Re-entries 14

Scott #63 $3 Yellow Bistre

Printed from one plate of 50 (5 X 10) - Plate 24

Pages: ½¢ / / / / / / / 10¢ / 15¢ / 20¢ / 50¢ / $1 / $2 / $3 / $4 / $5

My thanks to Tony Maresch of R. Maresch & Son for kindly providing me with a scan of his full plate proof sheet of 50 of this stamp.

I was able to locate the first known re-entry (#1 below), along with several others that have heretofore not been reported.


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Scott #63

Three Dollars Bistre

Major Re-entry

Plate Position #19 on sheet of 50

A very sharp re-entry is found on the $3 Jubilee, surprisingly unreported all these years. Very clear markings are seen in POSTA, as well as a mark in the left slant of the large central 'V.'

I discovered both the $5 & $3 Jubilee re-entries in a U.S. dealer's stock at a show here in Toronto. I couldn't afford to purchase them, but I DID point out the re-entries to the dealer so he would know what he had. He has since submitted them to The Greene Foundation for certificates.

It's surprising to see that such re-entries, particularly the clear one on the $3, have gone unreported for so long.

Recently (towards the middle of 2007) Mike Smith reported finding a copy of this re-entry, confirming it as constant.

Near the end of 2007, Bruce Craw of Bow City Philatelics sent me scans of this beautiful re-entry on a plate proof! Scroll down past the first set of photos to see the clarity of the proof.

Courtesy of Bow City Philatelics

Proof owned by Brian Skinner















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^ Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son ^

^ The discovery copy, above. ^

Courtesy of Bruce Craw, Bow City Philatelics; proof owned by Brian Skinner

Courtesy of Bruce Craw, Bow City Philatelics; proof owned by Brian Skinner


Scott #63

Three Dollars Bistre

Major Re-entry

Plate Position #13

A very interesting re-entry is found on this stamp, with a heavy mark in the 'O' of POSTAGE, a slash in the 'S' and a heavy mark crossing the portrait oval below it. There are also fainter markings in the top of the 'P.' Finally, a slash is seen in the final 'A' of CANADA.

Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son

A used copy is found below the proof in a lower resolution, so I cannot show it any larger, but this confirms constancy.

Courtesy of Saskatoon Stamp Centre




















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^ Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son ^

^ Courtesy of Saskatoon Stamp Centre ^


Scott #63

Three Dollars Bistre


Plate Position #27

A very subtle re-entry is seen on pp27 in the 'POS' of POSTAGE, which is similar to the 20¢ Jubilee re-entry from position 37 (my #3), though not as pronounced.

Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son











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^ Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son ^


Scott #63

Three Dollars Bistre


Plate Position #50

Another re-entry was located in position 50, showing marks in much of POSTAGE.

Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son












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^ Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son ^


Scott #63

Three Dollars Bistre


Plate Position #35

A subtle re-entry was found in the 'A' of POSTAGE, as well as left-centre of the crown.

Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son












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^ Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son ^


Scott #63

Three Dollars Bistre

Possible Re-entry

Plate Position #20

A possible re-entry shows two marks in the 'G' of POSTAGE, which may or may not be the result of re-entry to the plate.

Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son











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^ Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son ^













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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]