
There are a number of nice re-entries to be found on the stamps of Denmark. Below is the first one of my collection followed by the second.

Any other 1200dpi scans on Denmark stamps would be welcome.

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Scott #241 1939-41

1 KR Brown

Major Re-entry

This is a lovely re-entry showing strongly throughout much of the design, particularly in the lettering and corners. Both numeral circles show clear evidence of doubling, as well as the 'Cx' symbols in the upper left and right corners; the inner portrait oval to the UL of the nose; the LR portrait oval just above the shoulder; the bottom of the portrait oval; and the lower portion of the lettering band above the LR numeral circle.

From the RETrimble Collection

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #246 1935

5 Øre Light Green


This is a nice little re-entry showing a downwards shift - note the extensions of design lines into the bottom margin, as well as all of the lettering. While design-wide, the doubling is most noticeable in the centres of the two ‘A’s in DANMARK, the numerals of 1835 and 1935, the tops of ‘5 Øre, the ‘N’ of DANMARK, and the tail of the swan.




















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #



Scott #



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Scott #




Scott #



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Scott #



Scott #



Scott #



*13 Scott #


*14 Scott #


*15 Scott #


*16 Scott #


*17 Scott #


*18 Scott #


*19 Scott #


*20 Scott #


*21 Scott #


*22 Scott #


*23 Scott #


*24 Scott #


*25 Scott #



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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]