My Re-entry Want List

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I am continuously searching for re-entries to add to my collection. I look at it as a Reference Collection, so I am willing to take items that are not in the best of condition, as long as the re-entry details are clear. That is, things like missing perfs, thins, a crease, the odd stain, etc., don't really bother me too much. If it is a re-entry that I need for my collection and the price is right, I'll often take a stamp that many other collectors would pass by due to condition. (See my copy of the main 5¢ on 6¢ Small Queen for my best example of what I mean here. It has to be the worst copy in existence, but at least I HAVE a copy!) Sure, I like a good, sound copy as much as the next person, but I'm not just 'filling spaces' with MNH stamps here. I'm building a reference collection that I can use as definitive proof of specific re-entries and their characteristics, and that can be utilized to identify other collectors' stamps as well. That being said, the items listed below are ones that I have not yet been able to obtain and I would dearly love to do so. So, if anyone out there reading this should happen to have an extra copy that they would be willing to part with, or even your only copy, PLEASE email me with a description and scan and the price you are asking. I will get back to you immediately with my response. Keep in mind that I am willing to take a sound copy, or even a 'filler,' as long as the re-entry details are clear.


In no particular order ...



* The dropped transfer rolls, Scott #106 2¢ carmine Admiral (see #2a & 2b on my page)

* any misplaced entries not already found on my site

* 1¢ Quebec Tercentenary re-entry #4 on my 1¢ Quebec Tercentenary page

* 5¢ Numeral with ray-like pattern in the upper margin

* any re-entered imprints not already shown on my Re-entered Imprints page

* the major misplaced entry on the 2¢ Edward 86UL93 - July 4, 2014 - Got it!!!!!



* the major re-entry on NFLD #1i  pp25


* any other Newfoundland re-entries unknown to me





* the major double transfer on the 1922 5¢ Roosevelt from position 15571UL86

* the re-entry on the $5 Bret Harte

* any double transfers and misplaced transfers not already found on my site from my collection

* any of the 7 double transfers found on Scott #1898A, 4¢ coil of 1983, Stagecoach



* New Zealand Scott #117 Nine Pence Major Re-entry Row 1 Stamp 5

* ... any ... too many to list


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