Strings of Dashes

This is an odd gathering of varieties. In the vertical white space between the upper left outer frameline and the inner upper left spandrel, there are strings of dots to be found. They are definitely engraved and the number and position of the dots varies. They resemble a column of marching ants! Cause is uncertain. Perhaps they are a result of some sort of transfer roll/re-entry, or possibly a result of retouch - a ‘skipping’ sort of retouch.

Hans Reiche mentions such a variety in his book, CANADA Steel Engraved Constant Plate Varieties, page 35, #108-4, “Fine vertical dashes between left frame and shading lines.”

I have never seen anything quite like this before, and so I am including them here. Any further information would be appreciated.


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Scott #108

3¢ Admiral Brown

String of Dashes

Strong string of dashes, well-centred between inner and outer framelines.


Scott #108

3¢ Admiral Brown

String of Dashes

Strong string of dashes, well-centred between inner and outer framelines.


Scott #108

3¢ Admiral Brown

String of Dashes

Strong string of dashes, off-centre to the left between inner and outer framelines.


Scott #108

3¢ Admiral Brown

String of Dashes

Strong string of dashes, off-centre to the right between inner and outer framelines.


Scott #108

3¢ Admiral Brown

String of Dashes




Scott #108

3¢ Admiral Brown

String of Dashes

Strong string of dashes that trails off towards the bottom.



Scott #108

3¢ Admiral Brown

String of Dashes

Strong string of dashes, off-centre to the left, that is shorter at the top and trails off towards the bottom.



Scott #108

3¢ Admiral Brown

String of Dashes

Another similar to the above.




Scott #108

3¢ Admiral Brown

String of Dashes

OK, this one looks like a staggering row of ants! Weird!




Scott #108

3¢ Admiral Brown

String of Dashes

This is a strong strong, but only half the ‘normal’ length.



Scott #108

3¢ Admiral Brown

String of Dashes

Another like the above, but a little fainter.



Scott #108

3¢ Admiral Brown

String of Dashes

Another short string like the above two examples.




Scott #108

3¢ Admiral Brown

String of Dashes

Here is a very weak string.




Scott #108

3¢ Admiral Brown

String of Dashes

Another weak string, but different than the above example.




Scott #108

3¢ Admiral Brown

String of Dashes

Yet another mostly faint string, except near the crown.



*16 (Scroll down)

Scott #108

3¢ Admiral Brown

String of Dashes

Here is a really different one! Sometimes referred to as a 'row of ants' variety, THIS one appears like the ants have decided to strike out on their own to create another colony elsewhere, as they tromp up into the upper margin and beyond! This is the only example I have seen so far that shows the line of dashes actually moving outside of the design itself. These things grow curiouser and curiouser!

Courtesy of Rick Widdifield


Courtesy of Rick Widdifield




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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]