Major Re-entries

Two Cents Carmine

Misplaced Entries


This page is for stamps with re-entries that are of major proportions. I believe a stamp must show significant doubling in the lettering to be considered MAJOR as well as some or much of the surrounding elements. Anything less can be a strong or ‘normal’ re-entry, which I have placed on a separate page. Minute areas of doubling are considered minor, of which there are many, many examples; far too many to include here.

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Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This is a lovely counterclockwise twisted major re-entry showing sharp doubling in almost all of the lettering, the upper left side of the outer frameline, both crowns, both 2’s, and some of the veins of the tiny leaves surrounding the numeral boxes. I have four copies here to allow you to see all of the details.























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This is a major showing mainly in the lower right corner, with doubling in all of CENTS and the entire lower right spandrel, including a nicely doubled 2. The top centre of the design also shows some doubling.
























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This is a very nice major showing sharp doubling of the lower right corner frameline and the 2.






















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This is a nicely twisted counterclockwise re-entry with sharp doubling visible in and around both numeral boxes.























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This is similar to the one above.



















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This is similar to the above two, but this one also shows doubling in and around much of TWO CENTS and both numeral boxes. The right numeral box also shows evidence of a horizontal and vertical retouch of the bottom and right lines.

























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This is one shows doubling of the upper portion of the design, including most of the lettering, as well as the inner top frameline and thickening of the entire top frame.


























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This is similar to the one above, but also heavy thickening of the bottom portion of the design.

























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This shows evidence of an upwards shift, with doubling in most of the upper lettering and the top line of the upper left spandrel.
























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This is another one showing marked doubling in the lettering at the top of the design, as well as the top frameline.






















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

And another one similar to the above.
























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This one shows marked doubling of the lower right corner, with sharp doubling of much of TWO CENTS,  the numeral box along with the 2, and the little leaves of the spandrel.

























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This one shows a nice upwards shift, with doubling of the upper frameline, parts of CANADA POSTAGE and TWO CENTS, and the left 2.























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

Here is another one showing heavy doubling of the entire design, including the dots on the King’s forehead.























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This one shows a clockwise twist, with doubling visible in the upper left and lower right cornersand much of the lettering. There is also an extended retouch of the bottom frameline to the right into the right margin.
























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This stamp shows a more ‘typical’ type of re-entry in the bottom portion of the design, with sharp doubling of ‘O CEN’ the bottoms of both lower spandrel lines, and the bottom frameline.





















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This is another example of a twisted re-entry, with doubling of some of the lettering, and most noticeably the lower right corner.






















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This one shows sharp, crisp doubling of  ‘O CENT’ and the white oval below, as well as the bottoms of both lower spandrels and the bottom frameline.

























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This one shows extensive doubling of much of the lettering,  along with slight doubling of both numeral boxes and the two lowest spandrel maple leaves. The upper left crown also shows a marked shift to the right.























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This one shows nice doubling in the lower portion of the design, including much of TWO CENTS, the leaf 2, and both of the left spandrel maple leaves.























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This is a more subtle re-entry, most noticeable on the top frameline, extensions of the lettering band background lines into the white oval above ‘NAD’ and the lower left corner spandrel, including the 2, veins of the tiny maple leaf above it, and the ‘TW’ of TWO.























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This one shows a marked doubling of the upper portion of the design, including a very thick top frameline, the upper inner spandrel lines, and much of ‘NADA POST’ and the white oval above.





















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This is another upper portion re-entry, showing in most of CANADA POSTAGE and parts of the white oval above. There is also a distinctive line in the oval above the final ‘A’ of CANADA.























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This is yet another upper portion of the design re-entry, showing strong doubling in ‘NADA POST’ with marked extensions of the lettering band background lines up into the white oval above ‘ADA POS’. It is followed by a similar or identical one below it.






















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This is another one showing heaviness of lines in both upper spandrels, as well as doubling of both 2’s, ‘O CE‘ and the bottom frameline

























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This one shows doubling mainly in the lower right corner of the design, visible in ‘ENT’ and the entire lower right spandrel, including the 2, the numeral box and both spandrel leaves. The outer corner of the main frameline is also subtley doubled.

A second copy is seen below it.





















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

This is something not often seen...It is a position that was re-entered twice, with both re-entries being out of alignment. The bottom line of the numeral box is clearly tripled, as is the 2 itself and the bottom corner of the main frameline.





















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry

Here is another major with sharp doubling of the entire lower right corner, including ‘CENT’, the 2 and its numeral box, and both maple leaves. The spots on the ermine cloak are also doubled clearly on the right side (our right).
























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #90

Major Re-entry





Scott #90

Major Cracked Plate

Okay, I know this is not a re-entry, but it is so spectacular I just had to include it here. While many issues show hairlines from cracked plates, this one is the nicest I have seen.

This amazing variety is illustrated in Marler on pp.27.



^ From the RETrimble Collection ^



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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]