Re-entries 2

Scott #51 1¢ Orange

Printed from four plates of 100 (10 X 10) - Plates 5, 6, 15 & 16

Pages: ½¢ / / / / / / / 10¢ / 15¢ / 20¢ / 50¢ / $1 / $2 / $3 / $4 / $5

It has taken many, many years for any re-entries to be reported on this value, certainly due to the light colour, but several have now been reported and are documented here.

Update: I have now examined a 1200dpi scan of a full sheet of 100 of Plate 16 and did not find a single re-entry, so all of those below must be somewhere on Plates 5, 6 or 15. (Thanks to Rob Taylor for his scan.)


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Scott #51

One Cent Orange

Re-entry 1

Plate 5 or 15

Position #82

FINALLY, we have the very first report of a re-entry on the 1¢ Jubilee! There are numerous marks to be found in CANADA POSTAGE, although those in POSTA are certainly the most interesting. Several marks in the central Crown also show indications of a nice shift in the design.

The colour of this stamp is likely the reason it has taken so long for this re-entry to come to light, and finding others may not be easy.

I am pleased to report that my old friend, Michael D. Smith, is the discoverer of this, our very first 1¢ Jubilee re-entry! He couldn’t wait to zip some scans off to me as soon as he found it.

Congrats, Michael! Lovely!


Pierre Hudon discovered a lower left corner block of four of the 1¢ showing the re-entry in the UR stamp of the block and notified me of its position. Michael Smith recently purchased this block of 4 from Pierre with full corner selvedge, placing the re-entry at position #82 on the sheet of 100! There were only two plates used for this value, so the re-entry has been narrowed down to either Plate 5 or Plate 6, pp82. Scroll down to see a scan of this block that Michael immediately emailed to me.

Thank you, Pierre!

UPDATE: Sept. 2011 - Finally found a copy myself. See first image.





















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

Above scans Courtesy of Michael D. Smith

The discovery LL corner block showing re-entry in UR stamp, pp82, discovered by Pierre Hudon.


Scott #51

One Cent Orange

Re-entry 2

Plate 5, 6 or 15

Position Unknown

Well, Michael D. Smith has done it again...He has come up with yet a second re-entry on the 1¢ Jubilee! This one has doubling marks in the 'DA' of CANADA, the crown, and 'PO' of POSTAGE.

Courtesy of Michael D. Smith

Very soon after Michael's find, Earl Noss came up with a lovely second copy of this stamp.

Courtesy of Earl Noss
















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^ Courtesy of Michael D. Smith ^

^ Courtesy of Earl Noss ^


Scott #51

One Cent Orange

Re-entry 3

Plate 5, 6 or 15

Position Unknown

Well, now Earl Noss has done it again! He has found a lovely new re-entry on the 1¢ on a plate proof! Note the marks in 'ADA' of CANADA, the crown, and 'POSTAG'.

Courtesy of Earl Noss












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^ Courtesy of Earl Noss ^


Scott #51

One Cent Orange

Re-entry 4

Plate 5, 6 or 15

Position Unknown

Never one to sit back and take it easy, Earl Noss has found yet another re-entry on the 1¢. This one shows distinctive doubling in 'ADA', the crown, and 'POS.'

Courtesy of Earl Noss













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^ Courtesy of Earl Noss ^


Scott #


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*13 Scott #
*14 Scott #
*15 Scott #
*16 Scott #
*17 Scott #
*18 Scott #
*19 Scott #
*20 Scott #
*21 Scott #
*22 Scott #
*23 Scott #
*24 Scott #
*25 Scott #


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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]