Newfoundland Re-entries

Long Coronation Issue 1937

25¢ Sealing Fleet (slate)

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Scott #242

25¢ Slate

The Major Re-entry

Plate Position #97

This stamp shows doubling of the left side of the design, including the upper left vertical framelines, the lower left horizintal frameline, the 'NE' of NEWFOUNDLAND, and the '2' of 25.




Scott #242

25¢ Slate

a Strong Re-entry

Plate Position #40 (?)

This stamp is similar to the one above on pp #97, but it is not quite as strong. Doubling is found in the upper left and lower left framelines, the 'N' of NEWFOUNDLAND, and '25.'

The position has not been confirmed by me, although Lowe mentions re-entries on plate positions 40, 96 & 97. The last two have been confirmed by me in a position piece with bottom selvedge, so I have assumed this to be the re-entry in pp #40.


Scott #242

25¢ Slate


Plate Position #96


















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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]