ADMIRAL ISSUE Re-entries TWO CENTS Carmine Page 1
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Return to Index Return to Listings Page There were 160 plates of 400 subjects each used to print the sheet stamps of the 2¢ carmine, and as a result there are 64,000 individual plate positions and a great many re-entries to be found. Indeed, there are a great many major re-entries. I consider a re-entry to be major on this particular issue if some of the letters of CANADA POSTAGE show doubling or areas in the white portrait oval above or below it do. Others exist in the lower portions, of course, but the ones showing doubling in the lettering are especially appealing. The stamps are not presented in any strict order here, so there are also some majors to found on the third page, along with the more usual doubled numeral box lines. I have not provided detailed descriptions in most cases, as they are usually quite obvious. If you have any questions about any, please feel free to email me and ask. I also welcome 1200dpi scans of major and strong re-entries you may have that are not shown here.
*1 |
Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Misplaced Entry 1 Plate Position 140LL31 (From the Hans Reiche collection) This stamp was recorded by Marler as being on the proof sheet (p.274 #16, Figure II.80). Sorry I don't have a scan of the full stamp to show here. I photographed this stamp back in the early 90's with my 35mm close-up equipment which was not suited for full-stamp photography. Note: July 2014 - Full stamp scan provided by Leo Beaudet. Thanks Leo! I finally found a copy myself, though not nearly as nice as Leo's, but it's down below the close-ups.
^ From the Leopold Beaudet Collection ^ ^ From the Hans Reiche Collection ^ ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*2a |
Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Misplaced Entry #2a Plate Position 140LL80 This is a lovely example of a dropped roll, wherein the transfer roll was dropped or placed down on the plate, impressing a narrow band of detail across the design. We can see sharp evidence of this here in the white portrait oval to the right of the left two largest maple leaves, and also in the white oval to the left of the two largest maple leaves on the right. This is the other stamp found on the proof sheet by Marler (stamp #17, page 274, Fig. II.81) that is extremely similar to the one shown below. This is the stronger one of the two. Courtesy of Gaétan Gagnon This is Number 1 on my Want List!
Bill Burden has just reported another copy! WOW!!!
^ Courtesy of Gaétan Gagnon ^ ^ Courtesy of W.G. (Bill) Burden ^ |
*2b |
Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Misplaced Entry #2b Plate Position 140UR7 This is another lovely example of a dropped roll, wherein the transfer roll was dropped or placed down on the plate, impressing a narrow band of detail across the design. We can see sharp evidence of this here in the white portrait oval to the right of the left two largest maple leaves, and lesser so in the white oval to the left of the two largest maple leaves on the right. This stamp was found on the proof sheet by Marler (stamp #15, page 274), along with an extremely similar one in pp140LL80 (stamp #17, page 274, Fig. II.81). Courtesy of Ralph Keir
Courtesy of Ralph Keir, BC. Courtesy of Ralph Keir, BC |
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Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Misplaced Entry #3 Plate Position 157UR92 The plate position of this stamp has been confirmed by Leopold Beaudet during n examination of the proof sheet in Ottawa. The position also explains the straight edge along the bottom. My thanks to Leo Beaudet.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^
^ From the Hans Reiche Collection ^ ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*4 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 4 Plate Position 137LL77 This is a beautiful major re-entry showing heavy doubling in and above the 'AN' of CANADA, as well as the 'AG'of POSTAGE.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*5 |
Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 5 Plate Position 106LL99 (Marler p.266, Fig. II.64) (From the Hans Reiche collection) This is a significant shift showing in and above the ‘AN’ of CANADA, as well as out into the left margin.
From the Hans Reiche collection ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ (May possibly be the same plate position as the close-up above, although I do see a couple of tiny differences.) |
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Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 6 Plate Position Unknown (From the Hans Reiche collection) This one is very similar to the one above, but even stronger.
From the Hans Reiche collection |
*7 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 7 There is a sharp re-entry in 'CAN' and 'AGE.'
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ ^ From the Hans Reiche Collection ^ |
*8 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Misplaced Entry 8 This one has numerous markings throughout the design, indicative of a misplaced entry. Note the marks in both numeral boxes, significant marks in TWO CENTS, the lower left portrait oval, and in and above 'CA', and below the 'C' in the white oval.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*9 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 9 This is a very 'messy' looking re-entry, with multiple markings in and around most of CANADA.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*10 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 10 A clear re-entry in and below 'ANA' and in 'AG', plus an extension of the top line of the upper left spandrel into the white frame.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*11 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 11 Lovely strong doubling in 'CAN' and 'AGE.'
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*12 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 12 Another strong re-entry in and above 'CA' and in and below 'GE.'
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*13 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 13 This is a nice example of a counterclockwise twisted re-entry, showing the LR corner of the frame out in the margin, the bottom frameline angled downwards with marks in some of TWO CENTS, and lines inside and outside the portrait oval at the low right side, as well as extended spandrel lines inside the margin at the lower to mid-right.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*14 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 14 Note the doubling in the 'G' and inside the right frameline above it, as well as the extension of the upper right horizontal spandrel line into the white vertical spandrel space. The red mark in the lower right bottom margin is doubling of the bottom corner frameline, which is clearer in the second copy..
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*15 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 15 Interesting doubling in the 'CA' and 'GE.'
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*16 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 16 Marks in the 'CA' and 'GE.'.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*17 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 17 Plate Position 138UR55 Doubling in 'CAN' and 'GE.'
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*18 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 18 This is a clockwise twist showing strong doubling of the left side of the upper frameline, the upper white portrait oval above 'NAD' And the top curve of the lower left '2'.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*19 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 19 This one shows a counterclockwise twist with doubling of the top right half of the upper frameline and top outer left frameline, with multiple markings in 'POSTAGE', the upper left of the portrait, and the right side of the lower left '2'. Three copies are shown here.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*20 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Strong Re-entry 20 A heavy line in 'A' is the main identifier of this re-entry. The top frameline also looks to be thickened.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*21 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 21 Interesting doubling in and above 'AN' and marks in the left margin that may or may not be part of the doubling.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*22 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 22 Plate Position 62UL42 This shows a nice re-entry in much of CANADA POSTAGE.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*23 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 23 Plate Pos‘n: 106LR92 Courtesy of Randy Van Someren As you can see to the right, I have found a copy of this one myself. Randy's close-up is below.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Courtesy of Randy Van Someren |
*24 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 24 Markings in and below 'AN.'
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*25 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 25 Plate Position 91UL66 Another one with doubling in 'ANA.'
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*26 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 26 Plate Position 14LL32 Doubling in and below 'GE.'
*27 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 27 This is an extremely delightful major re-entry, showing strong doubling on the entire left side of the design. The upper left crown and all of the horizontal spandrel lines are doubled, as are the lower left '2' and the maple leaves above it. This is the result of a clockwise twist of the transfer roll. Interestingly, none of the lettering appears to be affected! There is also a characteristic break in the outer vertical line of the right numeral box.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*28 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 28 This is another example of doulbing in and below the 'C' of CANADA.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*29 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Major Re-entry 29 Another example of doulbing in and below the 'C' of CANADA.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*30 | Scott #106 2¢ Admiral Re-entry 30 There are interesting marks in and below the 'AN' of CANADA.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
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Ralph E. Trimble Specialist
in BNA Re-entries |