The 10¢ on 1¢ Numeral

Foreign Misplaced Entry

(Double Denomination)

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This marvelous example of a siderographer’s mistake first came to my attention back in 1985. Over the years, it was mentioned in numerous articles in the literature (mainly BNA TOPICS) and was the subject of several articles by me in the newsletters of the Canadian Re-entry Study Group of BNAPS.

To read three of these articles, reprinted here without photos (see them below), click HERE.

This stamp was finally identified for its true self and plated by me in August of 1990, during a visit to the Postal Archives in Ottawa. It is exceedingly rare.

BREAKING NEWS: May 2003 ... A pair is discovered with BOTH stamps showing a 10¢ on 1¢ foreign entry!

Scroll to the bottom, or click HERE for details.



Scott #75

10¢ on 1¢ Numeral

Foreign Entry

Plate Position 1R82

Showing centre and right detail.

Photo is from the Proof sheet in the Archives in Ottawa, taken in August of 1990 by me.



Showing left detail and part of the centre detail.

Photo is from the Proof sheet in the Archives in Ottawa, taken in August of 1990 by me.


Photo is of an issued stamp showing the right detail and centre detail.


Photo is of an issued stamp showing left detail and part of the centre detail.


Detail on the left is missing here, probably due to wear of the plate.


Detail on the right and centre are almost gone, as the plate continued to wear.


NOTE: This has since been determined to be from a different plate position than 1R82, as the line through the necklace is LOWER then on 1R82.


**See the note below for more information.





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Click HERE to see a newly discovered pair, BOTH with a 10¢ on 1¢ Foreign Entry!!!

(More information has been added on this incredible discovery!)

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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]