NUMERAL ISSUE Major Re-entries Two Cents Page 1 of 2 Half Cent / One Cent / Three Cents / Five Cents
Serious students of the Two Cents Numeral now have a marvelous resource that will enable them to determine the plate that was used to print just about any 2¢ Numeral in their collection. Peter Spencer, of Ontario Canada, has just had his book, “Pretty in Pink: The Plates and States of the Canada 1898 Two Cent Numeral Issue,” published by BNAPS. It can be obtained from the BNAPS Book Department, c/o Ian Kimmerly Stamps, 112 Sparks Street, Ottawa, ON K1P 5B6 <> |
Scott #76 Two Cents Purple The Major Re-entry Plate 1, Left Pane, Position #5 Re-entries on the 2¢ purple are rather scarce, particularly in comparison to the carmine issue, but this is a rather nice major re-entry. Doubling is found in the lower two-thirds of the design, including the 'CA' of CANADA, the 'E' of POSTAGE, much of TWO CENTS (especially the distinctive mark in the top of the 'E') and below, and both 2's. The position was easy to determine, as it sits directly beneath OTTAWA of the upper imprint.
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
Scott #76 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry This is only the second re-entry I have found on the 2¢ purple, and it too is of major proportions. Actually, I have owned a copy of this one for many years (thanks to Bill Burden), but it is a much heavier inked copy and most of the doubling in the lettering was not apparent due to the inking. (I mentioned this one in my old Canadian Re-entry Study Group of BNAPS Newsletter, 1985, #17, Vol. 4, No. 2, p12-13.) Here we can see that the doubling is visible throughout the entire design and almost all of the lettering! To enable you to see all of the details clearly, you will find ten close-up scans of the various portions, starting in the lower left and continuing in a clockwise manner up and around the stamp. Most interesting, is the fact that this very re-entry occurred on BOTH the purple AND the carmine printings and I have two copies of the carmine in my collection. This is interesting as the earliest recorded date for the purple #76 is September 2, 1898, while the earliest recorded date of the carmine #77 is August 22, 1899, almost a full year later!
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
The Two Cents Carmine is an extremely complex issue. There are two different Dies, different papers, and numerous types that are beyond the scope of this site. However, there are also likely more re-entries to be found on this single value than any other Canadian stamp. To help give them some semblance of order, I have arranged them into 9 basic groups, starting with Misplaced Entries. I have given each example a 're-entry number' (R1, R2, etc.), with a misplaced entry number being followed by (M).
Group 1 Misplaced Entries R1(M) |
Scott #77v Two Cents Carmine A Major Misplaced Entry (The Major Re-entry) Plate Position Unknown This is the infamous ‘Hook on 2’ misplaced entry, showing a strongly misplaced design, mainly in the lower portion of the stamp. The ‘hooks’ below both numerals are the remnants of the misplaced 2’s that the siderographer attempted to erase from the plate. Rather than the time-consuming effort of removing the entire design and re-entering it again completely, it appears that he only scraped away the portions of the misplaced design that appeared in the lower margin of the stamp, leaving remnants of the 2’s and various other markings seen in the design. This is an incredible stamp and is likely missing from most collections. I am most fortunate to have acquired three copies of this little beauty, the clearest of which is shown here.
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
R2(M) |
Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Misplaced Entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
R3(M) |
Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Misplaced Entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
R4(M) |
Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Misplaced Entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
R5(M) |
Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Misplaced Entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
Group 2 Re-entries Upwards Shift R6 |
Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
R7 |
Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
R8 |
Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
R9 |
Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
Group 3a Downwards Shift with Doubling in Lettering all over R10 |
Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
R11 | Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
Group 3b Downwards Shift with Doubling in Lettering at bottom only R12 |
Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
R13 | Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
R14 | Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
R15 | Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
R16 | Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
Group 4 Twisted Re-entries R17 |
Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
R18 | Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
R19 | Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
R20 | Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
R21 | Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
R22 | Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
R23 | Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
R24 | Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
R25 | Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
R26 | Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
R27 | Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
R28 | Scott #77 Two Cents Carmine A Major Re-entry
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
Continued on the next page >>>>> |
E. Trimble |