
Twelve Pence

While one of Canada’s rarest stamps, the Twelve Pence black is also an issue rife with re-entries. Indeed, it is likely easier to find a 12d with a re-entry, than one without. Naturally, there are not a lot of these around to illustrate here, but once in awhile we get a nice plate proof of one at the Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation Expert Committee. And sometimes, we even get a copy of the actual issued stamp! I always check these for re-entries and will scan any nice ones that come in. Good scans of 12d re-entries for this page will be appreciated.

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Scott #3

Twelve Pence Black

Plate Proof

A Major Re-entry 1

Plate Position Unknown

Doubling is found throughout the entire design, but is particularly strong on the right side.


Scott #3

Twelve Pence Black

A Major Re-entry 2

Plate Position Unknown

This beautiful stamp is not a plate proof, but a full-fledged unused copy of the Twelve Pence Black that I recently had the pleasure of examining. There is doubling over the entire design in the numerals, lettering and framelines.





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Scott #3

Twelve Pence Black

Plate Proof

A Major Re-entry 3

Plate Position Unknown

Here is another plate proof showing a nice re-entry overall, but this one is stronger on the left side.





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Scott #3

Twelve Pence Black

A Major Re-entry 4

Plate Position Unknown

Here is another 12d showing a nice re-entry overall, but this one is stronger on the left side.







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Scott #3

Twelve Pence Black

A Re-entry 5

Plate Position Unknown

Here is another 12d showing a nice re-entry overall.






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Scott #3

Twelve Pence Black

Plate Proof

A Re-entry 6

Plate Position Unknown

Here is another 12d showing a nice re-entry overall, but most noticeable on the left.

Courtesy of Rob Taylor.








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Courtesy of Rob Taylor


Scott #3

Twelve Pence Black

A Major Re-entry 7

Plate Position Unknown

Here is another 12d showing a nice re-entry overall.











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Scott #3

Twelve Pence Black

A Re-entry 8

Plate Position Unknown

Here is another 12d showing a nice re-entry overall, but most noticeable on the left.










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Scott #3

Twelve Pence Black

A Re-entry 9

Plate Position Unknown

Here is another 12d showing a nice re-entry overall, but most noticeable on the right.









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Scott #3

Twelve Pence Black

A Re-entry 10

Plate Position Unknown

Here is another 12d showing a nice re-entry overall.














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Scott #3

Twelve Pence Black

Plate Proof

A Major Re-entry 11

Plate Position Unknown

Here is another plate proof showing a nice re-entry overall, with sharp doubling in many of the letters.











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Scott #3

Twelve Pence Black

Plate Proof

A Major Re-entry 12

Plate Position Unknown

Here is another plate proof showing a nice twisted re-entry overall.

Courtesy of Jim Jung










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^ Courtesy of Jim Jung ^



Scott #3

Twelve Pence Black

Plate Proof

A Re-entry 13

Plate Position Unknown

Here is another plate proof showing a twisted re-entry mainly in the vertical framelines.

Courtesy of Rob Taylor



















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Courtesy of Rob Taylor




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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]