Ralph E. Trimble FRPSC


Re-entries, to me, have always been the most interesting and indeed important, constant plate varieties that occurred on line-engraved stamps. They occurred by a misalignment of the transfer roll on the steel plate, causing doubling of all or part of an engraved design, either during the manufacture of the plate or repair of weakened or damaged impressions on the plate. If the siderographer did not precisely align the transfer roller with the already impressed design on the plate, doubling of details would occur. There are numerous variations of re-entries, such as major, minor, and misplaced, and even double denominations, with two different values on the same entry on the plate.

I am a member of the PSSC (Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada), BNAPS (British North America Philatelic Society - Emeritus Member), RPSC (Royal Philatelic Society of Canada, which elected me a Fellow in 2006), CPSGB (Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain), APS (American Philatelic Society) and Life Member of EFOCC (Errors, Freaks & Oddities Collectors Club). I have served on the Expertizing Committee of the V.G. Greene Foundation since 2001. I also serve on the expertizing committee of the American Philatelic Society (APEX). Longest serving Past President of the PSSC, I am also honoured to report that in January 2006 I was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation where I was a Director until 2017.

My collecting interests have always veered away from the 'normal.' In 1970, I was one of the founding members of the Coin Irregularity Association of Canada, where I wrote numerous articles on my specialty of errors and multi-struck coins. This interest carried over into philately, and in 1981 I founded the Canadian Re-entry Study Group of BNAPS. For the next sixteen years I was the Chairman, Treasurer, Publisher and chief writer of a total of 71 Newsletters for this Study Group. For my efforts, I received numerous distinctions. At BNAPEX 89, I was awarded the very first 'John S. Siverts Award' for best BNAPS Study Group Newsletter for 1988. At BNAPEX 93, I then had the honour of being the first BNAPS Study Group Editor to receive the 'Siverts Award' for a second time for my 1992 Newsletters. Between 1991 and 1995 I entered my Newsletters in a number of Philatelic Literature Exhibitions where I was awarded a total of six Silver Bronze Medals, and seven Silver Medals. The latter included PhiLITex 92 in New York, two APS STaMpsHOWs, ORAPEX 95 in Ottawa, WAPEX 93 in Western Australia and the National Philatelic Literature Exhibition 1995 in New Zealand. I'm sure I owe the bulk of these awards to my skill in extreme close-up photography (photomacrography), which I used extensively in my Newsletters to show the exact details of re-entries on Canadian stamps. I have now carried these skills over into the use of scanners and my computer microscopes to show close-up re-entry details. If you would like to see what my Newsletters contained, you can download my 20 page Newsletter Index HERE  and a cover page for the Index HERE.   They are both in PDF format.

Along with my many articles and discoveries reported in my Newsletters, I have also had numerous articles published in BNA TOPICS, the Journal of the BNAPS, showcasing major finds and studies. Indeed, in Volume 3 of CANADIAN PHILATELY: BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX by Cimon Morin, there are a total of 147 individual references following my name in the Cumulative Author Index listings.

For the last number of  years I have been on the Editorial Associates committee for the Unitrade Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps. The latest editions use many of my close-up scans of re-entry details and I am working with the Editor, Robin Harris, to hopefully include more and more re-entry listings in each new edition.

I originally created this website after working on a fully-illustrated book on Canadian Re-entries for several years. I had completed many sections, and even had a publisher, when I realized that by the time the book was finished and printed, I would have many, many additional items to add and things to update. It was then that I decided a website would be a much more sensible project and would be able to reach a far wider audience than my book would ever do. So I abandoned the book idea and decided to go online. My website debuted in March of 2002. This was certainly the best choice I had ever made, as my website has so far reached over 122,000 visitors. I also decided to include re-entries from the USA and the rest of the world, although Canadian re-entries receive the major emphasis.

My re-entry website is an ongoing work in progress, continually being updated and improved as time permits. I specialized in close-up photographs, which has now been replaced by high resolution scans, with almost 5,000 full-colour images so far. By the way, collectors and catalogues in the USA refer to re-entries as double transfers. They are basically the same thing.

I am kept constantly busy by many emails almost every day, from visitors to my site with their own scans, asking for my comments about whether or not their stamps are re-entries, or some other type. I have ongoing communication with quite a number of enthusiasts. I have also received requests for opinions from a number of stamp dealers in both Canada and the US. was entered in the 16th New Zealand National Philatelic Literature Exhibition in September of 2019, where it received a gold Award, Felicitations and Best in Class.

Chicagopex 2020 Philatelic Literature Exhibition RE-ENTRIES.COM has been awarded a Large Vermeil Medal

I Was Awarded the BNAPS Order of The Beaver Lifetime Achievement Award  (OTB-LAA) - September 2020

LONDON 2022 Philatelic Literature Exhibition RE-ENTRIES.COM Was Awarded a Large Silver Medal



I am extremely proud and honoured to announce that I have been elected to the Order of The Beaver, Lifetime Achievement Award, by The British North America Philatelic Society. Please see the details below:




UPDATED: September 12, 2020


UPDATED: August 2020

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