PENCE ISSUE Re-entries 1851-1859 Three Pence
Canada’s first postage stamp is the Classic Three Penny Beaver. It was printed in sheets of 200, in upper and lower panes of 100 (10 X 10). While originally the upper pane was known as Pane A, and the lower pane was Pane B, it has recently been determined that the B Pane is actually the UPPER Pane, and the A Pane is the LOWER Pane!** Both have their own share of major and minor re-entries. This issue was printed on both laid paper (Scott #1) and wove paper (Scott #4). All of the re-entries can be found on both types of paper, but they show up much clearer on the wove. The re-entries also appear to exist throughout the life of the plate, so it must never have been re-entered or repaired after being put into production. **In regard to the Three Pence Issue below, from a photograph on page 46 of the Canadian Postal Museum's publication, 'SPECIAL DELIVERY, CANADA'S POSTAL HERITAGE' by Amyot, Gendreau & Willis, Canadian Museum of Civilization, 2000, I was able to determine that the long-held belief that the A Pane was the upper pane and the B Pane the lower pane of the sheet of 200, in actuality is the reverse. That is, the B Pane is the upper pane, while the A Pane is the lower pane. While the full pane shown in the book has been severed across the middle into two panes of 100, the sizes of the upper and lower margins would seem to confirm that this positioning is correct. |
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Scott #4 Three Pence The Major Re-entry Plate Position A47 Pane A, Position 47 This is THE major re-entry of this issue. Note the distinctive doubling in and below 'EE PEN' and the bottoms of three of the 3's. This re-entry is sometimes confused with other re-entries on this issue, but the doubling seen here in 'EE PEN' is unmistakable! |
^ Above Proof Courtesy of Ken Kershaw ^ ^ Above stamp from the RETrimble Collection ^ ^ Above copy Courtesy of Michael D. Smith ^ |
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Scott #4 Three Pence Major Re-entry Plate Position A34 Pane A, Position 34 Note the 'tripling' of the LL 3, the doubling of the LR 3, and the lines of doubling in and below ‘EE PENCE.’ |
^ Above Proof Courtesy of Ken Kershaw ^ ^ Above stamp from the RETrimble Collection ^ |
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Scott #4 Three Pence Major Re-entry Plate Position B61 Pane B, Position 61 Note the distinctive doubling in the LL 3, both upper 3’s, and in and below ‘EE PENCE,’ & ‘CANADA PO.’
Below is another beautiful copy of B61 submitted to me by "a very impressed visitor to your site."
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Scott #4 Three Pence Major Re-entry Plate Position A80 Pane A, Position 80 This re-entry is sometimes mistaken for A47 due to the doubling in THREE PENCE. A careful comparison will show the differences, including doubling in only the left two 3s. The upper left corner also shows doubling of the upper left frameline as a horizontal line that touches the top of the 3. |
^ Above Proof Courtesy of Ken Kershaw ^ ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ (My thanks to my old friend Warren Bosch for directing me to this beauty on eBay!) |
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Scott #4 Three Pence Major Re-entry Plate Position B65 Pane B, Position 65 This is another very extensive re-entry, with doubling in virtually all of the lettering, including VR, the white ovals, and all four 3's. |
^ Above Proof Courtesy of Ken Kershaw ^ ^ Courtesy of Michael D. Smith ^ |
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Scott #4 Three Pence Major Re-entry Plate Position B42 Pane B, Position 42 This is a more subtle, but very extensive re-entry, as seen by all of the details visible in the following scans. Doubling is found in almost all of the lettering, but is particularly clear in and above POSTAGE. Note as well, the distinctive doubling of the vertical inner frameline in the lower left corner.
^ Above Proof Courtesy of Ken Kershaw ^ ^ Courtesy of Michael D. Smith ^ ^ Courtesy of Michael D. Smith ^
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Scott #4 Three Pence Re-entry Plate Position A33 Pane A, Position 33 Here is another 3d re-entry found by Michael Smith. Note the distinctive doubling in and below the ‘PE’ of PENCE. There is also a faint vertical line of doubling outside the right frameline opposite the UR 3. |
^ Above Proof Courtesy of Ken Kershaw ^ ^ Courtesy of Michael D. Smith ^ |
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Scott #4 Three Pence Major Re-entry Plate Position B53 Pane B, Position 53 This re-entry, sometimes referred to as the ‘VR’ re-entry, due to the markings in both of those letters, shows doubling in both of the left 3’s, the UL corner of the frame, in and above the letters of CANADA, and in THREE PENCE.
^ Above Proof Courtesy of Ken Kershaw ^ ^ Courtesy of Michael D. Smith ^ Above stamp Courtesy of Bill Coates. |
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Scott #4 Three Pence Major Re-entry Plate Position A91 Pane A, Position 91 This re-entry is much more subtle than many others, with doubling in the upper left '3' and numerous 'dots' in 'EE PE', the final 'A' of CANADA, in 'VR' and 'PO' of POSTAGE. There is also a strong vertical line in the lower right vertical margin. This Proof is Courtesy of Ken Kershaw. |
^ Above Proof Courtesy of Ken Kershaw ^ ^ Courtesy of Michael D. Smith ^ |
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Scott #4 Three Pence Major Re-entry - Imprint Plate Position B3 Pane B, Position 3 This re-entry of the UL imprint shows a significant shift. Amongst all of the 'dots', note the 'g' of Wright and 'k' of New York in particular. This shows there was a sideways shift, as well as vertical. Courtesy of Ken Kershaw |
^ Above Proof Courtesy of Ken Kershaw ^ ^ Courtesy of Michael D. Smith ^ |
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