
Six Cents Red Brown

Scott #43

For my page on the 5¢ on 6¢ Small Queens, click anywhere on this sentence.

Below are just about all of the re-entries I have located so far on the 6¢ Red Brown SQ, although there are still many to be documented.

The numbers used after the first four Majors do not denote any particular order or importance. They are simply a method of telling one from another and are a continuation of the yellow brown numbers I used while scanning. The Reiche & Sendbeuhler (R&S) numbers have not been confirmed.

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The 6¢ Red Brown has a number of incredible re-entries. Three of these are often confused with each other, as the ‘mangled’ look of the doubling of ‘CENTS’ is somewhat similar. A careful comparison of all three seen below will allow you to distinguish one from the other. Interestingly, the strongest of the three, B87, is from the same plate/pane as the fabled 5¢ on 6¢ Double Denomination. The other two, C81 and C7, are both from the Right, or ‘C’ Pane. The stamp following the first three (see #4) is a more 'typical' type of major re-entry, without the mangling of CENTS, that originated on the 'A' Pane, the same pane where most of the 'lesser' 5¢ on 6¢ stamps are found. There is a full, intact pane of 100 of this state of the 'A' Pane in the collection of Ron Brigham, a tremendous rarity! (The Canadian Postal Archives has only a full pane of the 'C' Pane.)




Scott #43 B87

Six Cents Red Brown

The Major Re-entry

Pane B (Left),

Position 87

This is a magnificent re-entry; THE strongest on the 6¢ SQ. Note especially the 'mangled' look of CENTS; both 6's; virtually all of the lines of the face; the extension of the horizontal background lines of the portrait into the white portrait oval on the left; and the doubling of the outer lower two-thirds of the left side.

An amazing block of 4 containing this major and the 'Hairball' variety directly below it recently surfaced in Eastern Auctions Ltd February 22-23, 2013 sale!  It sold for $2900 + 15% buyer's premium.

It can be found below my copy on the right.











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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^    Ex the W.L. Simpson Collection

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

^ Courtesy of Eastern Auctions Ltd ^ Showing the major re-entry from B87 in the upper position and B97 with the 'Hairball' variety and major re-entry in the lower.

While the re-entry on the lower stamp with the 'Hairball' variety looks very similar to the major on C81 seen directly below, note that C81 has the 'mangled' CENTS, whereas B97 does not!


Scott #43 C81

Six Cents Red Brown

A Major Re-entry

Pane C (Right),

Position 81

This is the second strongest of the super re-entries on the 6¢. Note the twist is not quite as strong as the one above. Of course, CENTS has the typical mangled look of these three majors. Note the doubling of the lines on the face is not quite as strong as on B87; the horizontal lines of the background of the portrait do not extend quite as far into the white oval; the doubling down the lower left side is not as widely-spaced; there is stronger doubling in the right 6; and here there is also doubling of the outer lines on the lower right side.













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From the RETrimble Collection

Ex the W.L. Simpson Collection

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

^ Courtesy of Eastern Auctions Ltd ^ A lovely mint strip of 3 showing C81 on the left

^ Courtesy of Eastern Auctions Ltd ^ The major re-entry C81 from the left of the above strip of 3


Scott #43 C7

Six Cents Red Brown

A Major Re-entry

Pane C (Right),

Position 7

This is the third of the glorious re-entries on the 6¢. Of course, CENTS has the typical mangled look of these three majors. The doubling in the other areas mentioned above for B87 and C81 are not quite as strongly doubled here, though still present, but on this one the doubling of the right 6 is stronger still, and there is more doubling of the bottom right details.

As you can see, distinguishing between these three major re-entries can be tricky if you encounter them singly, but as soon as you compare them side by side (or to these scans), the differences are obvious.












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From the RETrimble Collection

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #43 A24

Six Cents Red Brown

A Major Re-entry

Pane A, Position 24

This major re-entry is completely different from the three 'mangled-looking' majors seen above. Indeed, this one is more of your 'typical' type of major re-entry, showing a nice clockwise twist, resulting in sharp doubling of 'CANADA PO' and 'CEN' as well as the four corner ornaments, but the lower left in particular. While visible throughout the entire design, the re-entry is most evident on the left side. Note that this is from the late state re-entered 'A' Pane.

Nov. ’06 - I have just added a gorgeous block of six to my collection containing this major re-entry on the middle stamp in the bottom row. A close look will reveal that this stamp is out of alignment with the others around it.

My thanks to Dr. Owen White for the gift of this wonderful block.



























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #43 A60

Six Cents Red Brown

Major Re-entry

Plate A, Position #60

This stamp shows nice doubling in the letters of POSTAGE. There are also three dots in the LL.

R&S 6-31























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^



Scott #43 B85

Six Cents Red Brown

Major Re-entry

Pane B, Position #85

This stamp shows a strongly twisted clockwise re-entry visible over most of the design. Note especially the upper left corner ornament, the 'N' of CANADA, and both lower left and lower right corners.

This stamp was plated from a position piece belonging to Bill Simpson.

The full stamp scan to the right is Courtesy of Yannick Cartier.




















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^ Courtesy of Yannick Cartier, now in the RETrimble Collection ^

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^








^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #43

Six Cents Red Brown

Major Re-entry

Pane B, Position #

This stamp shows very sharp doubling of the lower left corner.











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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #43

Six Cents Red Brown

Strong Re-entry

Pane B Position #

This stamp shows another strong to major re-entry, with sharp doubling of the upper left ornament, some of the letters of CANADA POSTAGE, the left side of the design, and the lower left corner






















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #43

Six Cents Red Brown

Major Re-entry

Pane B, Position #

This stamp shows another overall strong re-entry, with doubling in all corner ornaments, CANADA POSTAGE, and the left edge of the portrait oval. Note the 'squeezed' look of the left numeral box.




















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #43

Six Cents Red Brown

Major Re-entry

Pane , Position #

This stamp shows


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Scott #43  B86

Six Cents Red Brown

Major Re-entry

Pane B, Position #86

This stamp shows another marked re-entry of the left side of the lower left corner.











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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #43

Six Cents Red Brown


This stamp shows only slight doubling of the lower left corner. Note the oval in the centre of the 6.








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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #43

Six Cents Red Brown


Pane B, Position #

This stamp shows subtle, but wide doubling of the lower right tip of the design.







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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #43

Six Cents Red Brown

Misplaced Entry? Dropped Roll?

Pane , Position #

This stamp  shows an odd constant variety that may well be a misplaced entry caused by a dropped transfer roll, with a heavy arc of colour through the lower portion of the portrait that echoes the curve of the bottom of the portrait oval. This is a mint copy in my collection, while a second identical used copy was seen in the late Bill MacDonald's collection.

From the RETrimble Collection



















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^



Scott #43vii

Six Cents Red Brown

'Hairball' Variety + Re-entry

Pane B, Position #97

This stamp has an odd thread-like curl in the hair below the last 'A' of CANADA which is surprisingly constant. It is included here because the stamp also has a lovely counter-clockwise twisted re-entry showing in all 4 corners, especially clear in the lower right.

Amazingly, it is found directly below the strongest of the major re-entries on the red brown 6¢, B87 seen above. This stamp recently surfaced in a mint block of 4 having B87 and B97 together on Eastern Auctions sale of February 22-23, 2013. The block sold for $2900 plus 15% buyer's premium!

See *1 above for scan of block.

^ Courtesy of Eastern Auctions Ltd ^

























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^ Courtesy of Eastern Auctions Ltd ^

^ Courtesy of Bruce Craw of Bow City Philatelics Ltd ^

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^



Scott #43 B95

Six Cents Red Brown

Major Re-entry

Pane B (Left),

Position 95

This is a beautiful major re-entry showing mainly in the lower portion of the design, particularly on the lower right, with distinctive doubling of the right half of the bottom frameline, the right ‘6,’ the ornamentation above the ‘6’ and much of the right side of the portrait oval. There is also some doubling in the left ‘6’, as well as slight evidence in the letters of ‘POSTAGE.’ This was plated from a large block in Bill Simpson’s collection about 25 years ago at ‘Stamp Camp.’

Originally Courtesy of Deveney Stamps, now in my collection.













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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^  (Courtesy of Deveney Stamps)

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^



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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]