Ionian Islands



While this little group of islands in the Ionian Sea west of Greece was a British Protectorate from 1815 before being ceded to Greece in 1864, it issued only 3 stamps, all bearing the likeness of Queen Victoria. During its very brief run, two of the stamps were re-entered, one in plate position #84, and the other in plate position #96. There were only three values, 1/2p orange, 1p blue, and 2p lake. There were no values on them and they were only distinguished by their colour, so the two re-entries are found on all three colours / values. Examples of all three from pp96 are shown below. I hope to obtain the others from pp84 eventually. If anyone has duplicates they would like to sell me, please contact me.

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Scott # 1  1859

1/2p / Orange

Major Re-entry

Plate Position #96

This re-entry shows doubling of the first ‘I’ of IONIKON, and a vertical stroke of colour to the left of the base of this letter.














^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott # 2  1859

1p / Blue

Major Re-entry

Plate Position #96

This re-entry shows doubling of the first ‘I’ of IONIKON, and a vertical stroke of colour to the left of the base of this letter.

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott # 3  1859

2p / Lake

Major Re-entry

Plate Position #96

This re-entry shows doubling of the first ‘I’ of IONIKON, and a vertical stroke of colour to the left of the base of this letter.

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^





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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]