Issue 2              Michael D. Smith             May 25, 2004

Copyright © 2004 Michael D. Smith

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Minor Double Transfer 1-3


This double transfer is over shadowed by the Major Double Transfer 1-4 (see Issue 1) that is beside it and can easily be over looked. There is doubling of the upper right triangle (Fig.1). Above "TAG" of postage (Fig. 2). Some of the horizontal lines at the right of the portrait extend into the portrait oval (Figs. 3-4). Doubling of the right $2 and ornamentation and shading lines associated with it (Fig.5). There are also some traces of doubling around the left $2 (Fig.6).

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

The images on this and following pages will be done with a tool I have found to be extremely useful in showing fine detail on minor re-entries. I didn’t have this tool a few years ago thus the images I am giving now were unobtainable and that is why there was a delay in working on this issue. I am using a Mattel, Inc. IntelPlay digital microscope hooked up to my computer and set at 60X to acquire these images. Most if not all of the details being reported can be seen with a 15X magnifier. The images show portions of the stamps and there is other detail that is not included in the images. These images give you a good idea of what to look for on each stamp. You may also note doubling in the images that may not be described. My description are based on what I see with a 15X magnifier and the IntelPlay microscope may show better detail than I see with the magnifier. At any rate I hope this helps in making identification of the minor re-entries in this issue possible. HAPPY HUNTING!

Fig. 3 Fig. 4


Fig. 5 Fig. 6


Minor Double Transfer 2-3


Minor double transfer 2-3 has minor doubling of the upper right triangle (Fig. 7). Doubling of the outer portrait oval above the letters "UNITED" and into the horizontal lines (Fig. 8). Some doubling of the ornamentation above the left $2 (Fig. 9). light doubling of the inner portrait oval below "UNITED" in the portrait shading lines (Fig. 10).

Fig, 7 Fig.8


Fig. 9 Fig.10



Strong Double Transfer 2-4


This stamp is the one illustrated in various stamp publications as the "Minor Re-entry," but it is actually a rather strong double transfer. Note the horizontal lines in the top of the outer portrait oval above "STATES" (Fig. 11). Faint traces of two lines in the bottom margin (Figs. 12-14). Doubling in the top of the letters "ST" of POSTAGE (Fig. 15). Doubling in the "S" of DOLLARS (Fig. 16).

Fig. 11 Fig.12


Fig. 13 Fig.14


Fig. 15 Fig.16


Minor Double Transfer 3-3


Faint doubling of the upper right triangle (Fig. 17). Doubling of the outer portrait oval above the letters "AGE" of POSTAGE (Fig. 18). Slight doubling of the shading lines of the right $2 and ornamentation above (Figs. 19-20).

Fig. 17 Fig. 18


Fig. 19 Fig. 20


Strong Double Transfer 3-4



Faint horizontal lines in the top of the outer portrait oval above "STATES" (Figs. 21-22). A faint single line below the stamp design in the bottom margin (Figs. 23-25).

Fig. 21 Fig. 22


Fig.23 Fig.24





Double Transfer 4-3


Doubling at the very bottom of the upper right triangle (Fig. 26). Doubling in the right $2 (Fig. 27). Doubling of letters "RS" of dollars and some of the horizontal lines from portrait shading extending into the inner oval (Figs. 28-29).

Fig. 26 Fig.27


Fig. 28 Fig. 29



Minor Double Transfer 4-4


Slight doubling of the upper right triangle (Fig. 30). An extra line parallel to the outer portrait oval just into the parallel lines above "POSTAGE" (Figs. 30-32). Slight doubling of the shading lines of the right $2 (Fig. 33).

Fig. 30 Fig. 31


Fig. 32 Fig.33a





Minor Double Transfer 5-3


Slight Doubling of the upper right triangle (Fig. 34). Slight doubling of the right $2, the shading lines and some of the ornamentation around it (Figs. 35-36).

Fig. 34 Fig. 35


Fig. 36



Minor Double Transfer 5-4


Doubling of the outer circle around the right $2 which is a curved line in the lower right corner of the design (Figs. 37-38).

Fig. 37 Fig. 38


Strong Double Transfer 6-3


Faint extra lines in bottom of stamp design (Figs. 39-41).

Fig. 39 Fig. 40


Fig. 41


Minor Double Transfer 6-4


Extra line in the left $ (Fig. 42). Bottom two lines of the design extended slightly to right (Fig. 43).

Fig. 42 Fig. 43


Minor Double Transfer 7-4


Slight doubling of the upper right triangle (Figs. 44-45). Doubling of the right $2 and its shading lines (Figs. 46-47).

Fig. 44 Fig. 45


Fig. 46 Fig. 47


Strong Double Transfer 8-3


Upper right triangle doubled (Figs. 48-49). Faint doubling of the outer portrait oval in the horizontal lines above the letters "STA" of POSTAGE (Fig. 50). Doubling of both $2's (Figs. 51-52). "DO" of DOLLARS (Figs. 53-54) is doubled and the "S" and "AG" of POSTAGE (Figs. 55-56).

Fig. 48 Fig. 49


Fig. 50 Fig. 51


Fig. 52 Fig. 53


Fig. 54 Fig. 55


Fig. 56



Minor Double Transfer 8-4


Doubling of the very bottom of the upper right triangle (Fig. 57).

Fig. 57


Minor Double Transfer 9-3


Doubling in the "E" of STATES (Fig. 58). Very slight doubling of the upper right triangle (Fig. 59).

Fig. 58 Fig. 59



Misplaced Entry Double Transfer 9-4


This is a prominent Misplaced Entry showing horizontal lines in the outer portrait oval above the letters "STA" (Fig. 60) and "ES P" (Fig. 61) of STATES and POSTAGE. Fainter lines above "TE" (Fig. 62) of UNITED and "OSTAG" (Fig. 63) of POSTAGE. One long line in lower margin with two shorter ones at the lower right one above and one below the long line (Figs. 64-68).

Fig. 60 Fig. 61


Fig. 62 Fig. 63


Fig. 64 Fig. 65


Fig. 66 Fig. 67


Fig. 68




Note that a great deal needs to be learned about these stamps. Some of the stamps illustrated may prove to be nothing more than kiss prints (doubling or transfer of ink from a printed portion of the design by the next sheet printed falling on wet ink of the previous sheet and causing a transfer of ink to an uninked area on the sheet it falls on). I have not seen any evidence of ink on the backs of any of the sheets I have examined to support this happening but it is a possibility. Many of the stamps do show signs of ink being smeared or pulled during the printing process. The "E" on stamp 9-3 may not be a constant variety but there still seems to be enough doubling to call it a double transfer (I have only seen one copy of this sheet). The plate positions need to be determined. Of course there is always the chance that other double transfers could exist. Any new information on this issue would be welcome.

The following sheet numbers were found alternating in philatelic stock: #1 with #2, #3 with #4, and #5 with #6. There was only one printing of these souvenir sheets so the double transfers occurred throughout the run. From the printing of twenty million sheets there were 104,000 of each sheet. I do not have the figures on how many were sold and how many were destroyed after they were withdrawn from sale.

I hope that collectors will find the information presented here beneficial in finding and identifying the double transfers found on this issue. The BEP has given us a modern stamp that reflects the old printing process well. This brings a new challenge to us and a chance to make a specialized collection using a good magnifying glass and browsing dealers stock. Good Luck and Good Hunting.



Wayne L. Youngblood, Scott Stamp Monthly, Vol. 13, No. 8, June 1995. Pgs. 4-5.

Wayne L. Youngblood, Linnís Stamp News, Vol. 68, Issue 33467, April 17, 1995, Pg. 1.


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