THE SIX CENTS SMALL QUEEN Plate A - Scott #43 - All 100 Positions British American Bank Note Co. Montreal & Ottawa Re-entered State Plate Positions 1 to 25 Other pages: PP 26-50 PP 51-75 PP76-100 Upper Selvedge & Imprint January 2015 - I recently acquired a 1200dpi scan of a full sheet of 100 of the Six Cents Red Brown Small Queen, Scott #43. Since there are many collectors who delight in plating these stamps based on their position dots, I decided that rather than just showing the re-entries I found on the plate, I would show all 100 plate positions to allow platers to really enjoy themselves. The images you see below are actually thumbnails that have been re-sized to my usual 12” wide images, so if you click on each image, you will be taken to a full size image which may fill your screen. This will allow you to do really close-up examinations of each and every position on the plate. I have included portions of the stamps to the left and to the right of each plate position to show the relative alignments of each design, as well as the position dots to the right of each stamp. I have made note for the positions that show evidence of re-entry and also associated Reiche & Sendbuehler numbers. (Coming soon.) NOTE: Since this sheet is from the re-entered state of the plate (it has the backwards R in the upper margin), it can be assumed that virtually every position on the plate may have received a re-entry to strengthen worn details. This has resulted in a great many of the entries having a ‘squeezed’ appearance at the top, with the result that most lack the normal space at the top of the design above ‘DA POS’. While some of the entries do show the normal space with a fine frameline above, most appear to have a solid band of colour at top-centre. I have not noted these specifically as ‘re-entries’ even though they are, as there are just too many of them. The ones I have mentioned show at least some more obvious distortion of some of the lettering, in particular, ‘DA POSTAGE’, or parts thereof. I do hope you will find these pages of use. My sincere thanks to THE BRIGHAM COLLECTION Click on each image to go to a much larger image. |
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*1 |
Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #1
*2 |
Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #2 There is a strong dot in ‘P’.
*3 |
Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #3
*4 |
Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #4
*5 |
Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #5
*6 |
Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #6
*7 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #7
*8 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #8
*9 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #9
*10 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #10 Re-entry Twisted re-entry in POSTAGE, the right 6, and lower right corner.
*11 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #11 Errant Entry Lesser 5¢ on 6¢ #3.
*12 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #12 Constant dashes in bottom margin below ‘S’ of CENTS.
*13 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #13
*14 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #14
*15 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #15 Constant dashes in left 6 and in bottom margin near position dots.
*16 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #16
*17 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #17
*18 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #18 Constant dashes in bottom margin below ‘S’ of CENTS.
*19 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #19
*20 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #20 Errant Entry The Lesser 5¢ on 6¢ #1 - The strongest of the lessers. Also has a slight re-entry of the lower left corner.
*21 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #21 Errant Entry Lesser 5¢ on 6¢ #2 - The second strongest of the lessers. Also shows a dry print. There is also a tiny re-entry of the lower right corner.
*22 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #22 Constant dashes in upper margin above ‘S’ of POSTAGE.
*23 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #23 Constant dashes in upper left margin beside the UR corner ornament.
*24 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #24 The Major Re-entry The Major Re-entry on the A Plate. This is a counterclockwise twist showing strongly in CANADA POSTAGE, the entire lower left corner, and the tip of the lower right corner.
*25 | Scott #43 Plate A Stamp Position #25
* |
Return to Index Return to Listings Page Ralph E. Trimble Specialist in BNA Re-entries |