
Half Cent Black

This issue was printed from a single plate of 200 stamps, arranged horizontally 20 X10, which studies have shown was re-entered at least three times during its life, resulting in at least four different states. Thus, there are a great many re-entries on this stamp, most of which are minor (doubling in the corners and veins of the leaves, etc.), but some of which are extremely interesting. The original plate of 200 had an imprint located in the top centre, above stamps 10 and 11. Due to the unwieldy size of the printed sheets, it was eventually decided to start dividing the sheets into two panes of 100, each being 10 X 10, and becoming left and right panes. The original imprint was burnished from the plate and new imprints were rocked in above stamps #5 & #6 (Left Pane) and #15 & #16 (Right Pane). However, in pieces with upper selvedge still attached, examples can be found of positions 10 and 11 of later printings that still show portions of the erased imprint (see the bottom scans below for #10).

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Scott #66

Half Cent Black

Major Re-entry

Position 1R79

This is one of the four major re-entries that occurred on this stamp. There is a sharp, twisted re-entry visible in three of the four corners of the frame, lovely doubling in virtually all of the lettering, and both of the lower corner maple leaves.













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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

Here is a nice cover bearing this major re-entry - the second from the right - with a Belleville squared circle.

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^



Scott #66

Half Cent Black

Major Re-entry

Position 1L69

This is the second of the four major re-entries that occurred on this stamp. Another twisted re-entry, the main distinguishing feature is the doubling of the left and right vertical framelines. This can be seen in the inner left margin and outer right margin. Much of the lettering also shows signs of doubling.












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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^



Scott #66

Half Cent Black

Major Re-entry

Position 1L1

The third major re-entry on this issue is distinguished by the doubling of the vertical frame in the upper left corner and the heavy line in the 'A' of HALF. There is also fainter doubling of the left frameline in the lower left margin, indicating a strong twist. Other evidence is found throughout the design. Note that due to its position on the plate, this re-entry can be found with full selvedge on the left and at the top.











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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^



Scott #66

Half Cent Black

Misplaced Entry

Position 1R4

The fourth major is actually a misplaced entry, showing evidence of an upward shift above the upper left and upper right corners, and in the lower right corner frame. There are marks in many letters of CANADA and HALF, as well as in the inner and outer white portrait ovals. Note the curved bottom of the oval touching the inside of the bottom frame, below 'F  C'. The upper left leaf also has two constant plate scratches.

Below my example you will find a beautiful proof plate pair showing positions 1R3 and 1R4, with a nice close-up of the misplaced entry.

^ Courtesy of Saskatoon Stamp Centre ^











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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

^ Courtesy of Saskatoon Stamp Centre ^ Above is a beautiful proof plate pair showing positions 1R3 and 1R4, with a close-up of 1R4 directly above.


Scott #66

Half Cent Black

Re-entry 1

While this is a particularly strong and clear example, it is somewhat typical of the type of doubling found on a great many of the plate positions. The really interesting part about this particular re-entry is that the doubling is found only in the upper right corner.






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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #66

Half Cent Black

Re-entry 2

Here is another that shows mainly in the right frameline and in the lower right corner.





























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #66

Half Cent Black

Re-entry 3

This re-entry is visible in the upper left and upper right corners. Note the vertical extension of the left frame.





















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #66

Half Cent Black

Re-entry 4

This one exhibits doubling in three of the four corners; the upper right, lower right and lower left.


































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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #66

Half Cent Black

Re-entry 5

TThis one is mainly in the lower right and includes doubling in the 'E' of CENT.







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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #66

Half Cent Black

Misplaced Entry 6

Michael D. Smith brought this one to my attention. He emailed me scans of the upper stamp, and while searching my many pieces, I discovered I had it as the upper right corner stamp in a block of 9 (3 X 3). Then I looked at the stamp beneath it and found it had the same type of re-entry as well, perhaps even a little stronger than the top one.

The details are found mainly in 'ANA' of CANADA and the 'O' and 'E' of POSTAGE.

If you scroll down, you will find close-ups of these three areas from each stamp.

The markings appear to be far enough 'off' to call this a misplaced entry, rather than just a re-entry.

Thanks, Mike!





























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Below are three close-ups of the upper stamp in the above pair...

Below are three close-ups of the lower stamp in the above pair...

^ Courtesy of Michael D. Smith ^


Scott #66

Half Cent Black




Scott #66

Half Cent Black

Erased Imprint

Left Pane, Position #10

Here we see the remnants of part of the erased imprint, as described at the top of the page. This position shows the 'OTTAW' of the imprint. I am still searching for a piece from position #11 on the sheet of 200 that should show remnants of 'A - No. 1'.



















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]