New Brunswick



To my knowledge, New Brunswick has only one stamp that has re-entries, and that is the controversal Charles Connell stamp of 1860. Back in 1991 I had the extreme pleasure of having a full Proof sheet of 100 in my possession to examine at my leisure. It was from the Christie's 1990 sale of The American Bank Note Company Archives of British North America, held in New York in September of that year. Kasimir Bileski was the purchaser of this proof sheet, among others, and he graciously sent it to me for study before breaking it up for sale. Incredibly, I discovered 42 re-entries and one retouch on the sheet. Three of the re-entries were of Major proportions and I present details of each of them here. The strongest re-entry is truly delightful, and I was fortunate to acquire a gorgeous copy of it on card at a Maresch auction a couple of years ago.


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New Brunswick

Scott #5P

5¢ Brown

The Major Re-entry

Plate Position #60

Spectacular doubling is found overall, but particularly on the left side of the design. The doubling in the lettering on the left is magnificent, as is the ‘5’ in the lower left corner.

^ The RETrimble Collection ^


New Brunswick

Scott #5P

A Major Re-entry

Plate Position #13

Here is a lovely counter-clockwise twisted re-entry visible mainly on the left side of the stamp.

Courtesy of Kasimir Bileski 

Courtesy of Kasimir Bileski


New Brunswick

Scott #5P

A Major Re-entry

Plate Position #61

This re-entry is restricted to the upper portions of the design.

Courtesy of Kasimir Bileski

Courtesy of Kasimir Bileski

^ Courtesy of Earl Noss ^


For your records, I found re-entries on the following positions: 1, 4, 5, 8, 9,

13, 14, 15, 20, 24, 28, 30, 35, 36, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46, 47, 50, 53, 55, 56,

59, 60, 61, 64 (R), 66, 70, 74, 76, 80, 81, 83, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 97, 98.

The three in bold are Major Re-entries, while the retouch (R) is on position 64.


As time allows, I will add more photos of these re-entries.



Scott #


Scott #


Scott #


Scott #


Scott #



Scott #



Scott #



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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]