KING EDWARD VII ISSUE Re-entries Five Cents Blue One Cent // Two Cents // Seven Cents // Ten Cents
Plate positions are based on a very careful study of George Marlers book, The Edward VII Issue of Canada. |
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*1 |
Scott #91 Major Misplaced Entry (The Trimble Variety) Plate Position 3R79 This incredible variety was missed by the Honourable George C. Marler when working on his book on the Edwards. It shows details of the lower left corner, including the 5, in the upper left corner and the crown. I confirmed that this misplaced entry occurred on the original plate, as it is found on the Proof sheet in the Archives in Ottawa. Interestingly, it is found directly above THE Major Re-entry. (Proof photos allowed courtesy of the Canadian Postal Archives in Ottawa.)
^ The RETrimble Collection ^
(Proof photos allowed courtesy of the Canadian Postal Archives in Ottawa.) |
*2 |
Scott #91 The Major Re-entry Plate Position 3R89 This magnificent re-entry is actually a fresh entry, as it appears on the proof sheet in Ottawa. The entire design is doubled, though particularly strong in the LR.
^ The RETrimble Collection ^
(Proof photos allowed courtesy of the Canadian Postal Archives in Ottawa.) |
*3 |
Scott #91 Misplaced Entry Plate Position 4L27 This dramatic re-entry shows a full 0.75mm shift.The most prominent feature is the doubling of the upper frameline and spandrel line above the design in the top margin, but there is also sigificant doubling visible in much of CANADA POSTAGE. It is a Marler Type 4.
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*4 |
Scott #91 The "Portcullis" Retouch (Upper) & Major Re-entry Plate Position 4L28 The Portcullis gets its name from the heavy retouching of the lines between A & P which makes it resemble the heavy iron gates of medieval times. This happened twice on the 5c Edward, here in the upper portion of the oval band, and on the stamp below in the lower portion of the oval band. Both retouches are accompanied by strong re-entries. Note that this stamp occurred right beside the misplaced entry seen above.
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*5 |
Scott #91 The "Portcullis" Retouch (Lower) & Re-entry Plate Position 3L63 Here we have retouching in the oval band similar to the stamp shown above, but here it is in the lower part of the oval between the E and C. There is also a significant counter-clockwise twist of the design, noticeable mainly in both of the 5's, below the bottom left corner and the outer lower right corner.
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
The following re-entries and retouches are mainly listed in order of their plate and position number, rather than me trying to arrange them subjectively. As I photograph more, this listing will grow, and the plate position order will likely change. |
*6 |
Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position 2R48 This is one of only two plate varieties that Marler lists on Plate 2. There are two parallel vertical lines just inside left centre and a short line outside the frame opposite the LL frame junction line.
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*7 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position 3L84 The clockwise twist of this re-entry is visible over much of the design. It is particularly noticeable on the LL vertical frame and in the right 5. It is a Marler Type 3.
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*8 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position 3L88
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*9 | Scott #91 A Major Re-entry Plate Position 3L100 The design of this stamp is completely doubled, including: the top of the frame; all of the lettering; the portrait oval and oval band; both 5s; and the lower right frame. The re-entry is so extensive that even the hair, sideburn and ear are doubled. Courtesy of Michael D. Smith
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ Courtesy of Michael D. Smith |
*10 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position 3R19
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*11 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position 3R20
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*12 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position 3R34
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*13 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position 3R35
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*14 | Scott #91 A Major Re-entry Plate Position 3R61
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*15 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position 3R74
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*16 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position 3R88
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*17 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position 4L65
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*18 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position 5R40
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*19 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position 5R65
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*20 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position 5R18
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*21 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position |
*22 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position |
*23 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position |
*24 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position (Unlisted) There are four little vertical dashes inside the frame beside leaf 4.
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*25 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position (Unlisted) There is a dotted vertical line inside the upper left frameline next to the crown. The opposite LR corner shows some thickening of the frameline. It is a Marler Type 1.
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*26 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position (Unlisted) Sharp doubling in the E of POSTAGE.
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*27 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position (Unlisted) Doubling of the bottom of the LNB and the vertical guideline in the LL is the key feature here.
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*28 | Scott #91 Re-entry Plate Position (Unlisted) There is doubling of the line below the LNB and leaf 2, as well as slight doubling of the outer vertical line of the RNB and the left vein of leaf 4.
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
*29 | Scott #91 |
*30 | Scott #91 Dropped Roll? Plate Position Unknown
^ The RETrimble Collection ^ |
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