

I have only a tiny handful of re-entries from Brazil so far. 1200dpi scans of any others would be appreciated!

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Scott # C73A

Souvenir Sheet 1945-48

Major Re-entry

This little souvenir sheet shows a major re-entry of the $ 0.40 Cr stamp in the centre. Note the strong upward doubling of 'BRASIL CORRE' along with the vertical 'stretching' of lines at the bottom of the design.

Interestingly, I have a scan of a similar piece I saw on eBay several years ago which appears to have an identical re-entry on this same stamp, but also shows a slight re-entry of the $ 0.20 Cr green stamp on the left. (See small scan below)






























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

^ From a sheet seen on eBay ^


Scott # C60

Air Post  1944

1,20 cr  Carmine

Major Re-entry

This sharp re-entry shows doubling in virtually all of the lettering at the top of the design, along with the top of the frameline.


























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott # C60

Air Post  1944

1,20 cr  Carmine

Major Re-entry

This re-entry is almost identical to the one above, but the shift does not appear as large. On this stamp, the bottom frameline also appears to be doubled.





























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott # C60

Air Post  1944

1,20 cr  Carmine

Major Re-entry

This re-entry is extremely similar to bot of the above stamps, with doubling of all of the upper lettering, but here the upper and/or lower framelines do not exhibit any doubling.




























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott # C60

Air Post  1944

1,20 cr  Carmine


This re-entry is much different from the above three, although the bottom frameline is strongly doubled. Here, the main area of doubling is found on the lady on the left of the design, including her face, the lines on her dress, and even the chair leg in front of her. There are also signs of doubling of parts of the two figures to the right of the above lady, especially their faces.




























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott # C60

Air Post  1948

1,20 cr Blue

Misplaced Imprint

This stamp shows a misplaced entry along the bottom of the design, showing that the imprint was added to the stamps one at a time, instead of being present on the transfer roll. Note the 3 close-ups, showing significant misplacement.










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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #



Scott #




Scott #




Scott #



Scott #



Scott #



*13 Scott #


*14 Scott #


*15 Scott #


*16 Scott #


*17 Scott #


*18 Scott #


*19 Scott #


*20 Scott #


*21 Scott #


*22 Scott #


*23 Scott #


*24 Scott #


*25 Scott #



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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]