Re-entries 5

Scott #54 5¢ Deep Blue

Printed from one plate of 100 (10 X 10) - Plate 10

Pages: ½¢ / / / / / / / 10¢ / 15¢ / 20¢ / 50¢ / $1 / $2 / $3 / $4 / $5

There is one very nice re-entry on this value, as well as a few 'possibles'


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Scott #54

Five Cents

Major Re-entry 1

Plate 10, Position #10

This first re-entry was first brought to my attention by Michael D. Smith, who submitted these scans showing the details of this newly discovered re-entry.

NEW INFO: Pierre Hudon discovered an upper right corner block of four of the 5¢ showing the re-entry in the UR stamp of the block and notified me of its position. Michael Smith recently purchased this block of 4 from Pierre with full corner selvedge, placing the re-entry at position #10 on the sheet of 100! As there was only one plate used for this value, we now know it is from Plate #10, Position #10.

Thank you, Pierre! (Scroll down to see Pierre's discovery block, scanned by Michael D. Smith.)

ADDITIONAL INFO: Pierre has informed me that he also has another corner block of six that DOES NOT show the re-entry in position #10! This is most interesting, as the 5¢ Jubilee was only printed from one single plate (Plate 10) and with the limited run, it has been assumed that the plates were never re-worked or repaired following their original state. However, blocks WITH and WITHOUT the re-entry prove that this is not true, and that for some reason this plate was indeed re-entered during its lifetime!

Thank you for that info, Pierre!

Scan Courtesy of Michael D. Smith



























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Above Courtesy of Michael D. Smith

The discovery block. Scan by Michael D. Smith

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #54

Five Cents

Re-entry 2

This re-entry is more subtle than the above. There are marks in CANADA POSTAGE, as well as the left side of the right portrait oval.






















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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]