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Scott #78 1883

One Pound Green

The Major Re-entry


Very strong doubling is seen in the lower portion of the design, especially in the lower right corner and numeral circle.

I have added a lovely strip of 3 with the major re-entry in the middle.

From the RETrimble Collection

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

The scan above shows the misalignment of the major position in comparison to its neighbours.

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #78 1883

One Pound Green

Major Re-entry


This major is the opposite of the one above, with the doubling now in the upper area, including QUEENSLAND and the numeral circles.


Scott #82 1886

Ten Shilling Brown

Major Re-entry

This stamp shows sharp doubling of the lower fifth of the design, in both value circles and the surrounding framelines.


Scott #


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*13 Scott #
*14 Scott #
*15 Scott #
*16 Scott #
*17 Scott #
*18 Scott #
*19 Scott #
*20 Scott #
*21 Scott #
*22 Scott #
*23 Scott #
*24 Scott #
*25 Scott #


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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]