While the Large Queens Issue does not have the vast array of re-entries of the Pence and Decimal Issues that came before it, nor the Small Queens that came after, there are still a number of interesting specimens to be found. The most controversial of these is the so-called Major Re-entry on the 15¢ value. It has its own page HERE. Examples on the rest of the values can be found on this page. Scans of re-entries not shown here would be appreciated (1200ppi non-compressed, please).
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Scott # 21
Half Cent
Plate Position #1
Re-entries are very scarce on this issue. This one shows doubling of the scrollwork in the upper left corner.
This photo was taken from a mint corner block of four from the Horace Harrison collcetion.

Scott # 21
Half Cent
Plate Position #11
This re-entry was found directly below the above position in Horace Harrison's block of four. It too shows doubling of the upper left corner scrollwork, although not as strong as position #1.

Scott #23
One Cent
Plate Position ?
This stamp shows what 'might' be doubling in some of the letters of CANADA POSTAGE, especially 'NADA.' It might well be a slip print, so reports of a duplicate copy would be needed to prove constancy. |

# 24
Major Re-entry
Position #7
The main feature of this well-known major is the doubling found in CANADA POSTAGE, particularly the strong line in the back of the 'D.'

Scott # 25
Three Cents
Plate Position ??
The main feature of this neat little re-entry is the sharp doubling of the extreme lower right corner of the design.
This re-entry was reported by Mike Sendbuehler, and is not listed by Duckworth. |

Scott #27
Six Cents
Strong Re-entry
Plate Position #5
Here is another 6¢ I just found (Sept. 05), and this one is on the yellow brown shade. The UR corner ornament is clearly doubled, the UL ornament has a light line of doubling above it. The ‘O’ & ‘S’ appear thickened or squeezed at the bottom. The bottom frameline shows trebling under the ‘S’ of CENTS.
This matches Duckworth’s description on p.107, Fig. 33 - J, p.111. |

Major Re-entry
Position #93
The so-called 'major' re-entry on the 6¢ is actually quite subtle, but this copy does indeed match all of the criteria mentioned by Horace Harrison in Duckworth's book.
The most obvious areas are: doubling of 'S' of POSTAGE; doubling of scroll in upper right; doubling of lower frameline below SIX CENTS; and doubling of inner frameline to the right of the right '6'.

Below are closeups of another copy I recently found, showing the doubling in the ‘S’ more clearly.

Position #95
The upper left ornament of the design is sharply doubled on this stamp.

Scott #27
Six Cents
Major Misplaced Entry
Plate Position # ?
Harry Voss discovered a fascinating 6¢ LQ that appears to be a misplaced entry, or even a foreign entry. First, notice the markings in the right margin in the upper right and lower right; the horizontal markings across the chin and diagonal markings in front of the chin downwards; the marks on the temple; and finally below the eye.
The details in the right margin remind me of the 2¢ SQ Latent Entries.
These are certainly misplaced engraved design elements - the question is whether they are from the 6¢ transfer roll, or ???
Your input would be welcome, as well as the report of a second copy to prove constancy.

Scott #27
Six Cents
Re-entry N
Plate Position Unknown
This appears to be Item ‘N’ from Duckworth, p.111, showing doubling in ‘STAGE.’ If you look closely through the cancel, brown markings can be seen in all of those letters.
Courtesy of Yannick Cartier

Courtesy of Yannick Cartier
(scroll down)
(scroll down)
Scott #29
Fifteen Cents
The Major Re-entry
Plate Position #1
Go to the Major Re-entry Page
There is a separate page for the 15¢ Major Re-entry HERE
Scott #29
Fifteen Cents
Plate Position ?
This stamp shows possible signs of doubling in 'ANA' and the lower left '5.'
Whether this has any relation to the Major Re-entry on the 15¢ remains to be seen. It is thought that the Major Re-entry was corrected early in the life of the plate, and if so, there would not really have been time for 'worn' copies of the Major to develop.
Any reports/scans of duplicate copies of this stamp would be appreciated.

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E. Trimble
in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]