
One Cent Victoria

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There aren’t many re-entries to be found on the One Cent First Cents Issue (see Whitworth pp18-20), but the first one, R1, is a sight to be seen. (See description below.)


Scott #14

One Cent Rose

The Major Re-entry/Misplaced Entry

Whitworth R1

Plate Position #28

Whitworth's diagrams do not do this stamp justice!  Much more than just a nice re-entry, this stamp shows an incredible misplaced entry! Whitworth does describe it well, though..."Re-entry No. 1 appeared in 1866 and was on the plate until the end of its use in 1868. The very wide shift of the frame lines would suggest that the attempt to repair the position resulted first, in a false touch down of the transfer roll, and then, the repair itself resulted in doubling of the design.” (W p.18)

Indeed, if you look carefully at the upper left corner, you will see the corner framelines duplicated 1.25 mm below the top frame, sticking out into the side margin. (See the 1st close-up photo.)

If you look at the lower right margins, you will clearly see both the inner and outer vertical framelines twisted out into the right margin, as well as the bottom frameline well below the original position. (See close-up 6 below.)

There are a great many other marks throughout the entire design of this twisted misplaced entry.

Note that seeing this on a plate proof allows us to see the marvelous details so much clearer than they would show on the printed stamp.

Unlike Re-entries 2 and 3, Whitworth does not give a plate position for this re-entry.

And now for another piece of the puzzle...

In my search for a copy after seeing this, I came upon an imprint block of 10 at a dealer’s table (2 rows of 5 with selvedge on the right and the imprint, which was not added until 1864, in the top row). Lo and behold, there in the middle of the top row is this stamp! Since there were two imprints on the right side of the sheet, next to positions 30 and 80, this places this misplaced entry in either position 28 or 78.

(Scans from the above-mentioned imprint block have now been added at the beginning, thanks to John Jamieson, of Saskatoon Stamp Centre.)

I had no idea this stamp was so terrific, until it was shown to me at Stampex on Oct. 15, 2005. I’m just sorry I didn’t find it first!  :(

Single - Courtesy of Dr. Jim Watt

Two examples of this misplaced entry have recently been found on the printed stamps and can be seen at the bottom of the close-ups of the proofs. (Scroll down.)

The first one is Courtesy of Earl Noss.

The second is mine.

Just in, a third copy, also mine.

Imprint Block  & Single above, Courtesy of John Jamieson, Saskatoon Stamp Centre

Courtesy of Dr. Jim Watt













Two examples of this misplaced entry have recently turned up on the printed stamp.

Courtesy of Earl Noss

And this one is mine.

And another, above.



Scott #14

One Cent Rose

A Major Re-entry

Whitworth R2

Plate Position #58

Doubling is subtle on this major, but markings can be found in the white oval above CANADA, in  side parts of POSTAGE and ONE CENT, and the inner framelines in the bottom left corner.



Scott #14

One Cent Rose


Whitworth R3

Plate Position #51

Here are a pair of #14’s submitted by Harry Voss. This is most likely Whitworth’s Re-entry #3, pp51,which shows the doubling of the upper left corner of the top frameline, as illustrated in Whitworth's book, However, doubling is also seen in many of the letters of CANADA POSTAGE, which does not match Whitworth’s diagrams for R3. Since there were eight states of this stamp, this could possibly be a previously unrecorded re-entry, although it could easily be R3 with another re-entry on top of it. (I have personally examined a bottom block of #14’s with strongly doubled bottom framelines that were not mentioned by Whitworth either, so others could certainly exist.) Any comments are welcome.

Courtesy of Harry Voss.

Courtesy of Harry Voss

Courtesy of Harry Voss



Scroll down to the bottom...


Scott #14

One Cent Rose

Plate Damage???


Misplaced Entry???

This stamp and scans were submitted by David Eisenhauer. While uncertain just what this could be, David wonders if it could possibly have a sideways entry from the 5¢ Beaver transfer roll? The area in and above the 'E' of CENT shows some very odd markings that do not suggest a misplacement of the One Cent design. Unfortunately, the stamp has a nasty crease right through the area of interest - the 'E' and above.

Yes, it has been suggested that perhaps these odd details have been drawn on by hand, but this begs the question, why on earth go to all that trouble on a badly creased stamp instead of a sound one?

Any suggestions or theories would be appreciated.

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Submitted by David Eisenhauer

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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]
Date Created: September 8, 2002.