Australia has issued some lovely re-entries over the years. The best source I have found so far for listings of these is THE AUSTRALIAN COMMONWEALTH SPECIALISTS' CATALOGUE, published by The Hawthorn Press, Melbourne. Here are some that I have found so far.

Note that I am using the British way of listing plate positions here. Unlike most U.S. and Canadian stamps, which were generally issued in sheets or panes of 100 (10 X 10), Commonwealth countries with their Sterling currency system, issued stamps in sheets or panes which do not lend themselves easily to visual plate positions as ours based on ten rows of ten. Instead, their stamps could be in sheets or panes of 40 (8 rows of 5), 80 (8 rows of 10), 120 (10 rows of 12, or 12 rows of 10), or 240 (24 rows of 10), or what have you. Therefore, they generally identify plate position by row, followed by the position in the row (column). For example, the first Swan Neck re-entry seen below is identified as P2 R7/4. That is, Plate 2, Row 7, Stamp Number 4 in that row. Here in Canada, we would identify the same stamp as plate position #64. Yes, it does take a little getting used to.

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Scott #103 1929

1 1/2d

Dropped Roll Re-entry

The ‘Swan’ Re-entry

Plate 2 Row 7 #4 Major (R7/4)

Plate 6 Row 8 #4 Strong (R8/4)

on a sheet of 80 (8 X 10)

These stamps exhibit doubling of a narrow band down the centre of the design, including 'TR,' 'WE' and the neck of the swan, indicating that the transfer roll may have been dropped on the plate.

These two re-entries are obviously very similar and could easily be mistaken for each other.

The plates were printed in sheets of 80, 8 rows of 10. The lesser of the two, Plate 6, R8/4, is in the bottom row and can be found with selvedge attached along the bottom.

These often show up on eBay, and indeed I recently acquired a Registered cover there containing a pair of these with the Major Re-entry on the left stamp (added below close-ups).

These are listed and illustrated in The Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue as numbers S3d & S3e, respectively.



Pl.2 R7/4 Pl.6 R8/4

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Plate 2 Row 7 #4 Major (R7/4) Upper left corner stamp in block

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ Plate 6 Row 8 #4 Strong (R8/4) Lower left corner stamp in block



Scott #306

3 1/2d Christmas 1957

Sheet A, Row 10, No. 1 (R10/1)

on a sheet 10 X 8

This re-entry appears to be another dropped transfer roll, with a band of doubling through the near-middle of the design. Doubling is evident in the star at the top, in 'RISTMAS' and 'RALI.'

Note that due to its position on the plate, this re-entry is very often found with selvedge on the left side and bottom., ideally in a block of four.



Scott #267

3 1/2d Royal Visit 1954

Sheet C, Row 8, No. 2 (R8/2)

on a sheet 8 X 10

This re-entry is similar to the above in that it too is a dropped roll variety, with a band of doubling through 'ROYAL VISIT,' '3 1/2D' and 'A.'












Scott #258   1953-54

3 1/2d Definitive

There is sharp doubling of the outer left frame and the 3 1/2.





Scott #314

1d Definitive 1969-64

There is a slight re-entry in the bottom right corner.










Scott #C2 1931

6d Kingsford Smith’s World Flights

Major Re-entry

Position Row 5 No. 5

on a sheet of 8 X 10

This stamp exhibits yet another dropped roll, with doubling of a narrow band down the left-centre of the design, including 'ST' in AUSTRALIA, ‘FO’ in KINGSFORD, and ‘LD’ of WORLD.



Scott #C3 & #O11 (Ovpt OS)

6d Air Mail Service 1931


Position Row 8, No. 3

in a sheet of 40 (8 X 5)

This re-entry is rather subtle. It is identified by the horizontal liness through the tops of 'TR' and the curved 'hooks' in 'L' & 'I.' There is also a diagonal line to the right of the left leg of of the 'A.'

This sheet was printed in 8 rows of 5 and is also found overprinted OS. While The Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue does not give a plate position, it is evident from my strip of 3 with the re-entry above the Imprint that it is from Row 8 No. 3.

Note: In the close-up, the mark visible in the bottom of the 'T' is NOT part of the re-entry; it is a mark on this particular copy. My other two copies do not have this mark.



Scott #O11

Scott #C3



Scott #238A

6 1/2d Definitive 1951-52


Position Row 10, No. 4 (R10/4)

on a sheet of 8 X 10

This re-entry shows doubling of the lower left corner framelines and most of AUSTRALIA.

The same re-entry can also be found on the brown version of this stamp, S.G. #250



Scott #C8  1958

2S Round the World Air Service


Position Row 7, No. 6 (R7/6)

This re-entry is found only in the final 'A' of AUSTRALIA.




Scott #339

5d Christmas Issue 1960


Sheet A, Row 10, No. 10 (R10/10)

on a sheet of 10 X 12

This re-entry is visible in the 'IA' of AUSTRALIA, the '19' of 1960, and the 'f',' 'y,' and 'E' of the text on the Bible.

The Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue lists 4 other similar re-entries on this stamp, one of which is shown below.



Scott #339

5d Christmas Issue 1960


Sheet ?, Row ?, No. ?

on a sheet of 10 X 12

This re-entry is extremely similar to the one above, but not nearly as strong in the date. Doubling is visible in the 'A' of AUSTRALIA, the '9' of 1960, and the 'f',' 'y,' and 'E' of the text on the Bible.




Scott #104  1930

1 1/2d


There is slight doubling of the bottom frameline.




Scott #316  1959-64

3 1/2d


There is doubling vertically along the left side, including the 3.






Scott #186  1940


Strong Re-entry

There is sharp doubling of the bottom of the design, including the lower lettering.









Scott #193  1942-44



There is a small re-entry showing at the left of the lower-centre tablet, in 'TAG,' and the lower right vertical frame.






Scott #194  1942-44

2 1/2d

Major Re-entry

There is sharp doubling of the entire right side, and bottom of the design.









Scott #C4  1934



There is a sharp re-entry of the left side, including the value tablet.






Scott #C4  1934



There is a nice twisted re-entry showing in the UL, LL, and LR corners.






Scott #































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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]