Re-entries 4

Scott #53 3¢ Bright Rose

Printed from ten plates of 100 (10 X 10) - Plates 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 28 & 29

Pages: ½¢ / / / / / / / 10¢ / 15¢ / 20¢ / 50¢ / $1 / $2 / $3 / $4 / $5

There are a fair number of re-entries showing up on this value.


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Scott #53

Three Cents Rose

Misplaced Entry 1

Plate Position ?

This odd-looking re-entry shows strange marks in POSTAGE, the upper right corner ornament, and the central crown.

It was found by Michael D. Smith.

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

Above scan close-ups Courtesy of Michael D. Smith


Scott #53

Three Cents Rose

Re-entry 2

Plate Position ?

This is the nicest re-entry I have seen so far on the 3¢ Jubilee. Note the mark in the final ‘A’ of CANADA, but in particular the extra marks in the crown. The strong curved line on the left is especially nice (directly to the right of the middle of the ‘A’).



Scott #53

Three Cents Rose

Re-entry 3

Plate Position ?

This is a re-entry originally reported to me by Michael D. Smith. Note the marks in the crown and the strong vertical mark in the ‘I’ of RIV.


Courtesy of Michael D. Smith


Scott #53

Three Cents Rose

Re-entry 4

Plate 3, Position 6

This is a re-entry just discovered by Dave Noss.Note the three strong marks in the centre of the crown area. There is also a line in the ‘O’ of POSTAGE, as well as two dots in the right margin that might be connected to this re-entry or misplaced entry.

Courtesy of Dave Noss.

The position of this stamp has been determined by Earl Noss, who purchased a single of this stamp with attached selvedge above, placing it in position #6 on the sheet of 100.

Courtesy of Earl Noss

Piece with selvedge and Plate Imprint proving position #6, Courtesy of Earl Noss

Courtesy of Dave Noss


Scott #53

Three Cents Rose

Re-entry 5

Plate Position ?

This re-entry is very similar to the one above, with the two heavy lines in the left-centre of the crown. However, tthis one also shows partial doubling of the left floating triangular area, joining the triangle to the larger element below it.



Scott #53

Three Cents Rose

Re-entry 6

Plate Position ?

This re-entry is somewhat similar to the two above, with heavy marks in the centre area of the crown. There are also marks in the ‘DA’ and ‘PO’ that may be related.



Scott #53

Three Cents Rose

Re-entry 7

Plate Position ?

This re-entry is somewhat similar to those above, with a mark in the right-central crown area and in the P.

Courtesy of Dave Noss.

Courtesy of Dave Noss


Scott #53

Three Cents Rose

Major Re-entry 8

Plate Position ?

This re-entry is the strongest one I have seen on this value, with multiple sharp lines through ‘DA’ and in the crown.

From the RETrimble Collection


^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #53

Three Cents Rose

Major Re-entry 8

Plate Position ?

This re-entry is clearest in the DA of CANADA.

Courtesy of Sylvain Maltais


Courtesy of Sylvain Maltais


Scott #


Scott #


Scott #


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*14 Scott #
*15 Scott #
*16 Scott #
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*21 Scott #
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*25 Scott #


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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]