Five Cents
The Five Cents Registered Letter Stamp (RLS) is considerably more interesting than the Two Cents. There were three plates used to print the 5¢; Plate 1 - 2 panes of 50 - A & B - 5 X 10 each; Plate 2 - 1 sheet of 100, 5 X 20; and Plate 3 - 2 panes of 50 - A & B - 5 X 10 each. While there are a couple of interesting stamps from Plates 1 & 3, Plate 2 is where all the action is. Horace Harrison, George Arfken & Harry Lussey in their new book, 'Canada's Registered Mail 1802 - 1909' published by the Collectors' Club of Chicago, believe that Plate 2 was never finished and was pressed into service without having all the guidelines, guide dots, flaws and fresh entries corrected. This resulted in an abundance of plate varieties for us to collect. There are a number of fascinating re-entries and misplaced entries to be found, but somehow related to these, there are also quite a number of constant flaws that may or may not be re-entries. While some of these are similar to re-entries, others are not, but they appear to have similar origins. Therefore, in order to help you, the viewer, with the plating of your own stamps, I have decided to include the plate flaws here along side the re-entries. After showing the major varieties, I will present the rest of the varieties in their order of plate position, with unknown positions at the end. As always, I welcome your feedback on this. *1 Scott
# F2 5¢ RLS The Major Re-entry Plate II, Position #77 Distinctive marks of doubling are found in the S of REGISTERED and the top of ER of LETTER. While many of the marks are certainly from re-entry, the two lower slashes in the 'S' likely are not. These are similar to many of the unexplained marks (flaws) found in the stamps seen below.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ *2 Scott
# F2 5¢ RLS The Misplaced Entry Plate II Position 85 The lower left corner of the design is nicely misplaced, with marks also in the FI of FIVE. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ *3 Scott
# F2 5¢ RLS Misplaced Entry 2 Plate II Position #89 Here is a terrific Misplaced Entry that was first shown to me by Harry Lussey a number of years ago at a BNAPS Convention. I finally found a copy! Notice the 'extra' scallop, as well as marks to the left of 'S.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ *4 Scott
# F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position #82 This stamp is found directly below the Major Re-entry in Position #77. Note the doubling in the middle A of CANADA and the flaw in the S of REGISTERED. There is also a vertical guideline through 'R' of LETTER and down through the bottom margin. Note the doubling of the scallop to the right of the guideline at the bottom.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ *5 Scott
# F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position #1 There is doubling in the 'S'. Note the convergence of three guidelines in the bottom margin at a large guide dot. Note the plate scratch through the scallop of the stamp below this one. See stamp #8 below. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ *6 Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position #4 There is a slash in the upper 'S.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Guidelines Plate II, Position #5 There are two converging guidelines and a large guide dot in the bottom margin. There is also a slip print visible in the lettering at the top of the photo. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Plate Scratch Plate II, Position #6 There is a plate scratch through the scallop above 'AN' as seen above in stamp #1. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position #8 There are two curved slash marks in the 'S.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position #18 There is a line of doubling in the bottom curl of the 'S.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position #22 There are two parallel pairs of marks in the 'T.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position #29 There is a large curved slash in the 'T.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ Registered Letter Stamp Re-entry Plate II, Position #44 There is a large curved slash in the 'S.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position #55 There is doubling in the 'N' and 'S' and a slash in the 'T.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position #70 There is an odd curved mark in the 'E' of the left FIVE. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position #72 There are two marks in the 'S.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position #74 There is doubling in the bottom curl of the 'S.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position #80 There are lines of doubling in the 'E' and 'T.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position #82 There is doubling in the 'A' and marks in the 'S.' This stamp is found directly below the Major Re-entry from pp.77. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position #83 There are distinctive marks in the top of the 'S.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position #84 There is a long slash in the top of the 'S' and a large guide dot in the 'N.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position # The Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position # The Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position # The Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position Unkn 1 There is a very long slash in the top of the 'S' and two small marks in the bottom curve of the 'S.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position Unkn 2 There are two odd parallel wavy marks in the 'S.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position Unkn 3 There are odd distinctive marks in the 'S' and a horizontal line through the 'N.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position Unkn 4 There are oddly distinctive marks in the bottom of the 'S' and a short line in the top of the 'S.' There is also a strong guide dot in the 'N.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position Unkn 5 There is a short mark in the bottom of the 'S' and a heavy guide dot in the 'N.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position Unkn 6 There is a mark in the upper part of the 'S.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate II, Position Unkn 7 There is a long vertical mark in the bottom of the 'S' and a guideline through the 'S' and 'R' down to the bottom margin. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Flaw Plate II, Position Unkn 8 There is a scratch from the 'S' down through the 'R.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate III, Position Unkn 1 There is clear doubling in the 'A' and top of the 'T.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate III, Position Unkn 2 There is a pair of horizontal lines in the 'N.' ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate III, Position Unkn 3 There is slight doubling of the lower left corner. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate III, Position Unkn 4 There is very slight doubling/smudging of the lower left corner. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Scott # F2 5¢ RLS Re-entry Plate III, Position Unkn 5 The left frameline is clearly doubled over its entire height. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Return
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E. Trimble Specialist
in BNA Re-entries
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