
(Post 1954)



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Here are some of our more ‘modern’ re-entries. A surprise to everyone is the beautiful re-entry to be found on a booklet stamp of the Caricature Issue of 1972-1976. It is found on the 6¢ Pearson stamp in Booklet #74 (pane #586a). Indeed, there even appear to be two different plate positions of this re-entry.


Scott #BK74

6¢ Pearson

The entire word POSTAGE is sharply doubled. It is slightly twisted and the degree of doubling increases from left to right.



And here’s a close-up.





(For information on purchasing this Caricature re-entry, click HERE.) 













The lower photo here appears to be a second, different plate position than the top photo.


The following information was submitted by Leopold Beaudet on the above booklet.


6c Pearson

The booklet was printed by BABN on its Goebel web-fed press. The way the booklets are manufactured, if you got a sequence of booklets from a vending machine or a package of booklets with the 10 pictorial covers from the Philatelic Service, the panes in the booklets would represent the sequence in which the panes were laid out on the printing cylinder. I discussed this in detail in the article in Robin Harris' Centennial Catalogue. The article dealt with Centennial booklets printed by BABN, but it also applies to the Caricature booklets.

If you found an undisturbed sequence of the Caricature booklets, and one of them showed the re-entry, they would ALL show the re-entry. In other words, every booklet around the circumference of the cylinder at one particular position along the axis has a re-entry. There are 18 booklets around the circumference so 18 different booklet panes have re-entries! Possibly more if panes at other positions along the axis of the printing cylinder also have re-entries.

I believe the booklets with re-entries showed up fairly late in the life of these booklets. Don't know if BABN re-entered an existing cylinder or manufactured a new one and encountered problems rocking the 6c Pearson transfer roll.








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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries

[email protected]