Philatelic Literature: A Bibliography

Following is a list of some of the books in my personal philatelic library that I have used as references during my study of re-entries. Those that are prefaced with a red asterisk ( * ) are titles that I consider to be invaluable resources and belong in the serious re-entry student's library.

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Arfken, George B. & Leggett, Arthur W.: Canada's Decimal Era 1859-1868, (The Vincent G. Greene Philatelic Research Foundation, Toronto, Ontario, 1996, 303 pages, HC)

Arfken, George B., Leggett, Arthur W., Firby, Charles G. & Steinhart, Allan L.: Canada's Pence Era: The Pence Stamps and the Canadian Mail 1851-1859, ( The Vincent G. Greene Philatelic Research Foundation, Toronto, Ontario, 1997, 421 pages, HC)

Arfken, George, B.: Canada's Small Queen Era 1870-1897, (The Vincent G. Greene Philatelic Research Foundation, Toronto, Ontario, 1989, 459 pages, HC)

*Argenti, Nicholas: The Postage Stamps of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, (Quarterman Publications Inc., Lawrence, Mass. 01843, 1976, 223 pages, HC) Originally published in 1962, Royal Philatelic Society, London.

Ayshford, John: The Last Stamps of Newfoundland, (Robson Lowe Limited, London, 1978, 20 pages, PB)

*Baxter, James H.: Printing Postage Stamps by Line Engraving, (Quarterman Publications Inc., Lawrence, Mass. 01843, 1981, 164 pages, HC) Originally published in 1939, A.P.S.

Boggs, Winthrop S.: Foundations of Philately, Second Edition, (The Philatelic Foundation, New York, N.Y. 10016, 1955, 196 pages, HC)

*Boggs, Winthrop S.: The Postage Stamps and Postal History of Canada, (Quarterman Publications Inc., Lawrence, Mass. 01843, 1974, 870 pages, HC) Originally published in 1945, Chambers Publishing Company.

Boggs, Winthrop S.: The Postage Stamps and Postal History of Newfoundland, (Quarterman Publications Inc., Lawrence, Mass. 01843, 1975, 251 pages, HC) Originally published in 1942, Chambers Publishing Company.

*Bradley, Whitney L.: The Canadian Map Stamp of 1898 - A Plating Study, (British North America Philatelic Society, 1989, 188 pages, SC - Laminated, SB)

Brusden-White: The Australian Commonwealth Specialists’ Catalogue, 1988 Loos Leaf Edition, A permanent adjustable guide for collectors, beginners to specialists of the stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia from 1901 to the present day (Brusden-White, Australia, hundreds of pages, 4-ring binder)

Campbell Paterson LTD’S Handbook - Catalogue of New Zealand Stamps, (Campbell Paterson Ltd, Loose Leaf, A permanent, adjustable guide or collectors of New Zealand stamps from 1855 to the present day, hundreds of pages, 6-ring binder)

Chung, Andrew & Reiche, Hans: The Canadian Postage Due Stamps, (The Unitrade Press, Toronto, Ontario, M5W 1B2, 1985, 68 pages, SC)

*Duckworth, H.E & H.W.: The Large Queen Stamps of Canada and Their Use 1868-1872, (The Vincent G. Greene Philatelic Research Foundation, Handbook #3, Toronto, Ontario, 1986, c.480 pages, HC)

Fawn, Fred G.: The Dominion of Canada: The Large Queens 1868-1896, (BNAPS Exhibit Series No. 47, 2008, 163 pages, colour or b&w, spiral bound)

Fawn, Fred G.: Imperial Penny Postage of 1898, (BNAPS Exhibit Series No. 32, 2004, 154 pages, colour or b&w, spiral bound)

Forbes, J.A. (Jack): Colours, Shades and Perforations as seen in BLOCKS OF CANADA’S SMALL QUEENS ERA With Cancellation Commentary (BNAPS Exhibit Series No. 68, 2012, 158 pages, colour or b&w, spiral bound)

*French, Loran C.: Encyclopedia of Plate Varieties on U.S. Bureau-Printed Postage Stamps, (Bureau Issues Association, Inc., Arlington, MA 02174, 1979, 338 pages, HC)

Gibbons, Stanley: Great Britain Specialized Stamp Catalogue, Volume 1, Queen Victoria, (Stanley Gibbons Publications, Ltd., London, 1973, 270 pages, HC)

Gibbons, Stanley: Great Britain Specialized Stamp Catalogue, Volume 2, King Edward VII to King George VI, (Stanley Gibbons Publications, Ltd., London, 1974, 245 pages, HC)

Gibbons, Stanley: Great Britain Specialized Stamp Catalogue, Volume 3, Queen Elizabeth II, (Stanley Gibbons Publications, Ltd., London, 1971, 360 pages, HC)

Granzow, Gary W. FRPSL: Line Engraved Security Printing: the Methods of Perkins Bacon 1790 - 1935 Banknotes and Postage Stamps, (The Royal Philatelic Society London, 2012, 320 pages, colour, HC)

Groten, Arthur H.: Plating Canada’s 2¢ Stamp of 1864, (BNAPS Handbook, 6 pages, PB)

Hansen, Glenn: The Guidebook & Catalogue of Canadian Stamps, 2nd Edition, (Regency Publishing Company, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1973, 320 pages, SC)

Harrison, Horace: Canada’s Registry System [Hennok’s Series of Postal History Collections/5], (Jim Hennok, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, 1987, 295 pages, SC)

Hillson, John: The Small Queens of Canada, Second Revised Edition, (Christie’s-Robson Lowe, London, 1989, 106 pages, HC)

Hillson, John: Canada Small Queens Re-Appraised, (CPSGB, 1999, 44 pages, PB)

Hillson, John & Nixon, J. Edward: Canada's Postage Stamps of the Small Queen Era, 1870-1897, (Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation, Toronto, Ontario, 2008, 237 pages, colour, HC)

Holmes, L. Seale: Holmes Handbook and Catalogue of Canada and British North America, (L. Seale Holmes, 1943, 443 pages, HC)

Howes, Clifton A.: Canadian Postage Stamps and Stationery, (Quarterman Publications Inc., Lawrence, Mass. 01843, 1974, 301 pages, HC) Originally published in 1911, The New England Stamp Company.

*Jarrett, Fred: Stamps of British North America, (Quarterman Publications Inc., Lawrence, Mass. 01843, 1975, 595 pages, HC) Originally published in 1929.

Jarrett, Fred (Edited by Merrick & Gray Scrimgeour): Stampin' Around or The Life of a Stamp Collector, (Postal History Society of Canada, 2004, 216 pages, HC)

Johl, Max G.: United States Postage Stamps 1902-1935, (Quarterman Publications Inc., Lawrence, Mass. 01843, 1976, 566 pages, HC)

*Kershaw, Kenneth A.: The Three Penny Beaver: Volume 1, Plating the 3d Beaver, The Criteria Used and The Developmental Background (Privately Printed, 237 pages, colour, HC)

*Kershaw, Kenneth A.: The Three Penny Beaver: Volume 2, The Plating Details of Pane B (Privately Printed, 264 pages, colour, HC)

*Kershaw, Kenneth A.: The Three Penny Beaver: Volume 3, The Plating Details of Pane A (Privately Printed, 278 pages, colour, HC) - [Incorrectly Titled as Volume 1]

*Kershaw, Kenneth A.: The Three Penny Beaver: Volume 4, Plate Proof B (Privately Printed, 204 pages, colour, HC)

*Kershaw, Kenneth A.: The Three Penny Beaver: Volume 5, Plate Proof A (Privately Printed, 204 pages, colour, HC) 204 pages, colour, HC)

*Kershaw, Kenneth A.: The Five Cent Beaver, Volume I, The Plate Proofs of States 10-11 (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2007, 201 pages, colour or b&w, HC, spiral bound)

*Kershaw, Kenneth A.: The Five Cent Beaver, Volume II, Plating the More Notable Varieties and Re-entries (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2007, 298 pages, colour or b&w, HC, spiral bound)

*Kershaw, Kenneth A.: Plating The 10¢ Prince Consort Scott #17 (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2009, 370 pages, colour, spiral bound)

*Kershaw, Kenneth A.: Plating The Twelve and a Half Cents Yellow Green Scott #18 (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2009, 248 pages, colour, spiral bound)

*Kershaw, Kenneth A.: Plating The Seventeen Cents Blue Scott #19 (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2009, 244 pages, colour, spiral bound)

*Kershaw, Kenneth A.: The Re-entries and Varieties in the Half Cent Small Queen, Volume 1 - The Left-Hand Pane (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2012, 306 pages, b&w, spiral bound)

*Kershaw, Kenneth A.: The Re-entries and Varieties in the Half Cent Small Queen, Volume 1I - The Right-Hand Pane (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2012, 266 pages, b&w, spiral bound)

Kershaw, Kenneth A.: A Summary of the Known Flaws, Guide dote and Cork Cancels in the 1¢ Small Queen (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2013, 120 pages, colour, spiral bound)

Kershaw, Kenneth A.: The Defining Criteria of the 2¢ Small Queen - The Re-entries & Varieties (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2014, 79 pages, colour, spiral bound)

Kershaw, Kenneth A.: The Re-entries and Varieties in the 3-Cent Small Queen (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2013, 440 pages, colour, spiral bound)

*Kershaw, Kenneth A.: Plating the More Distinctive Re-entries on the Half Cent Maple Leaf Stamp, Volume I, Plating criteria and detailed descriptions of the first and second printings (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2006, 133 pages, b&w, spiral bound)

*Kershaw, Kenneth A.: Plating the More Distinctive Re-entries on the Half Cent Maple Leaf Stamp, Volume II, Plating criteria and detailed descriptions of the third and fourth printings (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2006, 215 pages, b&w, spiral bound)

*Kershaw, Ken & Boisclair, Roger: The 1898 Christmas Map Stamp Definitive Plating Study, (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2004, 460 pages, colour or b&w, PB, SB, 3-ring Binder, or HC)

Livermore, Charles P.: The Cumulative Index to BNA TOPICS 1944-1997, (BNAPS Book Department, 1998, 284 pages, SB)

*Lowe, Robson: The Encyclopaedia of British Empire Postage Stamps 1639-1952, Volume V, The Empire in North America, Parts I-IV, 2 Volumes, (Robson Lowe Ltd., London, 1973, 760 pages, HC)  These sections of Lowe are also available in separate soft cover editions... Part II  Canada  //  Part IV Newfoundland & British Columbia

*Lussey, Harry W.: Registration Markings and The Registered Letter Stamps, (BNAPS Exhibits No. 9, 1998, 277 pages, SB)

*Marler, George C.: The Admiral Issue of Canada, (American Philatelic Society, State College, PA, 16801, 1982, 566 pages, HC)

Marler, George C.: Canada, The Admiral Issue 1911-1925, (The Unitrade Press, Toronto, Ontario, M5W 1B2, 1980, 76 pages, SC) Originally published in 1949, A.P.S.)

*Marler, George C.: The Edward VII Issue of Canada, (The National Postal Museum, Ottawa, Ontario, 1975, 212 pages, HC)

Matte, Raymond: 2¢ Red, Geo.V, 1912 Admiral — Re-entries & Constant Varieties, (Raymond Matte, 1977, 64 pages, SC)

Matte Raymond: 2¢ Red, Geo.V, 1912 Admiral — Re-entries CANADA POSTAGE Only, (Raymond Matte, 1975, 64 pages, SC)

McLaughlin, David: The Maple Leaf Issue of Canada 1897 - 1898 (BNAPS Exhibit Series No. 77, 2014, 112 pages, colour or b&w, spiral bound)

McNaught, Herb: The Half-Cent Small Queen Issue of 1882-1897, (BNAPS Exhibit Series No. 27, 2002, 164 pages, colour or b&w, spiral bound)

Melville, Fred, J.: Postage Stamps in the Making: A General Survey of the Practices  and Processes Employed in the Manufacture of Postage Stamps, (Stanley Gibbons Ltd., London, 1916, c.200 pages, HC)

Meara, J.P.: The Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue, (The Hawthorn Press, Melbourne Press, 1980, 40th Edition, 300+ pages, PB)

Milos Michael (Editor): Canadian Stamp Handbooks, (This series, which was composed of seven sections, was published in a small (9" X 6") 3-ring format in a special binder. It is long out-of-print, but some dealers, like George Wegg Ltd., might still have some available.) The seven sections that were published are:

          The First Cents Issue 1859-1868 by Geoffrey Whitworth 1982

          The Small Queens 1870-1897 by John Hillson 1985

          The Edward VII Issue 1903-1912 by David F. Sessions 1984

          The Admirals 1911-1925 by Hans Reiche 1984

          The Medallion Issue King George V 1932 by Douglas M. Casey 1989

          The Centennials 1967-1973 by R. Fournier, M. Freedman, P. Harris, D. Irwin & K. Rose 1982

          Canada Post Cello-Paqs & Souvenir Articles by C.F. Black 1985

Morris, Richard M.: The Admiral Issue of Canada, (BNAPS Exhibit Series No. 48, 2008, 167 pages, colour or b&w, spiral bound)

Odenweller, Robert P.: The Postage Stamps of New Zealand: 1855 - 1873, The Chalon Head Issues, (The Royal Philatelic Society London and The Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand Incorporated, 2009, 362 pages, HC)

Odenweller, Robert P.: The Chalon Sorting Guide Supplement to The Postage Stamps of New Zealand: 1855 - 1873, The Chalon Head Issues, (The Royal Philatelic Society London and The Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand Incorporated, 2014, 28 pages, SC)

Parkinson, W.F.: Penny Universal Booklet Plate (New Zealand), (Frank Parkinson, Auckland, N.Z., PB)

Paterson, Campbell: The Stamps of New Zealand 1946, (Pim & Co., Auckland, N.Z., 1946, 94 pages, PB)

Pekonen, Bill: Canada 1946 Seven Cent Air Mail Postage Stamp, Guidebook to "Re-entries" and Varieties, (self-published, 2003, 20 pages, spiral bound)

Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada, Toronto, Ontario - Various Members, Edited by Fred Stubens: The Mediterranean Mails, A Study of the Mails from, to, and through the Mediterranean to the end of the nineteenth century (Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada, 1993, 89 pages, SC)

Pratt, Robert H.: The Pence Issues of Newfoundland 1857-1866, (The Vincent G. Greene Philatelic Research Foundation, Handbook #2, Toronto, Ontario, 1982, 192 pages, HC)

Reiche, Hans: Canada, The Admiral Stamps of 1911 to 1925, Parts 1 & 2, (Hans Reiche, Ottawa, Ontario, 1965, 185 pages, card covers)

Reiche, Hans: Canada, Constant Plate Varieties - Billig’s Specialized Catalogues, Volume 7, (Fritz Billig, Jamaica, N.Y., 1954, 48 pages, SC)

*Reiche, Hans: Canada, Steel Engraved Constant Plate Varieties, (The Unitrade Press, Toronto, Ontario, M5W 1B2, 1982, 114 pages, SC)

Reiche, Hans: Canada, The War Tax Stamps - Billig’s Specialized Catalogues, Volume 9, (Fritz Billig, Jamaica, N.Y., 1959, 36 pages, SC)

Reiche, Hans: The Canadian Admiral Stamps - A Complete, Annotated Reference Guide, (Hans Reiche, Ottawa, Ontario, 1990, 76 pages, SC)

Reiche, Hans: Canadian Stamp Varieties 1973, (Hans Reiche, Ottawa, Ontario, 1973, 51 pages, Card Cover)

Reiche, Hans: Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada Small Queens, Second Edition, (The Unitrade Press, Toronto, Ontario, M5W 1B2, 1981, 27 pages, SB, HC) Originally published in 1961, British North America Philatelic Society, Handbook No. 4.

*Reiche, Hans & Mike Sendbuehler: Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada Small Queens, Third Revised Edition, (Ian Kimmerly Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 2G8, 1991, 110 pages, HC & SC spiral)

Reiche, Hans & Mike Sendbuehler: The Canada Queen Victoria 1898 Numeral Issue, (Saskatoon Stamp Centre, Saskatoon, Sask., 168 pages, 3-ring Binder, HC)

Reiche, Hans: A Large Queen’s Report, (Canadian Wholesale Supply, Brantford, Ontario, N3T 5R7, 1977, 70 pages, SC)

Rousseau, Lyse: Canadian Philatelic E.F.O.'S, Errors, Freaks & Oddities, Specialized Edition, (Darnell, Rousseau, Inc., Montreal Quebec, 2005, 226 pages, SB)

Scrimgeour, Gray: The History of the Toronto Stamp Collectors’ Club 1892-1992, (Privately Published by the Toronto Stamp Collectors’ Club, Toronto Canada 1994, 153 pages, SC)

Schwalm, Albert: Plating Hawaii’s 1894-99 Two Cent Stamp, (Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center Stamp Club, Houston, Texas, 1973, 20 pages SC)

Selby, Alan: King Edward VII Issue 1902-1912, (BNAPS Exhibit Series No. 45, 2007, 161 pages, colour or b&w, spiral bound)

Smythies, E.A. & Smith, A.F.: Canadian Registered Letter Stamps & Cancellations 1875-1902, (A Handbook of the Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain, 63 pages, SC)

Soule, Chester C. (Ed.): The Five Cent Beaver Stamp of Canada 1859-68, The Named Flaws and the Significant Re-entries (double transfers) of This Stamp (self-published, 2006, 14 pages, spiral bound)

Spencer, Peter: The Wearing of the Green: Plates and States of the Canada 1898 One Cent Numeral Issue, (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2006, 108 pages, colour, spiral bound)

Spencer, Peter: Pretty in Pink: The Plates and States of the Canada 1898 Two Cent Numeral Issue, (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2005, 98 pages, colour, spiral bound)

Spencer, Peter: The Thirty-Six Types of the Canada 1898 Two Cent Numeral Issue, (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2017, 80 pages, colour, spiral bound)

Spencer, Peter: The Joy of Panes: Plating the Stamps of Canada’s First Booklet Pane (The 2¢ Numeral), (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2015, 100 pages, colour, spiral bound)

Spencer, Peter: Blue Opaline: The Exceptional Plate One of the Canada Five Cent 1898 Numeral Issue, (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2007, 225 pages, colour, spiral bound)

Spencer, Peter: Victoria’s Secret Slips, Plate 2 and 3 of the Canada Five Cent 1898 Numeral Issue, (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2012, 127 pages, colour, spiral bound)

Spencer, Peter: Mrs. Brown: The Canada Ten Cent 1898 Numeral Issue, (The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd., 2008, 119 pages, colour, spiral bound)

*Tomlinson, Frederick: The Canadian Map Stamp of 1898, (A Handbook of the Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain, reprinted 1972, First Edition, 1960, 47 pages, SC)

*Verge, Charles J.G. (Ed.): Senator James A. Calder's Complete Plating of the Canada 17¢ Jacques Cartier from the 1859 Cents Issue, (CASCA Enterprises, Ottawa, 1992, 2nd printing 2001, 144 pages, spiral bound)

Voss, Harry: Canadian Re-entries 1852-1953, (BNAPS Exhibit Series Book No. 26, 2002, 96 pages, spiral bound)

Waldston, Ron: Plate Varieties of the Canada 1 Cent Small Queen, (Gerry Wal PPP Inc., North York, ON, 2004, 24 pages, Card Cover)

Walsh, John M. & Butt, John G.: Newfoundland Specialized Stamp Catalogue, (Walsh's Philatelic Service, St. John's, Newfoundland, 2002, 302 pages, spiral bound)

*Whitworth, Geoffrey: The First Decimal Issue of Canada 1859-68, (The Royal Philatelic Society, London, 1966, 96 pages, Card Cover)

*Whitworth, Geoffrey: The Five Cents Beaver Stamp of Canada, (The Royal Philatelic Society, London, 1985, 90 pages, SC)

*Williams, L.N.: Fundamentals of Philately, Revised Edition, (American Philatelic Society, State College, PA, 16803, 1990, 862 pages, HC)

Along with all of the above, there are many other references that are extremely useful as well. These include various catalogues, such as: the Unitrade Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps 2006; Darnell Stamps of Canada Catalogue 2005; and The Canadian Revenue Stamp Catalogue by E.S.J. Van Dam. Also useful are sales catalogues with their prices realized, such as those from R. Maresch & Son. Two other examples that I find particularly helpful are: The “Barclay” Collection of Canadian Pence Issues, 1983 by Danam Stamp Auctions, Cherry Hill, N.J.; and The American Bank Note Company Archives of British North America, 1990 by Christie’s, New York, N.Y. There are also a great many articles on re-entries in back issues of BNA TOPICS*, the Journal of The British North America Philatelic Society, and MAPLE LEAVES, the Journal of The Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain. Newsletters from various study groups also contain information on re-entries that may not be found anywhere else. Examples are the Canadian Re-entry Study Group of BNAPS; the Small Queen Study Circle of BNAPS; and the Map Stamp Study Group of BNAPS.

To wade through much of the above, three references are indispensable for any library:

*Morin, Cimon: CANADIAN PHILATELY: Bibliography and Index 1864-1973, (National Library of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, 1979, 281 pages, SC)

*Morin, Cimon: CANADIAN PHILATELY: Bibliography and Index — Volume 2, (National Library of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, 1983, 246 pages, SC)

*Morin, Cimon: CANADIAN PHILATELY: Bibliography and Index — Volume 3, (Saskatoon Stamp Centre, 1998, 311 pages, SC)

*Access is now available ONLINE to complete scanned copies of BNA TOPICS from 1944-2004 at

Many of the titles above can be ordered from Ian Kimmerly Stamps, Ottawa. Ian also handles the BNAPS Book Department.

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