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BNA Topics Re-entry References
The following list refers to the Whole Numbers of issues of BNA Topics, the Official Journal of BNAPS (British North America Philatelic Society). Each of these references is related in some way to re-entries, whether it be an article specifically about re-entries, an article that includes reference(s) to re-entries, a letter to the editor, or response to same. Some may contain illustrations or photographs. You can also visit the BNA Topics website and search the Tables of Contents for other references. This resource is made available due to the generosity of the late Horace Harrison, a Past President of BNAPS and life-long believer in the dissemination of knowledge to all philatelists. Every single page of every single issue of BNA Topics from 1944 (Issue #1) through to the end of 1999 (Issue #481) has been scanned (thanks to John Walsh) and made available for reading online, or to download and read at your leisure as PDF documents. A separate listing of all of the Table of Contents of all issues is available on the web page to make it easier for visitors to the site to find the information they desire. Eventually, I believe, the complete Cumulative Index (that is already available in print form covering 1944-1997) will be scanned and added to the site. This Index was compiled by P. Charles Livermore. I believe I speak for all of us when I thank BNAPS and the estate of Mr. Harrison for making this incredible resource available to all of us at no charge. (Issues from 2000 onwards are available to BNAPS members only.) The numbers on the left in the following list represent the Whole Numbers of each issue. The numbers are followed by the titles of the articles/references, followed by the author. I have not included the years, dates or volumes of each issue, as the Whole Number is all that is needed to access the issues on the website. Feel free to print out this list to make it easier when visiting the BNA Topics website.
02 Plate Varieties on Canada - Scott No. 45 - J. Levine
Canadian Plate Varieties
38 5¢ Entry on the 6¢ Small Queens - W. White
47 Re-entries of the 1912 King George V - G. Searles
69 The Three Cent Small Queen Issue of Canada - L. Shoemaker
72 Canada 5¢ 1859 - Major G. Chapman
Further Notes on Canadian Varieties - Major K.H. White
(Letter) The Shoemaker Article - A. Whitehead
75 Variety Hunting in Canada - The Christmas Stamp - R. Tuckwell
77 Note on the 'Admiral' Series - J. Macaskie
78 5¢ Re-entry on 6¢ Small Queen - R. Allison
81 Canada 5¢ 1859 - Record of Re-entries - Major G. Chapman
(Letters) Tercentenary Issue - E. Shipton & W. White
82 Canada 5¢ 1859 - Record of Re-entries - Major G. Chapman
Canada Small Queens - The Two Cent Green - Rev. Dr. G. Dewey
84 The Main Plate Varieties of B.N.A. - G. Fairbanks
The Quebec Tercentenary Issue - C.E.C. Shipton
86 (Letter) Title Misleading (Main Plate Varieties of B.N.A. - G. Fairbanks) - A. Whitehead
Page From a B.N.A. Scrapbook - Canada: 1898 "Numeral" Issue - Re-entries & Varieties on the One Cent Green - R. Duncan & G. Lewis
Variety Hunting in Canada - 1935 20¢ Niagara Falls - R. Tuckwell
Line in Hair Variety (1¢ SQ) - Rev. G. Dewey
87 The "Strand of Hair" Variety on the 1¢ Small Queen - P. Hurst
Compound Varieties - D. Young
90 Plate Layout of the Half Cent Small Queen - H. Reiche
92 Canada 1859 - Ten Cents - Major G. Chapman
(Letter) In Reply to Mr. Pollack (Tercentenary) - E. Shipton
93 Canada - 5¢ Re-entry on 6¢ Small Queen - W. Lea
96 Edward One and Two Cent Re-entries - C.W. Hollingsworth
97 Notes on Problems of Canadian Stamps (Plating) - P. Hurst
100 Newfoundland Plate Varieties - D.C. Myerson
Pages From a BNA Scrapbook - Canadian Re-entries - S.D.R.
Constant Plate Varieties - H. Reiche
103 Admiral Issue, 1911-25: Re-entries - 2 Cent Green - D.A. Young
105 Newfoundland 1d 1861-62: An Unrecorded Re-entry - W. Lea
106 Canada 1859 - The Plate Problem of the 5¢ Beaver - W. Lea
(Letter) 3d Canada Variety - R.W. Lees-Jones
108 Pence Talk - R.P. Hedley
The Dies for the 1859 Issue - H. Gates
117 Small Queens: 5¢ Re-entry on 6¢ - E. Blois
123 Strong Re-entry on the 1¢ Small Queen - S. Lukow
124 Two Important Examples of the First 6¢ Small Queen Major Re-entry - P. Hurst
The 7¢ Brown Admiral - H. Reiche
127 The 2 Cent Small Queen - P. Hurst
129 Canada - The 1859 5 Cents - Major G. Chapman
135 A Second Latent Re-entry of the 2 Cent Small Queen - P. Hurst
139 The Plate Position of the "Strand of Hair" Located - P. Hurst
141 A Re-entry on the 1 Cent Yellow Admiral - H. Reiche
156 'Strand of Hair' and Re-entry varieties on the 1¢ Small Queen - S. Lukow
163 Two "Strands of Hair" Identified - P. Hurst
170 1908 Quebec Centenary - C. Garrett
176 The Five Cents Edward - G. Harper & Dr. C.W. Hollingsworth
182 Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada Small Queens - Part One - H. Reiche
183 Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada Small Queens - Part Two - The 3 Cents - H. Reiche
Two Further Important Examples of the Yellow-Brown 6¢ Small Queen Major Re-entry - P. Hurst
185 Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada Small Queens - Part Three - H. Reiche
187 Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada Small Queens - Part Four - H. Reiche
188 Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada Small Queens - Part Five - H. Reiche
189 Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada Small Queens - Part Six - H. Reiche
190 Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada Small Queens - Part 7 - 6 Cents (Cont'd) - H. Reiche
194 Constant Plate Varieties of the 10¢ Small Queen - P. Hurst
196 Are There Any 20th Century Canadian Re-entries? - M. Rosenthal
199 Response to the Above (Letters) - F.W. Pollack & H.W. Lussey
204 Comments on 20th Century Re-entries - M. Rosenthal
212 The 10¢ Small Queen - A Re-entry Discovered - P. Hurst
216 War Tax Plate Identification - H. Reiche
224 The Proof Corner - Newfoundland - 1¢ Codfish "Fishhook" Variety - R.H. Pratt
229 For Frustrated Stamp Collectors OR Where Do We Go From Here? - Part One of a Study of Canadian Stamps - G. Smith
230 More on the 10¢ Small Queen Re-entry - D.A. Crawford
231 Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada 3¢ Small Queen - G. Pond
237 The Identifying Characteristics of the Four Major Re-entries of Canada's 6¢ Small Queen in the Red-Brown & Chocolate Shades - P. Hurst
242 Canada 1859, The Five Cent Major Re-entry - G. Whitworth
245 The Admirals - Hon. G.C. Marler
250 Canada 1859 - Plate Varieties - G. Fairbanks
Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada Small Queens - P. Hurst
251 Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada Small Queens - The 8¢ Re-entry - Two Scarce 6¢ Yellow-Brown Varieties - P. Hurst
252 Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada Small Queens - P. Hurst
253 Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada 3¢ Small Queen - P. Hurst
Canada - One Cent 1859 - A Study of Plate Varieties - S. Kenyon
254 Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada Small Queens - More on the 6¢ Yellow-Brown Major Re-entry - P. Hurst
255 Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada Small Queens - P. Hurst
Canada - One Cent 1859 - A Study of Plate Varieties - S. Kenyon
256 Canada - One Cent 1859 - A Study of Plate Varieties - S. Kenyon
257 Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada Small Queens - 6¢ Red-Brown - P. Hurst
Canada - One Cent 1859 - A Study of Plate Varieties - S. Kenyon
258 Canada - One Cent 1859 - A Study of Plate Varieties - S. Kenyon
259 Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada Small Queens - 2 Cent Major - P. Hurst
267-8 Constant Plate Varieties of the Canada Small Queens - The Top Row of the First 2¢ Plate - P. Hurst
294 The "Strand of Hair" Varieties - P. Hurst
300 Constant Plate Varieties - H. Reiche
307 In Homage to The Admirals - A Retrospective View - M. Dicketts
317 That 10¢ Albert of 1859 - Part One - H. Saxton
318 That 10¢ Albert of 1859 - Part Two - H. Saxton
323 Re-entry on the 2¢ Thin Admiral (Green) - H. Reiche
349 The Beaver Byline - C. Huff & A. Groten
350 The Beaver Byline - C. Huff & A. Groten
354 Notes on the Half Cent Large Queen - H. Harrison
355 The Beaver Byline - C. Huff & A. Groten
360 The Beaver Byline - C. Huff & A. Groten
362 The Beaver Byline - C. Huff & A. Groten
363 The Beaver Byline - C. Huff & A. Groten
365 Major Types of the 2¢ Carmine Numeral, 1899 - Part One - H. Laurence
366 Major Types of the 2¢ Carmine Numeral, 1899 - Part Two - H. Laurence
368 Admiral 2¢ Red Re-entry - H. Reiche
An Attempt to Plate the 7 1/2d - Part One - Dr. J. Watt
369 A 2¢ Red Admiral Re-entry - H. Reiche
370 An Attempt to Plate the 7 1/2d - Part Two - Dr. J. Watt
371 An Attempt to Plate the 7 1/2d - Part Three - Dr. J. Watt
376 The Beaver Byline - C. Huff & A. Groten
2¢ Green Admiral Re-entry - H. Reiche
384 A Major Admiral Find - H. Reiche
386 The ½ Cent Small Queen - New Information - W.G. Burden
388 Will You Find That Admiral Variety? - P. Roling
391 A Major Discovery on the Five Cent Edward - R. Trimble
396 Plating the Canadian Map Stamp of 1898 - W. Bradley
397 Plating the Canadian Map Stamp of 1898 - W. Bradley
399 Plating the Canadian Map Stamp of 1898 - W. Bradley
400 Plating the Canadian Map Stamp of 1898 - W. Bradley
Sketches of BNAPSers - Ralph E. Trimble
402 The Precancel Specialist - Precancelled Re-entries - H. Reiche & R. Bradbury
The Major Re-entry of the ½¢ Small Queen - G. Arfken
403 The Re-entries of the 50¢ Widowed Queen - G. Arfken
405 Plating the Canadian Map Stamp of 1898 - W. Bradley
How To Plate Sstamps - H. Reiche
410 The 6 Cent Small Queen Constant Transfer Roll Varieties - H. Reiche & M. Sendbeuhler
412 New Information on the 6¢ Small Queen - H. Reiche
414 (Letter) 6 Cent Small Queens Plates - N.J.A. Hillson
421 Misplaced Entries on the One Cent Numeral - W. Bosch
424 (Letter) Misplaced Entries on the One Cent Numeral - R. Trimble
427 Re-entry Basics - J. Hillson
431 The Strand of Hair Revisited - H. Reiche & Dr. M. Sendbuehler
436 (Letter) Strand of Hair Revisited - Corrections - H. Reiche & M. Sendbuehler
437 Another Way of Seeing - R. Trimble
443 A Proposed Classification System of Re-entries and Misplaced Entries - R. Trimble
444 The 10¢ on 1¢ Numeral - Found on the Proof Sheet in Ottawa - R. Trimble
449 Re-entry Terms - A Problem of Semantics - R. Trimble
452 The Canadian Map Stamp of 1898 - The Two Most Desirable Plate Positions - W. Bradley
453 The Seven Plate Positions of the 5¢ on 6¢ Small Queen - R. Trimble
458 Re-entry Terms - A Problem of Semantics Part II - "Shifted Transfer" - R. Trimble
463 An Abundance of Major Re-entries on the One Half Penny - R. Trimble
467 Map Stamp - Plate 4 - F. Fawn
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Ralph E. Trimble
Specialist in Re-entries