North Borneo



I have dozens and dozens of re-entries from North Borneo, but for now, I will add one of my recent acquisitions. MORE TO COME.


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Scott #84  1897-1900

6¢ Brown & Black

Coat of Arms

Major Re-entry

This stamp shows a marked re-entry in the upper right corner, with strong doubling in and around ‘ORTH’ and the upper right numeral circle, including the ‘6’. You can also see the upper frameline doubled down into the top of the design, including above the ‘ORT’.
Unfortunately, when I received this stamp from the eBay seller, it had a hinge on the back, very close to the top, and when I tried to peal it off, it put a nasty tear in the top of the stamp. Rather careless of me!


















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


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*13 Scott #


*14 Scott #


*15 Scott #


*16 Scott #


*17 Scott #


*18 Scott #


*19 Scott #


*20 Scott #


*21 Scott #


*22 Scott #


*23 Scott #


*24 Scott #


*25 Scott #




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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]