
Eight Cents

Scott #72 Orange

Only three re-entries have been reported on this value.


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Scott #72

Eight Cents

Major Re-entry

Strong re-entry marks are found in ‘CANA’ of CANADA.

This is the very first re-entry that I have seen on this issue. It was submitted to me by Matt James.

A second mint copy of this re-entry has finally surfaced, thus proving its constancy. The marks in 'NA' are not quite as obvious as the first discovery copy, but they are indeed there.

Courtesy of David Noss

I am pleased to report that a used copy of this re-entry has now been reported, and I have located a third copy myself.

Courtesy of Paul Chiles



















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Scan courtesy of Matt James.

Courtesy of David Noss

Courtesy of Paul Chiles


Scott #72

Eight Cents


Re-entry marks are found in ‘CANA’ of CANADA and in the white oval above the 'C' and 'N' of CANADA.

Courtesy of Earl Noss














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Courtesy of Earl Noss


Scott #72

Eight Cents

Re-entry 3

This newly discovered re-entry has a large mark in the left leg of the first A of CANADA, as well as a line in the white oval above AN.

This is only the third reported re-entry on this stamp.














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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]