ADMIRAL ISSUE Re-entries TEN CENTS Plum Scott #116 |
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Scott #116 10¢ Admiral Plum Re-entry There is doubling visible in the 'GE' of POSTAGE, and above the 'E' in the white oval. Courtesy of Hans Reiche
Courtesy of Hans Reiche |
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Scott #116 10¢ Admiral Plum Major Misplaced Entry Position 11UR12 Here is an incredible misplaced entry discovered by Bill Burden. Notice the lower left corner frameline duplicated in the left margin, as well as crossing the white portrait oval into the shoulder area of the King and lightly visible in the opposite right white oval and maple leaf. There is also a hint of markings likely related to this seen in the ‘C’ of CANADA. Courtesy of W.G. Burden
^ Courtesy of W.G. Burden ^ |
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Scott #116 10¢ Admiral Plum Major Re-entry Position 7UR19 This is a nice major showing doubling in and above ‘ANA’ of CANADA, and on the opposite side of the design, in the ‘OS’ of POSTAGE and inside the upper right frameline next to the crown.
^ Courtesy of W.G. Burden ^ |
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Return to Index Return to Listings Page Ralph E. Trimble Specialist in BNA Re-entries |