Newfoundland Re-entries

Long Coronation Issue 1937

7¢ Caribou (ultramarine)

This is one of the few Long Coronation stamps to have a catalogue listing for a re-entry. Unfortunately, only one re-entry is recognized, and even it can be confused with a lesser version.

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Scott #235

The Major Re-entry

Plate Position #38

This is the well-known 'doubled medallion' on this issue. Note also the doubling of the tree trunk and extensions of the horizontal background lines of the portrait into the white oval. There is also doubling in the UR corner (the corner framelines and the 'D'), as well as the LR corner (the '7').




Scott #235

A Major Re-entry

Plate Position #23

This is a re-entry very similar to the major one seen above, except the doubling is not as strong. Slight doubling of the oval and '7' is seen, but the tree only exhibits faint doubling. Both inner and outer vertical framelines at the UR are doubled.


Scott #235

A Strong Re-entry

Plate Position #59

This is a nice re-entry showing doubling of both inner and outer framelines on the right, the tree trunk, as well as the 'D,' the '7' and the lower right corner frames. There is also a hint of another shift to the right of the central right framelines and the lower right corner frames, giving us a double re-entry.




Scott #235


Plate Position #21

This is a re-entry of the outer frameline on the right. There is also a hint of doubling in the '7' and the 'N' at the top.


Scott #235


Plate Position #22

This is a re-entry similar to pp21 but showing only a faint portion of a frameline on the outer right.















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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]