
Pictorial Issues 1923-1931


Scott #160

Red THREE CENTS Surcharge

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In 1929 the 6¢ value of the Pictorial Issue was surcharged to THREE CENTS. The surcharges were applied 25 at a time. The original sheets of 100 of Scott #136 were stripped of all selvedge and broken down into 4 blocks of 25 stamps each - this is why the surcharged stamps are never found with any margins attached. The panes of 25 were then overprinted with the red surcharge. Note that the catalogued variety of  "C" of CENTS below the "T" is found in position #1 (Row 1, Stamp 1) of each pane. While Unitrade also lists positions 15 & 23 of each pane as also having this variety, these are not shifted as much as position 1, which shows the "C" directly below the "T" thus making it easy to identify position #1 of 25.

At present, I have three of the four panes in my collection. I am showing thumbnail scans of them immediately below (Pane A?, Pane C & Pane D?). If you would like to see and download 1200dpi scans of one or both of them, simply right-click on the thumbnail and choose 'Save link as...' to save the images to your hard drive. You should be aware that each 1200dpi scan is around 33 MBs, but if you are studying this stamp, the download should be worth it to you.

Pane A


Pane B





Row  1  Stamp  1,  3,  4, 5

Row  2  Stamp  2,  3,  4,  5

Row  3  Stamp  4,  5

Row  4  Stamp  5

Row  5  Stamp 2

Constant red dashes from the typeset frame to the lower left of CENTS: Row  2  Stamp  2 on EACH placesetting and pane of 25 (also marked in red) 


Row  1  Stamp 

Row  2  Stamp 

Row  3  Stamp 

Row  4  Stamp 

Row  5  Stamp 

Constant red dashes from the typeset frame to the lower left of CENTS: Row  2  Stamp  2 on EACH placesetting and pane of 25 (also marked in red) 

*Pane C


Pane D



Row  4  Stamp  1

Row  5  Stamp  1, 5


*This pane is now known to be from the lower left corner of the original sheet of 100 before the surcharges were applied.


Constant red dashes from the typeset frame to the lower left of CENTS: Row  2  Stamp  2 on EACH placesetting and pane of 25 (also marked in red) 



Row  1  Stamp 1

Row  2  Stamp 1, 3, 4

Row  3  Stamp 4

Row  4  Stamp 5

Row  5  Stamp 2 - Distinctive slash in 'N' of NEWFOUNDLAND (See stamp #10 below)

Constant red dashes from the typeset frame to the lower left of CENTS: Row  2  Stamp  2 on EACH placesetting and pane of 25 (also marked in red) 



Numerous very nice re-entries can be found on these stamps, and, I would assume, also on the original 6¢ stamps. Up to now (February 2014), I had only known of one single example of the latter.

However, see the new information directly below, which solves the first piece of the puzzle. My thanks to Earl Noss for this vital piece of information.



Scott #136

6¢ Grey Black

Before Surcharge

Pane C - LL Corner

Re-entries - Pos'ns 81 & 91

There is a confirming piece showing the identical two re-entries in Pane C above in the two left stamps.

Courtesy of Earl Noss

This is a VERY important find by my regular correspondent, Earl Noss! Since the selvedge was removed from the sheets of 100 of Scott #136 and the sheets then divided into four panes of 25 each before being overprinted with the red surcharge, up to now it has been impossible to properly plate any of the four panes. However, Earl came upon this lower left corner block of four with full selvedge AND noticed that the two left stamps, positions 81 & 91, had the identical two re-entries as the two lower left stamps of my Pane B, which I had arbitrarily placed in the upper left position of the sheet of 100. This block now confirms beyond any doubt that my Pane B is actually from the lower left corner of the sheet of 100, and I have now re-named it Pane C.

^ Courtesy of Earl Noss ^




Scott #160

3¢ on 6¢ Surcharge


There is an upwards shift in the upper left corner, with doubling in NEWFO and an extension of the left frameline up into the top margin.



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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #160

3¢ on 6¢ Surcharge

Major Re-entry

Here the shift is to the left, with doubling in NEWF and above, and extensions into the left margin.



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(See UL stamp below)

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #160

3¢ on 6¢ Surcharge

Major Re-entries

This nice little block of four contains TWO lovely re-entries, side by side. The one in the upper left corner is the re-entry seen directly above (my *2), while the one next to it in the upper right is the re-entry seen directly below (my *4).

As I consider a stamp that shows doubling in the lettering to be 'major' in importance, I believe both of these should be considered major re-entries, particularly on a small stamp such as this.





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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #160

3¢ on 6¢ Surcharge

Major Re-entry

This is another re-entry showing doubling in NEWF, but here the doubling is in the upper portions of the letters.

Courtesy of Earl Noss







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(See UR stamp above)

Courtesy of Earl Noss



Scott #160

3¢ on 6¢ Surcharge

Major Re-entry

Pane C - Lower Left

Position #81 of 100

Position 16 of 25

This is the strongest re-entry I have seen on this issue. Note the strong doubling of much of the left side, particularly to the left of the THREE overprint. The lower portion of the scroll ornament is doubled to the right, as well as the outer frameline, which is seen inside the column on the left.

Two scans, one with red arrows and one without, point out the significant areas.

Note there is also a little doubling seen in the NEW of NEWFOUNDLAND.

Courtesy of Jean-Claude Vasseur












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Courtesy of Jean-Claude Vasseur


Scott #160

3¢ on 6¢ Surcharge

Major Re-entry

Position 6 of 15

This is another major re-entry extremely similar to the one above, but the marks in the lower part of the scroll ornament are slightly different.

You will need to compare this one to the above to detect the differences.

Courtesy of Jean-Claude Vasseur




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Courtesy of Jean-Claude Vasseur


Scott #160

3¢ on 6¢ Surcharge


Position 11 of 15

This re-entry shows a shift to the left, with marks visible in the left margin outside the lower part of the scroll ornament.

Courtesy of Jean-Claude Vasseur




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Courtesy of Jean-Claude Vasseur


Scott #160

3¢ on 6¢ Surcharge


Position 15 of 15

This re-entry is similar to the one above, showing a shift to the left. However, the shift on this example is greater than the one above.

Courtesy of Jean-Claude Vasseur





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Courtesy of Jean-Claude Vasseur


Scott #160

3¢ on 6¢ Surcharge


This is another re-entry similar to the above two stamps, but the shift to the left is even stronger here next to the bottom part of the scroll ornament.

Courtesy of Earl Noss






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Courtesy of Earl Noss


Scott #160

3¢ on 6¢ Surcharge


Slash in 'N'

Pane D, Pos'n 22 of 25

I am doubtful as to whether this is a re-entry or not, but it IS constant. Notice the strong slash in the N of NEWFOUNDLAND.

The marks in the UL margin are not constant.

Courtesy of Earl Noss


Courtesy of Earl Noss


Scott #


Scott #


Scott #


*14 Scott #
*15 Scott #
*16 Scott #
*17 Scott #
*18 Scott #
*19 Scott #
*20 Scott #
*21 Scott #
*22 Scott #
*23 Scott #
*24 Scott #
*25 Scott #
*26 Scott #


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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]