enjoy seeing:

There are a number of things going on in the upper portion of the design here, the most interesting of which are the retouched jewels around the top part of the upper right crown! You can see that several of them are no longer round, but oblong. Indeed, the uppermost one is downright triangular. There are obviously reworked horizontal lines in both upper spandrels, but also where the top frameline meets the top of the portrait oval, particularly on the left.  The centre of the 'P' of POSTAGE is also 'flattened' and exhibits a protruding horizontal line. Some of the jewels of the upper left crown also seem to be somewhat distorted.

It seems to me that 'something' drastic must have happened to this entry on the plate requiring an urgent retouch by hand before the plate was ready to go to press.

Anyone out there have a second copy?














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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^



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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]