Re-entries 13

Scott #62 $2 Dark Purple

Printed from one plate of 50 (5 X 10) - Plate 26

Pages: ½¢ / / / / / / / 10¢ / 15¢ / 20¢ / 50¢ / $1 / $2 / $3 / $4 / $5

My thanks to Tony Maresch of R. Maresch & Son for kindly providing me with a scan of his full plate proof sheet of 50 of this stamp.

I was able to locate the first possible re-entry, along with two others that have heretofore not been reported.


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Scott #62

Two Dollars Dark Purple

Possible Re-entry

Plate Position #44

This stamp has lines that appear to be doubling in the left leg of the central 'R', as well as the central 'I'. They are strong and could be the result of a transfer roll that was set down in the wrong position.

Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son










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^ Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son ^


Scott #62

Two Dollars Dark Purple

Possible Re-entry

Plate Position #27

This stamp has lines that appear to be doubling in the 'DA' of CANADA and in the central area of the crown.

Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son











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^ Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son ^


Scott #62

Two Dollars Dark Purple

Possible Re-entry

Plate Position #28

This stamp has some very faint lines that appear to be doubling in the 'AD' of CANADA.

Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son











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^ Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son ^











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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]