A SPECIALIZED COLLECTION OF USA REVENUE Double Transfers First Issue 1862-1871 R1 - R13 PAGE 1 OF 9 Stamp No’s 1 - 38
All of these Double Transfers are Courtesy of Mr. Karl Lackemacher, presented with my sincere thanks.
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*1 |
Scott # R1 EXPRESS Plate 1E, Pos’n 1 Double Transfer Double transfer along the top of the design, including the bottoms of the letters of U.S. INTER. REV.
*2 |
Scott # R1 EXPRESS Plate 1E, Pos’n 52 Double Transfer Doubling is seen in both 1’s at the bottom of the design.
*3 |
Scott # R1 EXPRESS Plate 1E, Pos’n 54 Major Double Transfer Strong doubling is seen in both 1’s at the bottom. |
*4 |
Scott # R1 EXPRESS Plate 1E, Pos’n 178,179,180 Major Double Transfer The right stamp in this strip of 3 shows doubling in both 1’s at the bottom, very similar to the above stamp.
*5 |
Scott # R1 EXPRESS Strong Double Transfer This one shows a large shift in both of the upper 1’s, the lower edge of the portrait oval, and the bottom of the design.
*6 |
Scott # R1 EXPRESS Strong Double Transfer This one shows a strong shift in both of the lower 1’s. This doubling is very distinctive.
*7 | Scott # R1 EXPRESS Double Transfer This one shows a slight shift in both of the lower 1’s. |
*8 | Scott # R1 EXPRESS Plate 1E, Pos’n 45 Major Misplaced Transfer This one shows evidence of a misplaced entry, or dropped transfer roll. See the blue arrows for details.
*9 | Scott # R1 EXPRESS Pos’n 66 Major Misplaced Transfer This one shows evidence of a misplaced entry, or dropped transfer roll, in the lower right side of the design, including CENT, the final S of EXPRESS, and the lower right 1.
*10 | Scott # R1 EXPRESS Pos’n 130 Strong Double Transfer This one shows a strong shift in the lower right 1 and its surrounding design. This doubling is very distinctive.
*11 | Scott # R1 EXPRESS Plate 1E, Pos’n 138-139 Double Transfer This one shows a strong shift in both of the lower 1’s of the left stamp. This doubling is very distinctive.
*12 | Scott # R1 EXPRESS Plate 1E, Pos’n 176 Double Transfer This one shows a shift in both of the lower 1’s of the left stamp. This doubling is less distinctive than the ones above.
*13 | Scott # R1 EXPRESS Reworked Plate - Misplaced Transfer There is interesting evidence on this stamp of a possible misplaced entry, seen in numerous places of the design: in the N of ONE on the middle left; in Washington’s hair on the left; in the upper right 1 and V of REV; in and below CENT at the middle right; in the portrait oval above the S and on the neck; as well as marks in both lower 1’s. Very interesting stamp!
*14 | Scott # R1 EXPRESS Double Transfer and Possible Dropped Transfer Roll This one shows a shift in the upper portion of the design with not only marks in both 1’s and bits of the tops of INTER, but also signs of a dropped transfer roll in the top margin.
*15 | Scott # R2 PLAYING CARDS Pos’n 28 Strong Double Transfer and/or Possible Dropped Transfer Roll This one shows strong evidence OD another misplaced entry r dropped transfer roll, with markings outside the lower right corner of the UR numeral circle; the R and V of REV; a diagonal line from the period between U and S touching the portrait oval; with sharp markings in both ONE and CENT on the left and right sides of the portrait. This is another very distinctive stamp!
*16 | Scott # R3 PROPRIETARY Double Transfer There is a slight doubling of the top left corner of the left stamp.
*17 | Scott # R4
TELEGRAPH Double Transfer There is a clear doubling of the lower left corner of the stamp.
*18 | Scott # R5 Blue & R6 Orange Scott identifies this as DT (T5) BANK CHECK Major Double Transfer This is likely the best known of all the double transfers on U.S. Revenue stamps, with the massive doubling of BANK CHECK in the bottom label! Actually, if you look carefully it is not just those two words, but the entire lower portion of the design. Note the decorative ball designs in the bottoms of both corners, as well as the design in the centre of the bottom panel. These often show up on eBay. I have several copies of the blue version (R5), but have yet to obtain a copy of the orange one (R6).
*19 | Scott # R5 Blue BANK CHECK Double Transfer This is a much less distinctive double transfer than the one above, showing only slight doubling of the entire right side of the design, from the top to the bottom, including the REV, CENTS, CHECK and the outer framelines.
Images/KLack_USRev_Sc_R5 DT.jpg |
*20 | Scott # R6 Orange Scott identifies this as DT (T5) BANK CHECK Major Double Transfer This is the orange version of the major double transfer, but after an attempt was made to remove it from the plate. Only the BANK NOTE area and below have been obliterated. I would think this is an extremely rare stamp!
*21 | Scott # R7 Blue & R8 Orange Scott identifies this as DT (T7) Pos’n 129 CERTIFICATE Major Double Transfer This is also one of the best known of all the double transfers on U.S. Revenue stamps, with the massive doubling of CERTIFICATE in the bottom label! Actually, if you look carefully it is not just those two words, but the entire lower portion of the design. Note the decorative ball designs in the bottoms of both corners, as well as the design in the centre of the bottom panel, AND on this stamp, BOTH of the lower right and lower left 2’s and their corresponding numeral circles show extensive doubling!
*22 | Scott # R9 Blue & R10 Orange EXPRESS Pos’n 47 Double Transfer This one shows a shift in the bottom portion of the design, particularly on the right, with doubling of the lower portions of EXPRESS and the bottom two thirds of the lower framelines and the large ball ornament in the corner.
*23 | Scott # R9 Blue & R10 Orange EXPRESS Pos’n 51 Double Transfer This one shows a similar shift to the above stamp in the bottom portion of the design, particularly on the right, with doubling of the lower portions of EXPRESS and the bottom two thirds of the lower framelines and the large ball ornament in the corner.
*24 | Scott # R9 Blue & R10 Orange EXPRESS Pos’n 55 Double Transfer This one shows a shift in the bottom portion of the design, all the way across, with doubling of portions of EXPRESS and the bottom of the lower framelines and the large ball ornaments in both corners.
*25 | Scott # R9 Blue & R10 Orange EXPRESS Pos’n 56 Double Transfer This one shows a nice shift on the left side of the design, with nice doubling of the U of U.S., the entire TWO label, including the letters, the large ball ornament in the corner, and below the E of EXPRESS.
*26 | Scott # R9 Blue & R10 Orange EXPRESS Pos’n 70 Double Transfer This one shows doubling of the upper right corner, including the REV.
*27 | Scott # R9 Blue & R10 Orange EXPRESS Pos’n 89 Double Transfer This one shows slight doubling in the bottom portion of the design, particularly on the right, with doubling in parts of EXPRESS, the lower frameline and the large ball ornament in the right corner.
*28 | Scott # R9 Blue & R10 Orange EXPRESS Pos’n 132 Double Transfer This one shows a slight shift in the bottom portion of the design, particularly on the right, with doubling of the lower portions of EXPRESS along with the lower frameline and the large ball ornament in the corner.
*29 | Scott # R13 Blue & R14 Orange PROPRIETARY Double Transfer This one shows a slight shift in the upper portion of the design, with doubling in and around all of the lettering of U.S.INTER.REV. There are also plate scratches in the left margin, which will aid in the plating of this position.
*30 | Scott # R13 Blue & R14 Orange Scott identifies this as DT (T13) PROPRIETARY Major Double Transfer This is another double transfer of major proportions, with heavy doubling throughout the entire design, though most recognizable in PROPRIETARY. This is quite spectacular!
*31 | Scott # R13 Blue & R14 Orange Scott identifies this as DT (T13) PROPRIETARY Major Double Transfer This is yet another double transfer of major proportions, very similar to the one above, though not quite as strong. There is heavy doubling throughout the entire design, most recognizable in PROPRIETARY, but not quite as strong on the left and right sides in and around the TWO and CENTS. This is also quite spectacular!
*32 | Scott # R13 Blue PROPRIETARY Major Misplaced Transfer This is an example of a strongly misplaced transfer to the right. There is heavy doubling throughout the left side of the design, most recognizable in both of the left 2’s; in and below TWO; and somewhat in both upper and lower labels. This is also quite a spectacular stamp!
*33 | Scott # R13 Blue PROPRIETARY Double Transfer This one shows a nice shift in the lower portion of the design, with doubling of TWO and CENTS on the left and right, and in and around much of the lettering of PROPRIETARY.
*34 | Scott # R13 Blue PROPRIETARY Double Transfer This one shows a nice shift in the lower portion of the design, with doubling of the left 2, and the lower right corner of the design.
*35 | Scott # R13 Blue Scott identifies this as DT (T13) PROPRIETARY Major Double Transfer This is yet another double transfer of major proportions, very similar to #31 above, though strongly shifted to the left. There is strong doubling throughout the entire design, especially the lower area, most recognizable in the shift to the left in PROPRIETARY, but not quite as strong on the left and right sides in and around the TWO and CENTS. This is also quite spectacular!
*36 | Scott # R13 Blue Scott identifies this as DT (T13a) PROPRIETARY Plate Pos’n 147 Major Misplaced Transfer This is an example of a strongly misplaced transfer downwards. There is heavy doubling throughout the entire design. This is also quite a spectacular stamp!
*37 | Scott # R13 Blue Scott identifies this as DT (T13b) PROPRIETARY Plate Pos’n 133 Major Misplaced Transfer This is an example of a strongly misplaced transfer downwards, somewhat similar to the above, except here, there is heavy doubling mainly in the bottom area of the design. This is also quite a spectacular stamp!
*38 | Scott # R13c Blue Unlisted PROPRIETARY Major Double Transfer This is yet another double transfer of major proportions. There is strong doubling throughout the entire design of the stamp. This stamp is unlisted in the Scott Specialized Catalogue of united States Stamps and Covers.
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