GREAT BRITAIN ONE PENNY (1d) Red Re-entries Imperforate Return to Index Return to Listings Page
The Penny Reds of Great Britain are a particularly interesting source of re-entries. One reason is that some of the Reds were printed from the very same plates as the famous Penny Blacks, the world's first postage stamp of 1840. Being the oldest series of stamps, they also represent the very 'beginning' of our specialty of re-entry and fresh entry varieties. In other words, this is where it all began! Since they have been around the longest, they have also been the objects of a tremendous amount of study. One of the best I have found is the first volume of the Stanley Gibbons SPECIALISED STAMP CATALOGUE, GREAT BRITAIN: VICTORIA (Volume 1). This invaluable source contains virtually all of the re-entries, retouches, fresh entries, doubled letters, crooked letters, misplaced letters, damaged letters, etc., etc. that exist on these stamps. And you don't have to purchase the newest edition, either. My copy dates from 1973 and it is probably as complete as their latest edition. There are dealers (the best in Great Britain itself) that specialize in offering these varieties to collectors, and indeed, any search on eBay for "re-entry" will certainly bring up a list of many, many Penny Red re-entries for sale, on just about any day of the week. There are also dealers who will 'plate' your Penny Blacks, Penny Reds and Two Penny Blues for you, at a modest cost. That said, I present here only a very few re-entries on the Penny Red. (My thanks to Scott Treacey for plating most of the following for me.)
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Scott # Great Britain 1d Red Imperf Major Misplaced Entry The “Union Jack” Re-entry Plate 75 Position LK This is one of the most desireable of GB’s varieties, the “Union Jack” Re-entry, so-named because the misplacement of the design in the upper right corner ‘star’ resembles the Union Jack flag. (It is shown with a normal stamp above it, so you can see the marked difference.) Courtesy of Paul Townley |
^ Normal Stars v “Union Jack” |
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Scott # Great Britain 1d Red Imperf Major Misplaced Entry Plate 56 Position JG This is similar to the above stamp, but the upwards misplacement is not as great. |
The clearer copy of J-G above was submitted by Scott Treacey. ^ Note the amazing detail on the right!
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Scott # Great Britain 1d Red Re-entry Plate 76 Position BD This stamp shows hints of doubling in and below ONE PENNY. |
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Scott # Great Britain 1d Red Major Re-entry Plate 85 Position CB This stamp shows a major shift in the two corner ornaments.
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Scott # Great Britain 1d Red Major Re-entry Plate 88 Position CI This stamp shows a major shift in the bottom panel, including both letter boxes. Brian Perrett muses that this stamp is from Plate 88; although there are no re-entries attributed to this plate position, the markings in the two numeral boxes point to this plate and position. Thanks, Brian.
*7 | Scott # Great Britain 1d Red Re-entry Plate 76 Position EH This 'messy' printing shows a line through the tops of 'P' and 'E' of POSTAGE, while the cancel obliterates the doubling in the other letters. |
*8 | Scott # Great Britain 1d Red Major Re-entry Plate 76 Position EI This stamp shows a nice re-entry line through POSTAGE and the corner ornaments. |
*9 | Scott # Great Britain 1d Red Major Re-entry Plate 83 Position IE This stamp shows a nice re-entry line through POSTAGE and the corner ornaments, as well as in the top margin above. |
*10 | Scott # Great Britain 1d Red Major Re-entry Plate 65 Position IH This stamp shows clear doubling of POSTAGE, and in the top margin above the letters. |
*11 | Scott # Great Britain 1d Red Major Re-entry Plate 77 Position IK This stamp shows strong doubling in both corner ornaments, POSTAGE and ONE PENNY. |
*12 | Scott # Great Britain 1d Red Major Re-entry Plate 76 Position JK This stamp shows a strong line through ONE PENNY, as well as doubling of both N's. |
*13 | Great Britain 1d Red Re-entry Plate 80 Position KL This stamp shows doubling in the lower panel. |
*14 | Great Britain 1d Red Major Re-entry Plate 74 Position LG This stamp shows doubling in the bottom of ONE PENNY. |
*15 | Great Britain 1d Red Major Re-entry Plate 76 Position LK This stamp shows mainly smudging in and below the lower panel. |
*16 | Great Britain 1d Red Major Re-entry Plate 66 Position RI This lovely re-entry shows doubling in both the upper and lower panels, as well as the space between this and the stamp above (QI). |
*17 | Great Britain 1d Red Major Re-entry Plate 79 Position SC This stamp shows doubling in and above the upper panel. |
*18 | Great Britain 1d Red Major Re-entry Plate 62 Position AD This stamp shows very strong doubling shifted upwards. Note the top margin and most of ONE PENNY. Courtesy of Scott Treacy. |
Courtesy of Scott Treacy. |
*19 | Great Britain 1d Red Major Re-entry Plate 75 Position EB This stamp shows very strong doubling shifted upwards. Note both UL & UR star boxes. Courtesy of Scott Treacy. |
Courtesy of Scott Treacy. |
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*22 | Great Britain 1d Red |
*23 | Great Britain 1d Red |
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*25 | Great Britain 1d Red Re-entered Imprint Plate Position TJ This stamp shows a lovely re-entered imprint in the bottom margin. Courtesy of Scott Treacy. |
Courtesy of Scott Treacy. |
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Ralph E. Trimble Specialist
in BNA Re-entries |