
Three Cents

Half Cent / One Cent / Two Cents / Five Cents

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Scott #78

Three Cents Carmine

The Major Re-entry

Plate Position Unknown

The major re-entry on the 3¢ is actually quite striking. The lower third of the design is sharply doubled, showing in and below all the letters of THREE CENTS, the inner and outer bottom framelines, and strongly in both 3's.





^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #78

Three Cents Carmine

A Major Re-entry

This is the second strongest re-entry I have found on the 3¢ Numeral. It could easily be confused with THE major.




^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #78

Three Cents Carmine

A Major Re-entry

This is a major re-entry of the upper portion of the design, showing mainly in most of the letters of CANADA POSTAGE.



^ From the RETrimble Collection ^




Scott #88

Two Cents on Three Cents Carmine

A Major Re-entry

This is the strongest re-entry I have found to date on this overprinted 3¢. It is somewhat similar to the Major, but the doubling is confined to the lower portion of the design.

It is found on the lower left stamp in this lovely block of 4.


^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #88

Two Cents on Three Cents Carmine

A Major Re-entry

This is another strong re-entry I have found on this overprinted 3¢.

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^




















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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]